Αγγλικά (Δ' Δημοτικού) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
Unit 7: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Lesson 2: What do you do? Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

Lesson 1:

Helping around the house



Warm - up

  • Do you help around the house? Does your father or your brothers/sisters help, too? What kind of things do you do? What kind of things do they do?

Listen, read and find

Andrew and his family are at home. Read, listen and find out: "What is mum making?"

This text will be replaced
Mum: Andrew!!! Where are you? Can you come and help me in the kitchen?
Andrew: I'm coming, Mum, just a minute, I'm finishing a Maths exercise. I'll be right there.
Andrew: What can I do for you, Mum?

I'm making a cake and I need your help.

Can you beat the eggs?

Andrew: No problem. By the way, where's Dad?
Mum: He's in the bathroom. I think he's taking the clothes out of the washing machine.
Andrew: And where's Amy?

Your sister's in my bedroom.

She's making our bed.


Well, it seems that everybody

needs to help around this house!

You've got 1 minute to find the secret word. It's Andrew's favourite job around

the house. Write the word:.................................Then, count the letters and

write down your score:..........



LESSON 1 Helping around the house

New words!

Everybody helps with the housework in Andrew's family. These are pictures of them as they are doing housework. Match the pictures to the phrases:


a) Andrew's sweeping, b) Andrew's making the beds,

c) Dad 's watering the plants, d) Dad's washing up,

e) Andrew's setting the table, f) Mum's cooking,

g) Amy's washing the floor, h) Amy's ironing





1) ……, 2) ……, 3) ……, 4) ……, 5) ……, 6) ……, 7) ……, 8) ……


  • Do you do any of these jobs at home? How often do you do them? Are there any other jobs that you do? Which one(s)? Tell the class.


Remember! What are you doing? I am making my bed
What is Mum doing? She is cooking
Is Andrew setting the table? Yes, he is/ No, he isn't

Listen and sing

1I'm setting the table

I'm sweeping the floor

sweeping the floor

sweeping the floor

I'm setting the table

I'm sweeping the floor

I'm helping in the house







Εικόνα Εικόνα

I'm making the beds

I'm cooking dinner

cooking dinner

cooking dinner


I'm making the beds

I'm cooking dinner

I'm helping in the house

3 I'm washing the dishes, I'm washing the floor..........
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Let's play!

Pantomime: "What am I doing?"


Play the game in 2 groups. One pupil from each group comes to the board and mimes a job in the house.

The other group tries to guess the job. If they guess correctly, they win one point. At the end of the game, the group with the most points is the winner.

You can choose from the jobs in your book or you can mime another job. Can your classmates find it? To find the job, ask:



"Are you........................ -ing?". To answer, say: "Yes, I am" or "No, I'm not".

Can you think of other jobs and mime them?

LESSON 1 Helping around the house

Listen and write

Andrew, his mum, his dad and his sister are doing some jobs around the house. Listen and find out which ones. Complete the sentences:

This text will be replaced
  1. Mum is ......................................................................
  2. Andrew is ..................................................................
  3. Dad is .......................................................................
  4. Amy is ......................................................................

Read and write (+app. I)

For this task, work in groups of 4-6 students. You have got 10 minutes to look at the picture and write as many sentences as you can about what the children are doing.

The group that writes the most correct sentences is the winner.
