Unit 1: Welcome
In Unit 1 you will:
- a teenager's presentation of THINK TEEN
- signs
- a class survey
- a teenager's presentation of THINK TEEN
- English words in Greek dialogues
- you and your partner (name, surname, country)
- the colours in a painting
- your favourites
WRITE- you and your partner (name, surname, country)
- classroom language cards
- the results of a class survey on favourites
Keywords: name, surname, country, wh-questions
Unit 2: All about us
In Unit 2 you will:
READ- teenagers' profiles
- an extract from a novel for teenagers
- teenagers' texts about their favourite possessions
- a student's e-mail about her neighbourhood
- signs and notices
LISTEN TO- descriptions of collections
- a student's description of her neighbourhood
TALK ABOUT- yourself, your family and friends
- your room
- the room in a painting
- things you have got in your bag
- your ideal neighbourhood
- differences in drawings of neighbourhoods
WRITE- your profile for the e-notice board
- a text about your favourite possession
- an e-mail about your neighbourhood
Keywords: countries, nationalities, foreign languages, sports, activities, family members, school subjects, personal information, possessions, room, places, buildings, to be, have got, present simple, order of adjectives, there is, there are, some, any, prepositions of place
Unit 3: Day in day out
In Unit 3 you will:
READ- an advertisement for an e-project
- a teenager's project about his daily routine
- a quiz on Australia
- an article about an Australian girl's daily routine
- an interview with a chef
LISTEN TO- an online conversation about teenagers' leisure activities
- an interview with a chef
TALK ABOUT- your daily routine
- school subjects, sports & leisure activities you like or don't like
INTERVIEWWRITE- a presentation of your school day
- a presentation of what you and your friend like and/or dislike.
- descriptions of jobs
Keywords: daily routine, leisure activities, likes, dislikes, job, sports, present simple, adverbs of frequency, like, love, enjoy, hate, ing, wh-questions
Unit 4: Ecofriendly
In Unit 4 you will:
- a zoo map & a guide book page
- signs / notices
- a quiz on animal facts
- encyclopedia entries about animals
- a poster about recycling
LISTEN TO- a zoo keeper talking about his day at work
- a radio programme about the environment
TALK ABOUT- rules for children with pets
- animals, their habits & abilities
- the environment and how to protect it
WRITE- facts about animals in danger
- an e-mail about how to protect the environment
- a mini zoo guide book
- a leaflet about recycling
Keywords: zoo, animals, habits, abilities, height, weight, opinion adjectives, recycling, green issues, imperative form, if-sentences, can, can't, must, mustn't
Unit 5: Teens In Action
In Unit 5 you will:
READ- school notices
- teenagers' e-mails about their news
- a holiday brochure
- a postcard from England
LISTEN TO- a telephone conversation about a weekend at a holiday camp
- a song about learning English
TALK ABOUT- what is happening around you in class at the moment
- photos of teenagers doing sports
- your learning habits
WRITE- a diary entry
- a photo diary
- a postcard to a friend or relative
Keywords: musical instruments, play, unusual sports, present continuous, present simple
Unit 6: Bits and pieces
In Unit 6 you will:
READ- a quiz about healthy eating habits
- a web survey on school uniforms
- a project on water facts
- a UK map & information table
LISTEN TO- a radio quiz programme about geography
TALK ABOUT- your eating habits
- what there is in your shopping bag
- your opinion about school uniforms
- ideal clothes and accessories for school
WRITE- a leaflet about healthy eating habits
- a short article about the UK
Keywords: food, snacks, clothes, accessories, geographical words, large numbers, countable nouns, uncountable nouns, plural nouns, comparative, superlative, the definite article, zero article
Unit 7: In our mind's eye
In Unit 7 you will:
READ- an article on the Braille system
- an article on a space mission
- interviews with two authors
LISTEN TO- a student talking about two famous people
- a space news programme
TALK ABOUT- famous people of the past
- an imaginary mission into space
- important moments in your life
WRITE- your name & secret messages in Braille
- an article about your space mission
- sentences about important moments in your life on a life line
Keywords: punctuation marks, disabilities, space, planets, past simple, to be, regular verbs, irregular verbs
Unit 8: Tomorrow and beyond
In Unit 8 you will:
READ- information on tickets
- a teenager's diary entry
- an article about life in the future
- an online poll about horoscopes
LISTEN TO- a telephone conversation about a trip
- a radio teenage programme
- teenagers talking about their birthdays and signs
TALK ABOUT- your fixed plans
- your future intentions
- suitable jobs for your e-friends
- what your friend's horoscope says
WRITE- a diary entry
- a magazine horoscope for a celebrity
Keywords: travelling, life, future, star signs, ordinal numbers, present continuous, be going to, simple future
Unit 9: It's a masterpiece (review)
In Unit 9 you will:
- Your partner's short story
- Online recorded information about paintings in an e-gallery
- a short story connected to a painting
Keywords: review, paintings, e-gallery