Αγγλικά Αρχάριοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
10.1 A Plastic World. 10.3 Ancient constructions Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Lesson 2

•To listen in order to follow the sequence
of events

• To listen for dates
Εικόνα Listening & Εικόνα Speaking


1. Look at the pictures on the left. What do you see?

2. In pairs, complete the spidergram below with objects made of silk.

3. What do you know about silk? In pairs,
write down your answers to the following:

a) Where does silk come from?
b) How is it made?

Task 1

You are going to hear a school lesson on the History of Silk. Listen to the recording and write the order in which you hear the following stages in producing silk.


History of fashion

Task 2

Listen again to the lesson on the
History of Silk and complete the
timeline below with the area and
the use of silk.

In pairs, compare your answers

3,000 BC 70 BC AD 500 1453 1940 2008

Mini project

The picture above shows the Silk Route across the centuries. In groups of three, use your Geography book and the Internet to find the Route taken for other products, e.g. spices, potatoes, cotton, tea, coffee. Draw your own map and a timeline and present it in class.

Task 3

1. Look at the following uses of silk. In pairs, tick ✔ the possible uses.

shoes clothes musical
roads string money paintings gifts

2. Look on the Internet to check your answers. Are there any AMAZING FACTS about the use of silk? Report to the class.

Task 4

How was silk connected with
social status in the past? Look
at your History book and write
statements about the use of silk
to show social ranking.

E.g. In ancient China, silk was only
used by the Emperor and his
Lesson 2

Εικόνα Speaking

1. Look at the table below. Match the products in
the visuals to the correct verb in each column.

Invented Discovered Produced Made Grown

Asking questions:
When was ... discovered/invented?
Where is it produced/made/grown?

Answering questions:
Gold was discovered in California over 100 years ago.
Jewellery is made of gold. Milk is produced in Thessaly.
The steam engine was invented by James Watt in 1769.
2. In small groups, ask and
answer questions about the
products in the table. What else
do you know about them? Use
the language forms in the box
to help you find the
information you need.


1. In pairs, look at the sentences below. The words in bold say WHO the “doer” of the action (the agent) is. Use the agent to form ACTIVE sentences meaning the same.
a) The first walkie-talkie was developed by Motorola
for military purposes in 1940.
b) In China, silk was used only by the emperor and his family.
c) Silk is produced by silkworms.
Motorola ____________________________.

2. Look at the sentences above and complete Rule 1 in the box below. Then circle the right option in italics in Rule 2.

Rule 1: In a passive sentence, when we want to mention WHO did the action we use the
preposition _____ before the agent.
Rule 2: We mention the agent only if it is / is not important.


Εικόνα Writing

1. Read the information in the letter below and in the Product Order Form about an order sent to Amazon internet service. A school boy ordered CDs but he hasn't received them yet.
Dear Sir or Madam,
    Three weeks ago, on the 18th of March, I ordered a new CD album
from your company but it still hasn't arrived.
    Could you please check when it was sent?
    Yours thankfully,
    Christos Paparisteidis

2. Now look at the notes made by the Amazon staff on the Product Order Form and write an email from the company manager to explain what has happened. Begin your email like this:
Dear Christos,
We are sorry about the delay in sending the CD's ordered.