Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι η μηδενική χρέωση μέσω κινητής τηλεφωνίας ισχύει για τις ιστοσελίδες που αναφέρονται στο
(δελτίο τύπου του ΥΠΑΙΘ), όπου περιλαμβάνονται τα Διαδραστικά Σχολικά Βιβλία ( e-books.edu.gr ), η κεντρική πύλη αναζήτησης ΦΩΤΟΔΕΝΤΡΟ ( photodentro.edu.gr ) και όλα τα Αποθετήρια Εκπαιδευτικών Πόρων Φωτόδεντρο ( photodentro.edu.gr/lor , photodentro.edu.gr/video , photodentro.edu.gr/edusoft , photodentro.edu.gr/ugc , photodentro.edu.gr/oep , photodentro.edu.gr/i-create ).
Η προβολή περιεχομένου που φιλοξενείται σε εξωτερικά αποθετήρια ή ιστοσελίδες εκτός των παραπάνω ή το άνοιγμα συνδέσμων που οδηγούν σε εξωτερικό περιεχόμενο δεν υπάγονται στη μηδενική χρέωση.
Όρος |
Ορισμός |
aid (noun) | help that is given to someone in need, βοήθεια
aquarium (noun) | a tank where sea creatures and plants are kept and displayed, ενυδρείο
cow (noun) | the adult female of cattle, αγελάδα
disabled (adjective) | not able to do certain things because of a physical or mental condition, ανάπηρος
duck (noun) | a bird with a short neck and large feet that lives in or near water, πάπια
first (adjective) | before all others in time or place, πρώτος
follow (verb) | to come or go after or behind, ακολουθώ
food (noun) | anything that living creatures eat, τροφή
footprint (noun) | a mark pressed by a foot onto a surface, such as a step in wet sand or a print left by a muddy shoe, αποτύπωμα
fountain (noun) | a stream of water that is forced up into the air through a small hole, especially for decorative effect, σιντριβάνι
gate (noun) | a part of a fence or outside wall that is fixed at one side and opens and closes like a door, πύλη
gift (noun) | something you give to another person, especially at christmas, birthdays etc, δώρο
giraffe (noun) | a mammal with a very long neck, long legs, and hooves, καμηλοπάρδαλη
guidebook (noun) | a book that offers travel or tourist information and maps, τουριστικός οδηγός
information (noun) | knowledge or facts about something, πληροφορία
leaflet (noun) | a printed piece of paper that is usually given to people free of charge, φυλλάδιο
look after (phrasal verb) | to take care of someone, φροντίζω
lost (adjective) | not able to be found, χαμένος
lost property (noun) | personal objects that have been left by accident in public places, απολεσθέντα αντικείμενα
main (adjective) | most important, κύριος
penguin (noun) | a large water bird with webbed feet that lives in colder regions of the Southern Hemisphere, πιγκουίνος
playground (noun) | an outdoor area where children can play, παιδότοπος
post (noun) | the particular place where someone works, θέση
sheep (noun) | an animal whose hair is used to make wool, πρόβατο
shop (noun) | a small store, κατάστημα
split (verb) | to divide along the length of something, σχίζω
trail (noun) | a path or course through a forest or other rural place, μονοπάτι
train (verb) | to prepare for a job, activity or sport, by learning skills, εκπαιδεύω
volunteer (noun) | a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being paid, εθελοντής
website (noun) | information on the Internet about a particular subject, published by a person or organization, ιστοσελίδα