Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι η μηδενική χρέωση μέσω κινητής τηλεφωνίας ισχύει για τις ιστοσελίδες που αναφέρονται στο
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Η προβολή περιεχομένου που φιλοξενείται σε εξωτερικά αποθετήρια ή ιστοσελίδες εκτός των παραπάνω ή το άνοιγμα συνδέσμων που οδηγούν σε εξωτερικό περιεχόμενο δεν υπάγονται στη μηδενική χρέωση.
Όρος |
Ορισμός |
aggressive (adjective) | angry and violent towards another person, επιθετικός
agreement (noun) | common understanding; harmony; accord, συμφωνία
anorak (noun) | a short coat with a hood that keeps out the wind and rain, αδιάβροχο
arrogant (adjective) | unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you know more than other people, υπερόπτης
awful (adjective) | very unpleasant, απαίσιος
background (noun) | the part of a picture or scene that is towards the back or seems to be furthest away, φόντο
be in somebody's shoes (idiom) | to be in the same situation as someone else, especially an unpleasant situation, μπαίνω στη θέση κάποιου
bit (noun) | a small amount; little piece, κομμάτι
bright (adjective) | strong or clear in colour or shine, φωτεινός
brilliant (adjective) | wonderful or outstanding, εξαιρετικός
casual (adjective) | not formal in style or appearance, πρόχειρος, ανεπίσημος
cause (noun) | something that brings about a result or effect, αιτία
challenge (noun) | something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in a way that is interesting, πρόκληση
climate (noun) | the usual weather conditions in a place, κλίμα
clothing (noun) | things worn to cover the body, ρουχισμός
column (noun) | a vertical list or row, στήλη
confident (adjective) | having trust or faith; satisfied and sure, σίγουρος
cool (adjective) | calm and controlled, ψύχραιμος
cotton (noun) | thread or cloth made from cotton fibres, βαμβάκι
crusade (noun) | any of the wars between European Catholics and Middle Eastern Muslims between 1095 and 1291, Σταυροφορία
debate (noun) | a discussion between two people or groups who disagree on an important subject, συζήτηση
excited (adjective) | happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has happened or will happen, ενθουσιασμένος
factor (noun) | one of the things that has an effect on a particular situation, decision, event, etc, παράγοντας
fashionable (adjective) | popular at a particular time, της μόδας
gear (noun) | any equipment, clothes, or tools used for some particular purpose, εξοπλισμός
greasy (adjective) | covered with or full of fat or oil, λιπαρός
hipster (noun) | (plural) trousers that fit tightly over your hips and do not cover your waist, χαμηλοκάβαλο παντελόνι
histogram (noun) | a bar chart or graph, ιστόγραμμα
hit the roof (phrase) | to suddenly become very angry, εξαγριώνομαι
Holy Grail (noun) | the cup believed to have been used by Christ before his death, Άγιο Δισκοπότηρο
idol (noun) | someone that you admire and respect very much, είδωλο
ignore (verb) | to not give attention to something or someone, αγνοώ
influence (verb) | to change the way that someone thinks or the way that something develops, επηρεάζω
invisible (adjective) | not able to be seen; not visible, αόρατος
lazy (adjective) | not willing to give much effort or to work, τεμπέλης
load of rubbish (phrase) | used to say that something is bad, untrue, or stupid, σαχλαμάρες
main (adjective) | most important; chief; Primary, κύριος, βασικός
mature (adjective) | fully developed in mental or physical qualities, ώριμος
old fashioned (adjective) | not modern, παλιομοδίτικος
overweight (adjective) | having too much weight; too heavy, υπέρβαρος
perform (verb) | to present for the entertainment of an audience, ερμηνεύω
personality (noun) | all of the qualities of a person that make that person different from others, προσωπικότητα
plain (adjective) | not complicated or fancy; without anything extra; simple, απλός
pleased (adjective) | happy or satisfied, ευχαριστημένος
popular (adjective) | liked or enjoyed by many people, δημοφιλής
psychology (noun) | the study of the mind and how it influences people's behaviour, ψυχολογία
pull up your socks (phrase) | do better, improve, βελτιώνομαι, βάζω τα δυνατά μου
react (verb) | to act, or feel a certain way, in response to something, αντιδρώ
rebel (noun) | one who fights against or does not obey authority, επαναστάτης
relaxed (adjective) | feeling calm, comfortable, and not worried or annoyed, ήρεμος
responsible (adjective) | showing good judgement and able to be trusted, υπέυθυνος
ringlet (noun) | a long curl of hair that hangs down, μπούκλα
scarf (noun) | a long piece of cloth or knitted material worn around the neck, head, or shoulders, κασκόλ
scream (verb) | to speak or shout in a shrill, harsh, or angry tone, ουρλιάζω
sensitive (adjective) | highly aware or feeling things strongly, ευαίσθητος
shy away (verb) | to avoid someone or something, αποφεύγω
sleeve (noun) | the part of a shirt, dress, or other garment that covers all or part of the arm, μανίκι
smart (adjective) | clean, tidy, and attractive, κομψός
solve (verb) | to find or figure out an answer, λύνω
spiked (adjective) | (of hair) arranged in stiff tufts; with a sharp point or points, μαλλιά καρφάκια
spotlight (noun) | a condition in which one is the centre of much attention, κέντρο προσοχής
stand out (verb) | to elicit notice by being significantly different from or superior to others, ξεχωρίζω
stardom (noun) | fame; the status of a star or celebrity, διασημότητα
stereotype (noun) | a standardized and usually oversimplified conception held in common by many people, στερεότυπο
stick out (verb) | to be prominent, προεξέχω
stuffy (adjective) | dull, boring, or very proper, ανιαρός
talk through your hat (idiom) | to be talking about a subject as if you know a lot about it when in fact you know very little, λέω βλακείες
thrilled (adjective) | very excited, happy, and pleased, ενθουσιασμένος
tie (noun) | a long, thin piece of cloth that a man wears around his neck with a shirt, γραβάτα
trainer (noun) | (plural) a soft sports shoe, αθλητικό παπούτσι
trend (noun) | a general course, direction, or tendency, τάση
trendy (adjective) | relating to the latest style or mode, μοντέρνος
unreal (adjective) | not real; lacking actuality or substance; illusory, φανταστικός
vain (adjective) | too interested in your own appearance and thinking you are very attractive, μάταιος
waist (noun) | the part around the middle of your body where you wear a belt, μέση (σώματος)
wear your heart on your sleeve (phrase) | display your emotions openly, δείχνω τα συναισθήματά μου
wedding (noun) | a ceremony of marriage, γαμήλια τελετή
wild (adjective) | crazy; out of control, άγριος
woolen (adjective) | of or made of wool, μάλλινος