Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι η μηδενική χρέωση μέσω κινητής τηλεφωνίας ισχύει για τις ιστοσελίδες που αναφέρονται στο
(δελτίο τύπου του ΥΠΑΙΘ), όπου περιλαμβάνονται τα Διαδραστικά Σχολικά Βιβλία ( e-books.edu.gr ), η κεντρική πύλη αναζήτησης ΦΩΤΟΔΕΝΤΡΟ ( photodentro.edu.gr ) και όλα τα Αποθετήρια Εκπαιδευτικών Πόρων Φωτόδεντρο ( photodentro.edu.gr/lor , photodentro.edu.gr/video , photodentro.edu.gr/edusoft , photodentro.edu.gr/ugc , photodentro.edu.gr/oep , photodentro.edu.gr/i-create ).
Η προβολή περιεχομένου που φιλοξενείται σε εξωτερικά αποθετήρια ή ιστοσελίδες εκτός των παραπάνω ή το άνοιγμα συνδέσμων που οδηγούν σε εξωτερικό περιεχόμενο δεν υπάγονται στη μηδενική χρέωση.
Όρος |
Ορισμός |
admission (noun) | the price a person must pay to enter, άδεια εισόδου
arrangement (noun) | a group of things that have been put in order, διακανονισμός, διαρρύθμιση
campus (noun) | the grounds of a college or university, πανεπιστημιούπολη
chess (noun) | a game of strategy for two people , σκάκι
course (noun) | a series of lessons within a curriculum, σειρά μαθημάτων
event (noun) | something that happens, especially something important or unusual, δραστηριότητα, εκδήλωση
exhibition (noun) | an event at which things such as paintings are shown to the public, έκθεση
fixed (adjective) | decisively arranged; predictably recurrent, σταθερός
floor (noun) | the lowest surface of any building or structure, δάπεδο
gallery (noun) | a building used to display or sell art, γκαλερί
illustrate (verb) | to explain or clarify by giving examples, αποσαφηνίζω
interesting (adjective) | causing attention or interest, ενδιαφέρον
karaoke (noun) | a form of musical entertainment originating in Japan in which prerecorded instrumental music from popular songs is played while a person performs live vocals through a microphone, καραόκι |
mobile (noun) | a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you, κινητό τηλέφωνο
personal (adjective) | of, pertaining to, or belonging to a particular individual, and often not for other people to share or see, προσωπικός
personality (noun) | all of the qualities of a person that make that person different from others, προσωπικότητα
placement (noun) | the act or business of matching people with jobs, homes, or other requested situations, τοποθέτηση
plan (noun) | a way to do something that is decided ahead of time, σχεδιάζω
platform (noun) | a flat, raised surface used as a place to stand or to put things, πλατφόρμα
porter (noun) | a person whose job is to carry baggage at a train station, airport, or hotel, αχθοφόρος
presentation (noun) | the act of showing or explaining, often to a group of people, παρουσίαση
professional (noun) | a person involved in one of the professions, such as a physician, teacher, or attorney, επαγγελματίας
receptionist (noun) | a person whose job is to greet people and answer the telephone in an office, υπάλληλος υποδοχής, ρεσεψιονίστ
ride (noun) | an act of riding in a vehicle or on an animal, βόλτα
spend (verb) | to pass, περνώ (χρόνο), ξοδεύω
tunnel (noun) | something dug under the ground or under water for cars, trains, and other vehicles to travel through, σήραγγα, τούνελ
underground (noun) | an underground passenger train or rail system, usually electric, operating in a large metropolitan area; Subway, μετρό