Αγγλικά (Δ' Δημοτικού) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
Unit 9: THE SCHOOL PARTY Lesson 2: Let's make some sandwiches Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

Lesson 1:

At the supermarket


Warm - up

  • Do you like parties? Do you have a birthday party? Do you go to your friends' birthday parties? Do you have parties at school at Christmas, Carnival Time or the end of the school year? What do you like eating at parties?


OK, kids. You can have your

end-of-school-year party.

Listen, read and find

The children are talking to Mrs Stathaki, their teacher.
Listen, read and find: "What do they want?"



Come to our end-

of-school year


Andrew, Nick,

Sophia and Betty:

Sophia: What shall we do, Betty?

We can go to the supermarket and buy

some things.


And we can make some



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  ....................................................................... (at the supermarket)

OK. We need some lemonade, some crisps, some peanuts, some sausages and some biscuits.

Sophia: Let's not forget the paper cups and the paper plates.

And we also need some bread, some butter, some ham, some cheese and some eggs for the sandwiches. When we finish shopping, we can go to my place and make the sandwiches.

Nick: So, what are you waiting for, guys? Hurry up!!

You've got 1 minute to find the secret word. It's one of the things that the

children want for the school party. Write the word:............................................

Then, count the letters and write down your score:......................



LESSON 1 At the supermarket

New words!

Match the pictures to the words:



a)some cheese, b) some ham, c) some lemonade, d) an egg,

e) some biscuits, f) a sandwich, g) some butter, h) some peanuts,

i) some crisps, j) some bread, k) a sausage

1) ……, 2) ……, 3) ……, 4) ……, 5) ……, 6) ……, 7) ……, 8) ……, 9) ……, 10) ……, 11) ……


Listen and sing



3Carrots and tomatoes

Chicken and meat

Yummy, yummy, yummy

For you and me


4 Oranges and apples Εικόνα

Fish and chips

Yummy, yummy, yummy

For you and me


The Food song



1Bread and butter

Ham and cheese

Yummy, yummy, yummy

For you and me

Do the hokey cokey

And turn around

That's what it's all about


2Sandwiches and lettuce

Sausages and milk

Yummy, yummy, yummy

For you and me

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Speak and write

Work in groups of four and buy things for your school party. You only have 20 € in your bag. Look at the prices and decide what you want to buy. Decide in your group and then write your list.

  Bread 1.80 €/packet   Ham 12.40 €/kilo   Peanuts 1.30 €/packet   Cheese 8.80 €/kilo  
  Eggs 3.40 €/dozen   Cola 2.80 €/bottle   Lemonade 1.90 €/bottle   Biscuits 2.00 €/packet  
  Crisps 0.80 €/bag   Sausages 6.30 €/kilo   Butter 1.70 €/packet  


Note: 1 kilo of ham=12.40 €, half a kilo of ham= 6.20 €, 250 grams of ham= 3.10 €,

1 kilo of cheese= 8.80 €, half a kilo of cheese= 4.40 €, 250 grams of cheese= 2.20 €

Read and listen to the example:

Student A: Let's make some sandwiches. We need a packet of bread. That's 1.80 €

Student B:

And some ham, too. Let's buy 250 grams. That's 3.10 €

Student C:

And 250 grams cheese. That's 2.20 €

Student D:

And a packet of butter. That's 1.70 €

Student A:

And four bags of crisps. That's 3.20 €

Student B:

So, 1.80 and 3.10 and 2.20 and 1.70 and 3.20 is 12.00 €. We've got 8 more euros. What else can we get?

Student C:

Well, let's buy some cola and some lemonade......................

Student A: OK, but don't forget! No cola, lemonade, ham or crisps for the next ten days! We must eat healthy!

Write (+ appI)

Main course

You are the owner of a healthy food restaurant. Use the food in activity 8 and write your healthy menu for the day. Read your menu out in class. Who wants to come to your restaurant?


Let's play!

Food chain: You need a small ball to play this game. Your teacher starts by saying: "For dinner today I had a-an/some........" and you have to continue by adding food that starts with the next letter of the alphabet.


Your teacher says: 'I would like a/an, some......'. Finish his/her phrase, but you must be very fast and correct! The first pupil to complete the phrase correctly wins one point for his/her team. The first team to get ten points is the winner.

LESSON 1 At the supermarket

Listen and tick

Dr Morton is speaking on a radio programme about what is good or not good for children to eat. Listen and tick the correct box:

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It's good

to eat or drink...

It's not good

to eat or drink...

bread with butter and marmalade Εικόνα    
cola Εικόνα    
cornflakes Εικόνα    
crisps Εικόνα    
eggs Εικόνα    
fast food Εικόνα    
fruit Εικόνα    
milk Εικόνα    
pop corn Εικόνα    
salad Εικόνα    
sweets Εικόνα    
yoghurt Εικόνα    

Now you can give advice to your friends!




Remember! Countable nouns

We can count these words: egg, biscuit, sausage, sandwich, apple, orange

We say: a biscuit, an egg/some biscuits, some eggs

We ask how many with these words: How many biscuits are there in the packet?

Uncountable nouns

We can't count these words: cheese, ham, lemonade, cola, bread

We say: some cheese, some cola

We ask how much with these words: How much lemonade is there in the glass?