Αγγλικά - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
3.3 Amusement Park 4.2 Speak your mind Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
UNIT 4 Click on-line!

Task A

Look at the photograph of the
man,and the visuals. What do
you thinkthe connection is?

Task B

Look at diagram f. What is this a diagram of? How do you know?

Task C

The pictures a-e show the history of the telephone but they are in the wrong
order. In pairs decide on the correct order.

Topic Click on-line!
  Grammar Using Pesent Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous
  Reading Skills Interpreting meaning in a text in a visual form
Identifying features which link a text
  Writing Skills Using connectors to sequence ideas
  Speaking Skills Using expressions to show attitude
  Listening Skills Identifying speakers attitude
Identifying implied information
  Functions Relating a past action with duration and a present result
Strategies: When I read a text in English…
  • I look at the heading and try to guess what the text will be about
  • I look for clues about the meaning in visuals like: pictures, graphs and
diagrams to help me to understand the text
  • I try to understand the sequence in the text by looking carefully at different
kinds of linking words
  • I try to find what the pronoun in each sentence refers to, to help me
understand the text and how it links together
  • I ask my teacher to help me when I have difficulties.
Lesson 1
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 1


  • To focus on the role of electronics in
  • To identify cohesive features in a reading
    text to match missing sentences
A. Look at these pictures and say what each item is. Compare your answers
with your partner.
  1. Which of these do you use to talk to your friends?
  2. Which of these do your parents use to learn the news?
  3. Which of these do you use to find information?
  4. What kind of magazines do you read?
  5. Which of these would you like to have? Why?
B. Which of these gadgets and machines could you
not live without? Why? Compare your answers
with your class.
  Which of the items could you live without? Discuss your answers with your class.
C. Is it better to learn things from the TV or the internet? Discuss your ideas
with your partner.
D. Do you think the internet has changed peoples' lives? Discuss your ideas
with your class.
E. In pairs look at the following newspaper headlines. Discuss what you
think the article is about.
a) Alert over schoolgirls' Bebo use
b) Safety tips for networking

Task 1- Listening Internet: use

4. Listen to seven short dialogues with people talking about internet use and
match the people in the pictures to the ways they use the internet.
This text will be replaced


B. Which two people from 1-9 above did the recording NOT
include? Are the above uses similar to how YOU use the
internet? Discuss your answer with your class.

Task 2 - Pre-reading

A. In pairs, look at the bar chart and match the categories of use of the internet in
Greece to the different sections of the bar chart. Discuss the reasons for your
choices. In pairs write a use beside each colour in the legend.

The lowest use is to buy things

28% use it for fun and play

18% to find out what's happening

5% chat to friends and strangers

e-mail use is 7%

Educational use is 10%

Free downloads and entertainment is 22%

12% book holidays and flights

Use the example to help you:

A: …seems about right/ a bit too high/ a bit too low.

B: Yes, I agree with you./ No, I don't agree with you.

B. Can you find the statistical error?
Lesson 1
A. Look at the title of the text below. What do you think the text is going to be about?

The Bug Spreads

B. Now, read the text on Internet Use in Ireland by the journalist Irene Robinson and
choose the correct pie chart A-C on the right which represents the percentages she
mentions in her article.

Life today is very different from what it was like some years ago. One of the
greatest differences is in the mass media and communication techniques. The
main reason for this is that technology has become so much cheaper to buy.
Nearly all kinds of internet use have grown over a three year period. For some, it
offers an escape from reality, but for others it brings the real world into their
homes. With the use of the computer to go on-line, people can now communicate
with each other and also do many other things. (1) The number of school-age
children who have access to the web has tripled in the last twelve months, as
more and more schools have been going on-line. Together with school kids, about
30% of the population uses the web for information. Today, people have much
more control over what they pay for goods. In recent years, more and more people
have been buying all sorts of electronic gadgets and internet connections which
they believe help them to communicate and get information.

(2) In fact, they have been going on line since 1971 with the birth of e-mail.
Today 35% of the population sends e-mails to each other from the comfort of their
own homes. Even though surfing the net clearly remains a more common pastime
for younger age groups, there has been a clear increase in the numbers of people
using cyber technology for learning about different things.

(3) Teenagers find answers for school subjects whereas adults use it to find
out about local events or world news. The latest use among young people is
meeting new people through chat rooms and interest in this use has grown rapidly
in recent years to about 20% today. Another popular use is for e-banking with 5%
of the people using it for commerce and e-banking. (4) According to statistics,
shopping on the internet has been growing steadily for the last few years as
people discover how easy it is.


Look at the text above and find two sentences which follow the same pattern
as a and b below:
a) Irene has been living in Crete since 1998. ...........................................................
b) Irene has had her MP3 Player for the last three months. ...........................................................
In pairs, complete the rule for using ‘since’ and ‘for’.
RULE: We use.................. when we know the specific time something started.
  We use...................when we talk about a period of time up to know.

Task2 - Comprehension

A. Sentences A-E below have been removed from the reading text. Read the text again
and, with your partner, try to put the missing sentences into the right spaces 1-5.
  1. Buying things in this way is often cheaper and easier than going to the shops.
  2. The attraction of the internet for these people is that it saves them time and money.
  3. For example, many people in Ireland have been using the internet for years to send
    messages to their friends and learn about the local news.
  4. In Ireland, for instance, as many as 25% of the population has realized that they can use the
    internet to find information.
  5. These are things like finding information from websites, e-mail, shopping, enjoyment and
    electronic banking.

Compare your answers with your partner. Discuss any differences.

B. How are the ways people in Ireland use the internet different from the ways people
use it in Greece? Discuss your ideas in small groups.

Task 3 - Negative aspects of internet use

A. In pairs, write down two negative aspects of using the internet.

________________________________ ________________________________

B. Now look at the newspaper headlines below. Decide with your partner what the story
for each headline is.

Task 4Speaking

Match the headlines to the
people in pictures 1-3

Work in groups and discuss
the issues that you think are
mentioned in each of the
newspaper articles. Tell the
rest of the class what other
problems may be associated
with internet use.