Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι η μηδενική χρέωση μέσω κινητής τηλεφωνίας ισχύει για τις ιστοσελίδες που αναφέρονται στο
(δελτίο τύπου του ΥΠΑΙΘ), όπου περιλαμβάνονται τα Διαδραστικά Σχολικά Βιβλία ( e-books.edu.gr ), η κεντρική πύλη αναζήτησης ΦΩΤΟΔΕΝΤΡΟ ( photodentro.edu.gr ) και όλα τα Αποθετήρια Εκπαιδευτικών Πόρων Φωτόδεντρο ( photodentro.edu.gr/lor , photodentro.edu.gr/video , photodentro.edu.gr/edusoft , photodentro.edu.gr/ugc , photodentro.edu.gr/oep , photodentro.edu.gr/i-create ).
Η προβολή περιεχομένου που φιλοξενείται σε εξωτερικά αποθετήρια ή ιστοσελίδες εκτός των παραπάνω ή το άνοιγμα συνδέσμων που οδηγούν σε εξωτερικό περιεχόμενο δεν υπάγονται στη μηδενική χρέωση.
Όρος |
Ορισμός |
accurate (adjective) | correct or exact, ακριβής
allow (verb) | to say that someone can do something, επιτρέπω
although/ though (conjunction) | in spite of the fact that; even though, παρ’όλο που
ambition (noun) | something that you want to do in your life, φιλοδοξία
among (preposition) | in the middle of a group, ανάμεσα
artist (noun) | someone who creates art, especially paintings and drawings, καλλιτέχνης
awareness (noun) | knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation, συνείδηση, γνώση
beside (preposition) | next to, δίπλα
bold (adjective) | strong in colour or shape, έντονος
border (noun) | the line between two countries, σύνορο
brave (adjective) | showing no fear of dangerous or difficult situations, γενναίος
canonise (verb) | in the Roman Catholic Church, to declare (someone) a saint, αγιοποιώ
case (noun) | a particular situation or example of something, περίπτωση
centre (noun) | the middle point or part of something, κέντρο
ceremony (noun) | a formal event that is performed on important social or religious occasions, τελετή
charity (noun) | money, food, or other help that is given to people, φιλανθρωπία
choice (noun) | the thing or person chosen, επιλογή
citizen (noun) | someone who lives in a particular town or city, πολίτης
coherence (noun) | when something such as a piece of writing is easy to understand because its parts are connected in a clear and logical way, λογική συνοχή
cohesion (noun) | a close relationship, based on grammar or meaning, between two parts of a sentence or a larger piece of writing, συνάφεια, συνοχή
comfort (noun) | a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain, άνεση
compose (verb) | to write a piece of music, συνθέτω
composer (noun) | someone who writes music, συνθέτης
compound (noun) | (grammar) a word that has two or more parts, or a sentence made up of two or more main clauses, σύνθετος
corner (noun) | a far away or little known place or region, γωνιά
decision (noun) | choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities, απόφαση
declare (verb) | to announce something publicly or officially, δηλώνω
deserve (verb) | to have earned something by good or bad actions or behaviour, αξίζω
desperate (adjective) | not caring about danger because of great need, απελπισμένος
during (preposition) | or the whole of a period of time, κατά τη διάρκεια
dying (adjective) | close to death; losing life, που πεθαίνει
earthquake (noun) | a sudden violent movement of the Earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage, σεισμός
echo (noun) | a sound that you hear more than once because you are in a big, empty space, ηχώ
endless (adjective) | never seeming to stop, ακατάπαυστος
event (noun) | anything that happens, especially something important or unusual, γεγονός
famous (adjective) | known and recognized by many people, διάσημος
feed (verb) | to give food to a person, group, or animal, ταΐζω
generous (adjective) | willing to give or share; not selfish, γενναιόδωρος
gentle (adjective) | kind; generous; mild, ευγενικός
identify (verb) | to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what they are, αναγνωρίζω
impression (noun) | an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, εντύπωση
in honour (phrase) | in order to celebrate or show great respect for someone or something, προς τιμή
