Αγγλικά - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
4.1 Gadgets! 4.3 Media habits Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Lesson 2
  • To identify and use expressions of attitude
  • To make notes on what people say
  • To provide controlled practice for the
    Present Perfect Tense
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι ListeningApp Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 2


Task 1 - Talking on the phone

Listen to two women talking on the
phone and choose the correct answer
a, b or c in the sentences i-iv below:

i) How does Rose feel about the boy's behaviour?
a. sad b. angry c. pleased
ii) The two women are
a. colleagues b. sisters c. friends
iii) What relation is Rose to the boy?
a. sister b. aunt c. mother
iv) What has the boy been doing?
a. nothing b. singing c. his homework
This text will be replaced

Task 2 - Expressions to show attitude

Listen again and put a tick √ beside each of the phrases that show how Rose feels:

a) I'm really fed up! f) I've had enough!
b) He's been driving me crazy! g) I've been trying all week…
c) He goes straight to his room. h) I just see red!
d) His marks are falling. i) He'll be OK!
e) It makes my blood boil! j) It does get me down.

Speaking Task 1 - Speak your mind

In pairs, use the phrases you have ticked in Task 2 above to say how your parents feel when you do the following:


Remember, you will have to change the form of the phrases. For example: 'It gets my Mum down'.

Task 2 - Have you been a good child recently?

Think of some of the things that you have done recently or that you do which
make your parents unhappy. Make a short list and then discuss in pairs why
these things make your parents unhappy.

Speak your mind

Grammar - Present Perfect


A. In pairs, look at the pictures A and
B and match sentences i-ii to them.
i) She has been swimming.
ii) She has swum in a race.
B. In pairs, match the sentences i-ii to
the right tense.
Present Perfect Simple: Sentence .....................
Present Perfect Continuous: Sentence .....................

Compare your answers with your partner.

C. In pairs, look at the two sentences below.
Which sentence tells you the activity might
still be continuing?
a He has been playing on the computer all morning.
b. He has played on the computer this morning.
D. Underline the rule for use of the Present
Perfect Continuous.
We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that the action has stopped.
the duration of the action.
E. Tick the sentence a or b with the Present Perfect Continuous.
a. I have worked on this project but I am not happy about it.
b. I have been reading this book for three days and I have only finished three chapters.

Task 2

In pairs, choose i or ii below to complete the rule for the use of Present Perfect

RULE: We use the Present Perfect Continuous when we focus on the…
i) continuing activity ii) the object
Lesson 2

Task 3 - What have they
been doing?

Work in pairs. Ask and answer
questions about what each member
of the family has been doing.

Use the example dialogue:

  1. She has been swimming.
  2. How do you know?
  3. Her hair is wet.


A. Look at the bar chart below for the way people in Bulgaria use the mass media.
Discuss the chart as a class. Do you think people in Greece use it in a similar or
different way?
B. Ask five people about their media habits. Ask them the following question and
write down the numbers in the table.

- Which of the following do you use to
learn new things each week:
radio, TV, Video, movies, comics, magazines,
newspapers or books?

Medium   Number

Now, enter the data into the Excel programme and create a statistical chart to show the data.

Look at the pie charts and the bar charts in the lesson. Which do you think is easier to
understand? Decide on the clearest way to present your data: a bar graph or a pie chart?

C. Present your data to the class using your graph or chart. Use the model on the right:
I asked 5 people about their media habits and I discovered that
… percent like…, while
… percent prefer…
Speak your mind


Task 1 - Connectors

In pairs, look at the phrases in the box and
decide which of them show sequence.

after that
when you have

Task 2 - Writing instructions

A. In pairs, read the aunt's letter about a problem she has using the Internet.
Dear Eli,
I have been trying to send you an e-mail for the
past few days but I haven't been very
successful. I have turned on the computer and I
have opened Outlook but I have not been able to
connect to the mail. Can you help me, please?
Auntie Nora
B. Now, read the instructions on the right
and decide on the best and easiest way to
explain to Auntie Nora. Underline the
relevant parts on the leaflet. Some parts
have been underlined already.
C. Your Aunt Jane has had a similar
problem. Write a note to her to explain
how to use e-mail.
  • You need to decide on what points are important
    to tell her.
  • Then you have to decide on the order you need
    to tell her so that she can follow the instructions.
  • Remember, your aunt does not know anything
    about the internet so you need to use simple
    language for her to understand.
Dear Auntie,
I hope you have understood my nstructions. Love,
  Give your note to your partner and ask
him/her to read it. Can he/she
understand the instructions?
Setting Up Your E-mail
Set Up Your E-mail Account in Soft OutlookTM
  1. In Soft Outlook, select “Tools” > “E-mail Accounts”.
  2. On the E-mail Accounts wizard window, select "Add a new
    e-mail account" and click “Next”.
  3. For your server type, select "POP3" and click “Next”.
  4. On the Internet E-mail Settings (POP3) window, enter your
    information as follows:
Your Name
Enter your first and last name.
E-mail Address
Enter your e-mail address.
User Name
Enter your e-mail address, again.
Enter the password you set up for your e-mail account.
Incoming mail server (POP3)
Your incoming server is mail.example.com, where
"example.com" is the name of your domain.
Outgoing mail server (SMTP)
Your outgoing server is mail.example.com, where
"example.com" is the name of your domain.
  1. Click ‘OK'.
  2. Click ‘Next'.
  3. Click ‘Finish'.
Double click on the Internet Connection icon and
then click “Dial” to establish a connection before
you attempt to send and/or receive e-mail using
Soft Outlook or Outlook ExpressTM.