Αγγλικά - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
Lesson 3 A Postcard Home! Lesson 2 So, you want to be famous? Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
UNIT 2 Teen idols!
In Roman times, gladiators were idols. They fought against each other and
sometimes animals for glory and money. The people loved to go to the arena
to watch their favourite gladiators fight. A successful gladiator needed to train
hard and to give good entertainment to the people.

What is the name of a famous arena in Rome where gladiators fought? What
have the four people in the photographs on page 14 got in common with
Roman gladiators? Why are they famous?
Topic Teen idols
  Grammar Comparing of the use of Past Simple and Present
  Reading Skills Summarising the meaning of short texts.
  Listening Skills Listening for detail; listening to recognise
speaker's feelings as expressed through specific
  Writing Skills Organising and linking ideas in a letter.
  Vocabulary Spoken responses in institutionalised expressions.
Strategies: I can use the title of a text to infer text content
  I can learn and practise whole language chunks and idiomatic
  I can listen carefully to understand how speakers feel
Lesson 1


  • To learn about the concept of being an idol
  • To have exposure to examples of both the
    Simple Past and Present Perfect Tenses.


Look at the
people in the
picture. What
do they have in

Read the facts about
each star. Discuss as a
class if they are right
or wrong. Check the
facts on the internet.

1. Circle the words in
Task 1 which show
the Present Perfect.
Your partner should
underline the words
which show the Past
Simple. Compare
your answers and
discuss your choices.

Which of the
following two
statements means
‘I still know her'?
What does the
other sentence




a) I knew her when she was a young girl.
b) I have known her since she was a young girl
  What tense comes after
the word ‘since'?
3. Look carefully at sentences a) and b) above and rewrite the following sentence
so that it is correct. Compare your answer with your partner.

‘I have known her when she was a young girl'.

So, you want to be

Task 3 - Quiz

Complete the task and see
who completes it first.
Compare your answers with
your partner, then with your

Test your knowledge.

Which of these stars:

  1. was born on 2nd December 1981 in
  2. has sung in the Eurovision song contest?
  3. has played the role of a poor young man
    on a famous ship?
  4. lived in London when s/he was young?
  5. didn't speak English when he or she was
  6. didn't speak English when he or she was young?
1. Do you like any of these
stars? Why? Why not?
2. Imagine you have been to Hollywood and
have met someone famous. Write down three
questions you asked him/her. Compare your
questions with your partner's.
3. Which famous person do you like? Why? Tell your partner.
4. Look in your History book to find famous people from the past who were idols at
the time. Why were they idols?

Task 4 - Describing people

Which of the following words do you associate with the people in Task 3?

Make a statement to your partner about the stars above using the adjectives in

the box.
In pairs,
choose one
of the people
and add
three more
words to the
list to
describe him
or her.

Task 5 - Which star?

Read this statement and decide
with your partner which of the
stars above has said it.

“I have been an actor for ten years and I have acted in
many films. My first film was in 1990 when I was 16
years old. I started acting because my stepfather,
Adam Farrar, told me that I could earn a lot of
money”. My biggest film so far is the Titanic.

Is the statement correct or incorrect? Check the information on the internet at

Lesson 1

Look at the pictures of famous people. Do you know their names? Compare
your answers with your partner to check who knows the most names.

Task 1

Look at the title of the text. What do you think the text will be about? Do you think the
text below will be positive or negative? Why? Discuss your ideas with your partner.


So, you want to be

Task 2 - Give the right response

In pairs, match the numbers with the letters.
Then take roles to practise the different dialogues.

  1. I have just won an award.
  2. I feel like I want to give up.
  3. How did you manage to succeed?
  4. I have something to say about that.
  5. Mary is worried about her audition.
  6. How can I become famous?
  7. Everyone gives me different advice
    and I am lost.
  8. Have you made up your mind about
    the role?
  9. Sheena isn't very passionate about
  10. Angelina was excellent in the film.
  1. Not yet!
  2. Yes, she made a real effort.
  3. Don’t let it go to your head.
  4. She can forget fame and fortune,
  5. I just kept trying.
  6. Do what you want to do.
  7. Whatever is on your mind?
  8. No, stick with it!
  9. Tell her a joke to make her laugh.
  10. Do whatever it takes.

Grammar - Saying things in another way

Choose the most suitable way a), b) or c) of saying the underlined parts in
sentences 1-5 in another way.

  1. When I was small I was not allowed to sing in the bathroom.
    1. I was let
    2. I couldn't
    3. I didn't
  2. I have never been to this theatre before.
    1. it's never
    2. it was never
    3. it's the first time
  3. We never run out of time for practice
    1. always have
    2. sometimes walk
    3. like to have
  4. I haven't seen one of her films for a long time.
    1. it's a long time since I've seen
    2. I have seen for a long time
    3. I spent a long time to see
  5. We spent a long time rehearsing for the show.
    1. we took our time
    2. it took us a long time to
    3. it cost a lot