Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι η μηδενική χρέωση μέσω κινητής τηλεφωνίας ισχύει για τις ιστοσελίδες που αναφέρονται στο
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Η προβολή περιεχομένου που φιλοξενείται σε εξωτερικά αποθετήρια ή ιστοσελίδες εκτός των παραπάνω ή το άνοιγμα συνδέσμων που οδηγούν σε εξωτερικό περιεχόμενο δεν υπάγονται στη μηδενική χρέωση.
Όρος |
Ορισμός |
Amsterdam (noun) | Amsterdam is a city of the Netherlands, Άμστερνταμ
Ankara (noun) | Ankara is the capital of Turkey, Άγκυρα
athletics (noun) | (usually in plural) sports and physical activities, αθλητισμός
basketball (noun) | a game played by two teams of five people each, μπάσκετ
Beijing (noun) | Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China, Πεκίνο
Biology (noun) | the study of how living things grow, function, and develop, Βιολογία
Canberra (noun) | Canberra is the capital city of Australia, Καμπέρα
Chinese (adjective) | having to do with China, its people or language, Κινέζος, κινεζικός
coach (noun) | a person who trains and teaches people in sports, προπονητής
cycling (noun) | the use of bicycles for transport or for sport, ποδηλασία
draft (noun) | a piece of writing or a picture that needs more work to be finished, πρόχειρο, προσχέδιο
fitness (noun) | the condition of being physically strong and healthy, καταλληλότητα, υγεία
French (adjective) | having to do with France, or its people or language, Γάλλος, γαλλικός
game (noun) | a form of play or sport having certain rules and equipment for play, παιχνίδι
German (adjective) | having to do with Germany, or its people or language, Γερμανός, γερμανικός
gymnastics (noun) | physical exercises and activities performed inside, γυμναστική.
hate (verb) | to have a very strong bad feeling toward something, μισώ
hobby (noun) | an interest or activity that you do for fun, χόμπι
hometown (noun) | the town or city that a person is from, γενέτειρα
judo (noun) | a sport or way of fighting without weapons, τζούντο
Junior High school (noun) | the first three grades of Secondary Education, Γυμνάσιο
leaflet (noun) | a printed piece of paper that is usually given to people free of charge, φυλλάδιο
map (noun) | a picture of an area of the earth or sky drawn or printed on a flat surface, χάρτης
Maths (noun) | the short form of mathematics, μαθηματικά
mistake (noun) | a thought or action that is not correct, λάθος
nickname (noun) | a familiar or short form of a proper name, such as "Bob" for "Robert." , χαϊδευτικό όνομα
notice (noun) | a written warning, news, or sign of something, ανακοίνωση
Paris (noun) | the capital of France, Παρίσι
Portuguese (adjective) | having to do with Portugal, or its people or language, Πορτογάλος, πορτογαλικά
practice (noun) | the repeating of some activity many times in order to become good at it, εξάσκηση
rhythmic gym (noun) | a kind of gymnastics, ρυθμική
Rio de Janeiro (noun) | Rio de Janeiro is a big city in Brazil, Ρίο Τζανέιρο
Russian (adjective) | having to do with Russia, its people or language, Ρώσος, ρωσικός
Spanish (adjective) | having to do with Spain, or its people or language, Ισπανός, ισπανικό
sporty (adjective) | relating to sports, αθλητικός
swimming (noun) | the activity of moving your body through water, κολύμπι
twin (noun) | either of two children or animals born at the same time to one mother, δίδυμος
volleyball (noun) | a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball over a high net, βόλεϊ
weightlifting (noun) | the action or sport of lifting dumb bells or barbells, άρση βαρών
windsurfing (noun) | a sport in which a person stands on a board to which a sail is attached and sails through the water by moving the sail, ιστιοσανίδα
worry (verb) | to feel fear or anxiety, ανησυχώ