Αγγλικά (Δ' Δημοτικού) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
Lesson 2: A visit to the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre Unit 7: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

Lesson 3:

Animals in danger

Crosscurricular Project

Work in groups. Find information about endangered species in Greece and around the world from books, magazines or websites. Make a leaflet with information and organize an "Environmental Day" at school. Present your information to other pupils and hand out your leaflet. Choose an animal and surf these sites:


  • www.wwf.gr, the website of World Wildlife Fund, an organization for the protection of wild life.
  • www.archelon.gr, www.medasset.gr, www.euroturtle.org, the websites of Archelon, Medasset and Euroturtle, foundations for the protection of the sea turtle.
  • www.mom.gr, the website of Mom, the Hellenic Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal.
  • www.arcturos.gr, the website of Arcturos, a Greek non-governmental organization for the protection of bioversity and sustainable development.

Try to include this information in your leaflet, about each animal:

  • How many animals are there today?
  • What are the dangers for this animal?
  • How can we help?
  • What can/must we do to help?
    (You can write a DO-DON'T list)
  • Where does this animal live?
  • What does it look like?
  • What does it eat?
  • Does it lay eggs? Does it have babies?
    How many? How often?


You can visit a rescue centre or ask people from a non-governmental organization to visit your school and talk to you about endangered animals in Greece.








Do you like stories with animals? There are beautiful traditional stories with animals for young children. Can you find and read a story in class? Look at the titles of some stories:

  • Town Mouse and Country Mouse
  • The Sly Fox and the little Red Hen
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • The Ugly Duckling
  • Three Little Pigs
  • Red Riding Hood
  • The Ugly Duckling
  • Peter and the Wolf







Μπορείς να πας στο glossary και να συμπληρώσεις τις σημασίες των καινούργιων λέξεων στα Ελληνικά και στο grammar corner για να δεις τη γραμματική αυτού του κεφαλαίου.

LESSON 3 Animals in danger

Self-Assessment test

1  Match the pictures to the words:

a) iguana, b) bird, c) dog, d) tortoise, e) goldfish, f) sheep, g) cat



  1)……, 2)……, 3)……, 4)……, 5)……, 6)……, 7)……

Points:       / 7


2  Finish these phrases and talk about what these animals do. Look at the example e.g. a dog

barks/wiggles its tail/eats bones

1. A bird . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. A cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. An iguana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. A goldfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Points:        / 8



3  Answer these questions. Tick the correct box:

    Yes, it does No, it doesn't
1. Does a cat eat fish?    
2. Does a goldfish climb trees?    
3. Does an iguana swim in a bowl?    
4. Does a tortoise walk slowly?    
5. Does a bird sing in a cage?    
6. Does a cow make water?    
7. Does a duck swim in the sea?    
8. Does a dog wiggle its tail?    
9. Does a sheep eat grass?    


Points:        / 9




Self-Assessment test

4  Look at the information about the brown bear and fill in the blanks. It is what a member of Arcturos is telling Andrew and his friends:


Στην Ελλάδα η καφέ αρκούδα απειλείται με εξαφάνιση. Η μείωση του πληθυσμού (έχουν απομείνει περίπου 180 αρκούδες) και η καταστροφή του δασικού βιότοπου, δηλαδή του φυσικού χώρου που είναι απαραίτητος για την επιβίωσή της οφείλεται στους ανθρώπους, γιατί η αρκούδα δεν έχει φυσικούς εχθρούς. Η καφέ αρκούδα ζει στις πιο απόμερες περιοχές της Πίνδου και της Ροδόπης. Έχει μήκος έως 2 μέτρα και ζυγίζει έως 250 κιλά, ανάλογα με το φύλο και την εποχή του έτους. Είναι κυρίως χορτοφάγο ζώο αλλά μπορεί να φάει μυρμήγκια, ψάρια και μικρά ζώα. Η θηλυκή αρκούδα γεννά το χειμώνα (από Γενάρη μέχρι Μάρτη) κάθε δύο ή τρία χρόνια, από ένα έως δύο και σπανιότερα τρία μικρά. Τα νεογέννητα αρκουδάκια είναι τυφλά και γυμνά και ζυγίζουν μόλις 200 - 300 γραμμάρια. Εάν η μητέρα τους σκοτωθεί σ' αυτό το στάδιο της ζωής τους, πεθαίνουν σε διάστημα 15 - 20 λεπτών.

(simplified and abridged from www.arcturos.gr )


Use: fifty, see, mountains, grass, fish, eighty, animals, three

The Greek brown bear is an endangered species. It lives on the (1).....................of Pindos and Rodopi. It can be up to two metres long and two hundred and (2).....................kilos. It generally eats (3)....................., but it also eats ants, (4)....................and small (5).....................It has one or two babies (cubs) every two or three years. Baby cubs can't (6)...................and they weigh two or (7)................... hundred grams. There are only one hundred and (8).......................brown bears in Greece today.

Points:       / 16


Total:       / 40








Εικόνα I can use the words for different pets, animals on farms or endangered animals
Εικόνα I can describe animals
Εικόνα I can talk about what animals do, where they live or what they eat