φωτογραφία φόντου


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
kangaroo (n) a large Australian mammal with short front legs which moves by jumping
Female kangaroos have a pouch called a marsupium in which they carry their babies.
keen (on) (adj) very enthusiastic or excited about
She's keen on playing tennis.
fond of, enthusiastic
keep in mind (phr) to remember or think about someone or something when you are doing something
You must always keep the reader in mind when writing an article.
keep in touch (phr) keep writing or talking, even though you do not see each other often
I met him when I worked in Rome, and I've kept in touch with him ever since.
keep sb in line (v) keep someone from doing something bad
I have to keep my younger brother in line while my parents are away for a few days.
keep up with (v) to manage to do as much or as well as other people
Joy's having trouble keeping up with the rest of the class.
 fall behind
kendo (n) a Japanese sport of fencing with bamboo sticks
World kendo championships are held once every three years.
kerb (n) the edge of a raised path nearest the road
The young driver drove the car up onto the kerb.
kettle (n) a wide, deep pot used for boiling liquids, such as water or soup
Charlotte put the kettle on to make some tea.
keyboard (n) the set of keys on a computer or a piano that you press in order to make it work
Young people today need to know how to use a computer keyboard.
kilt (n) a plaid wool skirt that has pleats
Kilts are worn by men in Scotland.
kimono (n) a long, loose Japanese robe that has wide sleeves and a broad sash
Today, kimonos are most often worn by women, and on special occasions.
kind (n) type; sort
What kind of hat is that?
category, form, type, variety
kite surfing (n) a water sport, similar to wakeboarding, in which one rides a small board with foot bindings while being towed by a kite attached to one's body
Kite surfing is a new kind of water sport.
knight (n) a soldier on horseback in the Middle Ages
A knight had to serve as an apprentice and follow many rules.
koala bear (n) an Australian animal which lives in trees and looks like a small bear with grey fur
The koala bear was hunted almost to extinction in the early 20th century.