join (verb) | to fasten or connect things together, συνδέω
lonely (adjective) | unhappy because you are not with other people, που νιώθει μοναξιά
look after (verb) | to take care of, φροντίζω
make a difference (phrase) | to have an effect on a situation, κάνω τη διαφορά
make sure (phrase) | to take action so that you are certain that something happens or is true, βεβαιώνομαι
make time (phrase) | plan so that you have time available for something, βρίσκω χρόνο
mark (verb) | to show where something is, σημειώνω
marvellous (adjective) | extremely good, υπέροχος
mean (verb) | to have a particular result, σημαίνω
medal (noun) | a small metal disc, with words or a picture on it, which is given as a reward for a brave action or for winning in a competition, μετάλλιο
mind (verb) | to be annoyed or worried by something, με πειράζει
monastery (noun) | a building where men live as a religious group, μοναστήρι
need (noun) | something that is necessary to have or do, ανάγκη
non-profit (adjective) | an organization that uses the money it earns to help people instead of making a profit, μη κερδοσκοπικός
nun (noun) | a member of a group of religious women who live away from other people, καλόγρια
offer (verb) | to give or provide something, προσφέρω
organisation (noun) | an official group of people who work together for the same purpose, οργάνωση
pain (noun) | a bad feeling in a part of your body when you are ill or hurt, πόνος
pay respects (phrase) | (formal) to visit someone in order to welcome them or talk to them, υποβάλλω τα σέβη μου
peace (noun) | quiet and calm, ησυχία
permission (noun) | allowing someone to do something, άδεια
playwright (noun) | someone who writes plays, θεατρικός συγγραφέας
pneumonia (noun) | a serious illness in which your lungs fill with liquid and it is difficult to breathe, πνευμονία
politician (noun) | someone who works in politics, especially a member of the government, πολιτικός
poverty (noun) | the condition of being poor; lack of money, φτώχια
Prime Minister (noun) | the leader of an elected government, Πρωθυπουργός
profit (noun) | money that you get from selling something for more than it cost you to buy or produce, κέρδος
promise (noun) | to tell someone that you will certainly do something, υπόσχεση
radioactivity (noun) | the quality that some atoms have of producing energy, which can be very harmful to health, ραδιενέργεια
radium (noun) | a radioactive element which is used in the treatment of some diseases, especially cancer, ράδιο
raise (verb) | to increase an amount, number, or level, ανεβάζω
reach (verb) | to extend or stretch as far as, φτάνω
record (noun) | a flat, round, plastic disc that music is stored on, used especially in the past, δίσκος βινυλίου
refuse (verb) | to say that you will not do or accept something, αρνούμαι
ruins (noun) | the broken parts that are left from an old building or town, ερείπια
saint (noun) | the title given to a person who has received an official honour from the Christian Church for having lived in a good and holy way, άγιος
save (verb) | to keep or store for future use, αποθηκεύω
saying (noun) | a famous phrase that people use to give advice about life, παροιμία
scientist (noun) | a person who works in some branch of science, επιστήμονας
search (verb) | to try to find someone or something, ψάχνω
suffer (verb) | to feel pain or sadness and worry, υποφέρω
teach (verb) | to give lessons in a particular subject at a school, university, etc, διδάσκω
throughout (preposition) | during the whole of a period of time, καθ’όλη τη διάρκεια
timeline (noun) | a line showing the order in which events happened (esp. for a particular historical period), χρονοδιάγραμμα
train (verb) | to teach someone how to do something, usually a skill that is needed for a job, εκπαιδεύω
volunteer (noun) | a person who offers to work or help without pay, εθελοντής
weightlifting (noun) | the activity of lifting heavy objects either as a sport or for exercise, άρση βαρών
whoever (pron) | the person who, οποιοσδήποτε