Αγγλικά (Δ' Δημοτικού) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
Lesson 1: At the park Lesson 3: Walking in the street Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

Lesson 2:

A traffic warden visits our school

Warm up

  • Do you know any road signs? Which ones do you know? Do you watch out for cars when you are crossing the street? What does a red or a green traffic light mean?
Listen, read and find

Mr Kanellopoulos, a traffic warden is in the classroom. Listen, read and find: "What is he talking about?"

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Mrs Stathaki: Good morning, children. Today, Mr Kanellopoulos, a traffic warden, is going to talk to you about road signs and what you must know when you cross the street.
Mr Kanellopoulos: Good morning, children.
Children: Good morning, sir.

Mr Kanellopoulos:


I'm going to talk to you about road signs.

Do you know this sign?  Εικόνα

It means: "Stop your car or bus here". And this sign?  Εικόνα


It means: "You can't drive at more than fifty kilometres an hour". And what about this one?  Εικόνα

It means: " Wait. You mustn't cross the road now". And this one?  Εικόνα


It means: "Go. You can cross the road now".

Do you know this one?  Εικόνα

It means: "You can't ride your bicycle here". And this one?  Εικόνα

Children: We know this sign! It's outside our school!
Mr Kanellopoulos: What does it mean?
Children: "You can't drive your car or bus fast, children cross the road here".


You've got 1 minute to find the secret phrase. It's what Mr Kanellopoulos is

talking to the children about. Write the phrase:............................................

Then, count the letters and write down your score:...........



LESSON 2 A traffic warden visits our school

New words! (+ app.I)

Andrew, Sophia, Nick and Betty want to learn about road safety. Can you help them? Match the pictures to the words. Write the letters next to the numbers:

a) crossing, b) traffic lights, c) seat belt, d) pavement, e) pedestrian


1) ……, 2) ……, 3) ……, 4) ……, 5) ……

Now match these road signs to the phrases. Write the letters next to the numbers:

Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα
1. Απαγορεύεται η στάση και η στάθμευση 2. Προσοχή, άλλοι κίνδυνοι 3. Απαγορεύεται η αριστερή στροφή 4. Απαγορεύεται η χρήση ηχητικών σημάτων 5. Κίνδυνος λόγω διάβασης πεζών
Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα
6. Τέλος ορίου ταχύτητας 7. Προσοχή, επικίνδυνες στροφές 8. Απαγορεύεται η είσοδος σε όλα τα οχήματα 9. Απαγορεύεται η είσοδος σε πεζούς 10.Yποχρεωτική πορεία προς τα εμπρός


a. Don't turn left here   b. You can't park your car here

c. Be careful, there are pedestrians here   d. You can't drive your car into this road

e. Be careful, there is danger ahead   f. You can't walk here

g. You can drive at more than 40 kmph    h. You can't sound your horn here

i. Be careful, there are dangerous turns ahead   j. You must go straight ahead


1) ……, 2) ……, 3) ……, 4) ……, 5) ……, 6) ……, 7) ……, 8) ……, 9) ……, 10) ……


Write and speak

Work in pairs. Look at the way Mr Kanellopoulos explains the road signs to the children. Make your own rules for your friends, parents and teachers. Write your rules and report your ideas to class.

MY RULES Εικόνα Εικόνα
for my friends:    
for my parents:    
for my teacher(s):    


Listen and tick

Listen and tick the correct road sign.

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LESSON 2 A traffic warden visits our school

Let's play!

Treasure Hunt:

Play this game in two teams. One student from each team must go out of the classroom and then his/her team must hide a 'treasure' (a pen, a notebook) in the classroom. When the student comes back in, blindfold him/her, tell him/her what the treasure is and give him/her directions how to find it. Use these phrases:

Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα
Turn left Turn right Go straight ahead


When you want your friend to stop, use this phrase: Red light

When you want your friend to walk, use this phrase: Green light


Your teacher is going to time you as you guide your friend. The team to find the treasure more quickly is the winner! But be careful! You can't speak Greek! If you do, you lose!



(from http://blogs.sch.gr/dimagchi)
Remember! We can talk about rules in this way:
Εικόνα Εικόνα
You must go straight ahead You mustn't cross the road now