Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι η μηδενική χρέωση μέσω κινητής τηλεφωνίας ισχύει για τις ιστοσελίδες που αναφέρονται στο
(δελτίο τύπου του ΥΠΑΙΘ), όπου περιλαμβάνονται τα Διαδραστικά Σχολικά Βιβλία ( e-books.edu.gr ), η κεντρική πύλη αναζήτησης ΦΩΤΟΔΕΝΤΡΟ ( photodentro.edu.gr ) και όλα τα Αποθετήρια Εκπαιδευτικών Πόρων Φωτόδεντρο ( photodentro.edu.gr/lor , photodentro.edu.gr/video , photodentro.edu.gr/edusoft , photodentro.edu.gr/ugc , photodentro.edu.gr/oep , photodentro.edu.gr/i-create ).
Η προβολή περιεχομένου που φιλοξενείται σε εξωτερικά αποθετήρια ή ιστοσελίδες εκτός των παραπάνω ή το άνοιγμα συνδέσμων που οδηγούν σε εξωτερικό περιεχόμενο δεν υπάγονται στη μηδενική χρέωση.
Όρος |
Ορισμός |
abroad (adverb) | in or to another country, στο εξωτερικό
accessory (noun) | an item added on to something else to make it prettier, more complete, or more useful, αξεσουάρ
according to (preposition) | as stated by, σύμφωνα με
account (noun) | a story or report, περιγραφή
accurate (adjective) | correct or exact, ακριβής
act (verb) | to do something, especially in order to solve a problem, ενεργώ
add (verb) | to put something with something else, προσθέτω
admire (verb) | to have a high opinion of; respect, θαυμάζω
admission (noun) | the act, process, or result of allowing to enter, είσοδος
adopt (verb) | To take into one's family through legal means and raise as one's own child, υιοθετώ
adult (noun) | a person who is fully grown and mature, ενήλικας
advantage (noun) | something good about a situation that helps you, πλεονέκτημα
adventure (noun) | an unusual, exciting and possibly dangerous activity such as a journey or experience, περιπέτεια
advertisement (noun) | a picture, short film, song, etc which tries to persuade people to buy a product or service, διαφήμιση
advice (noun) | an idea or opinion offered as help in making a choice or a decision, συμβουλή
affect (verb) | to cause a change in, επηρεάζω
African (adjective) | having to do with Africa, or its people or languages, Αφρικανικός
agency (noun) | a business which represents one group of people when dealing with another group, πρακτορείο
aggressive (adjective) | angry and violent towards another person, επιθετικός
agree (verb) | to have the same opinion or feel the same way, συμφωνώ
agreement (noun) | common understanding; harmony; accord, συμφωνία
ahead (adverb) | in front, μπροστά
aim (noun) | the purpose of doing something, and what you hope to achieve, στόχο
airfield (noun) | a place where small or military aircraft can take off and land, μικρό αεροδρόμιο
align (verb) | to place or arrange in a straight line, ευθυγραμμίζω
allow (verb) | to say that someone can do something, επιτρέπω
although/ though (conjunction) | in spite of the fact that; even though, παρ’όλο που
aluminium (noun) | a strong, light, silver metal that does not easily rust. Aluminum is a chemical element, αλουμίνιο
amaze (verb) | to surprise very much, συναρπάζω
amazing (adjective) | causing great surprise or wonder, καταπληκτικός
ambition (noun) | something that you want to do in your life, φιλοδοξία
among (preposition) | in the middle of a group, ανάμεσα
amount (noun) | measure; quantity, ποσότητα
ancient (adjective) | belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago, αρχαίος
anorak (noun) | a short coat with a hood that keeps out the wind and rain, αδιάβροχο
anxious (adjective) | feeling worried, nervous, or afraid about something uncertain, ανήσυχος
anywhere (adverb) | in or to any place, οπουδήποτε, πουθενά
apathetic (adjective) | having or displaying little or no emotion, concern, or interest; indifferent, απαθής
appeal (verb) | to attract or interest someone, ελκύω
appear (verb) | to start to be seen, εμφανίζομαι
appendix (noun) | a section at the end of a book or magazine article that gives more information, παράρτημα
appliance (noun) | a device used for a particular purpose, συσκευή
appoint (verb) | to officially choose someone for a job, διορίζω
appropriate (adjective) | right for the purpose, κατάλληλος
archaeologist (noun) | someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools and other objects of people who lived in the past, αρχαιολόγος
archaeology (noun) | the study of past human life, αρχαιολογία
area (noun) | a place or region, περιοχή
arrange (verb) | to make plans for; prepare, κανονίζω
arrogant (adjective) | unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you know more than other people, υπερόπτης
arrow (noun) | a long stick with a sharp point at one end that is shot from a bow (= curved piece of wood), βέλος
art (noun) | the making of objects, images, music, etc. that are beautiful or that express feelings, τέχνη
article (noun) | a piece of writing on a particular subject that appears in a newspaper, magazine, or book, άρθρο
artifact (noun) | any object made by human beings, παλιό χειροποίητο αντικείμενο
artist (noun) | someone who creates art, especially paintings and drawings, καλλιτέχνης
artwork (noun) | the pieces of art, such as drawings and photographs, that are used in books, newspapers and magazines, εικονογράφηση
aspect (noun) | a part or element, στοιχείο
assistant (noun) | someone who helps customers in a shop, εμποροϋπάλληλος
association (noun) | the connection of one idea, feeling, or emotion with another, συνειρμός
at once (phrase) | without any delay, άμεσα
atomic (adjective) | having to do with atoms or energy made from atoms, ατομικός
attitude (noun) | a way of feeling or thinking about something or someone, νοοτροπία
attract (verb) | to cause to come near, προσελκύω
attractive (adjective) | interesting or useful, ελκυστικός
aunt (noun) | the sister of someone's father or mother, or the wife of someone's uncle, θεία
average (noun) | a usual amount or kind; something that is not outside the ordinary, στο μέσο όρο
aware (adjective) | knowing that something exists, or having knowledge of a particular thing (usually followed by "of"), γνώστης
awareness (noun) | knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation, συνείδηση, γνώση
awful (adjective) | very unpleasant, απαίσιος
axe (noun) | a tool with a sharp piece of metal at one end, used for cutting trees or wood, τσεκούρι