Αγγλικά - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
Lesson 2 Τhe Seven Wonders! Lesson 1 Teen Idols Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Lesson 3

A Postcard Home!

A postcard home

1. Read the model postcard below. Is the writer happy or unhappy with her
Dear Anna,
It is wonderful here and the sun shines every day so we are getting a really good suntan.
George says that he doesn't want to go back home as the weather is so fantastic. We really are
having a great time because there are loads of things to do. On Monday we visited a very old temple
and we took lots of photographs. However, while we were walking back to our hotel, George fell
over a hurt his leg so we had to take him to the local hospital. But he's alright, so no need to worry!
Last night we went to a local taverna and we ate lots of traditional food.
As it is our last day tomorrow, we hope to go shopping for souvenirs although I don't think I
have enough money to buy everything I want!
Bye for now,
2. The word ‘and' is used to join ideas in some sentences. Underline any other
words which link two ideas. Compare your answers with your partner.
3. Complete the following sentences with linking words from the postcard.
  1. Stella went to Mykonos ……………….. she really didn't like it much.
  2. ……………….. Irene had lots of money, she didn't buy any souvenirs.
  3. John caught an early flight ……………….. it was cheaper.
  4. Jane got sunburnt ……………….. she had to stay out of the sun for two days.
4. In pairs, write four new sentences about one of the places in the
photographs on page 9. Join your ideas using the linking words in the
model text.
5. Complete this postcard you are sending to one of your friends.
Remember to link your ideas in each sentence.
Dear ______________,
We ___________________ a great time here! The weather is ___________________! I
don't like the food though and ___________________. I just eat salads all the time. We had
a late night last night ___________________ we went to a club with some friends. It was
great ___________________ I didn't really like the music.
Anyway, I ___________________ just thinking of you so I decided to write this card. See
you soon,

Activity A

Match the responses with ‘time' on the right to the statements on the left. There
are two expressions which you do not need to use.

  1. Do you ever buy souvenirs on holiday?
  2. Am I late for the plane?
  3. How do we get on the bus?
  4. When will the ticket be ready?
  5. Is Andrew living in London now?
  6. How often do you go to museums?
  1. For the time being*
  2. By the time you leave*
  3. One at a time*
  4. Time and again*
  5. Just in time*
  6. At times
  7. Behind the times
  8. From time to time*?
* These expressions may be used more than once.

___/3 points

Activity B

Complete the sentences with one of the phrases in the box. There is one extra
you do need to use.

  1. When I am on holiday, I like to get up …………………………… on the
    day we are leaving.
  2. There are different things to check before we leave.
    ……………………………, do we have our passports?
  3. The wonderful thing about Venice is the …………………………… as
    there are no cars.
  4. When we can't find a hotel, we stay in a …………………………… .
  5. I need a holiday as I am …………………………… of what I am doing
    at the moment.
  6. Every …………………………… we go to a Greek island for a few
  7. One of the problems with big cities is the ……………………………
    with so many people every-where.
hustle and bustle
sick and tired
peace and quiet
first and foremost
bed and breakfast
safe and sound
bright and early
now and then

___/7 points

Activity C

In which place do you see the following?

a) Guards who are standing outside a palace with big black hats. ____________________
b) A statue of a lady with a torch in her arm. ____________________
c) A palace from the Minoan period in history. ____________________
d) Pyramids. ____________________
e) A volcano on an island. ____________________
f) Copacabana Beach. ____________________

___/3 points


Activity D

Without looking back at the student's
book, can you complete the following?

a) The Great _________of Giza.
b) The ______________ of Rhodes.
c) The ______________ of Artemis at Ephesus.
d) The ______________ of Babylon.
e) The ______________ at Halicarnassus
f) The ______________ of Alexandria
g) The ______________ of Zeus at Olympia.

___/3.5 points

Activity E

Fill the blanks with an appropriate adjective from the box on the right.

  1. Most people find Mykonos very ……
  2. I hate …....... places as you can never find anywhere to sit.
  3. We were very ……………………. with our hotel as it was far away from the beach.
  4. The weather in London was ……………………. every day.
  5. We took our coats as we thought the weather was a bit ……………………. .
  6. The hot ……………………. summer days make living in Greece a dream.
  7. Most big cities are really ……………………. to stay in on holiday.

___/3.5 points

Total ___/20 points

Now tick how well you can do the following:
  With difficulty Quite well Easily
√ I can read a text to get general information
√ I can read a text to understand details and preferences
√ I can listen to spoken English and pick out the details
√ I can talk about the 7 Wonders of the World and
express my opinions
√ I can write a postcard to describe a place and a holiday
√ I can write a report using data from a table