Αγγλικά Αρχάριοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
9.3 Byzantine and the Present 10.2 Silk. Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
A Material World

Present Passive/ Past Passive (Affirmative,
Negative, Interrogative)

Focusing on the action rather than the
person who did the action when using the

materials and objects related to
development and technology
Learning strategies:
In order to:
• be able to take part in a conversation
with confidence I:
• listen carefully to key words in their
• look at their faces and try to understand
how they feel
• use question words (How, Where,
When, Why) to ask for clarification
• use words in the speaker’s questions to
help me answer

Lesson 1

•To introduce the concept of focusing on what happens
to something
• To relate materials people used in the past with how the
same materials are used today


1. In pairs, look at the
photo on the right.
Which historical period
is it from?

2. Look at the soldier's
weapons and uniform.
What are they made of?
Choose among the
materials in the box below.
Why did people use these materials? What was their function?
Discuss it as a class.

wool plastic cotton wood aluminium
rubber metal glass stone leather

3. Which materials from the box did not exist in those times? Why not?
4. Where do you think these materials came from? What do people use these
materials for today? Make a list with your partner.
5. Look at the items below. What materials do we use to make these items?


A Plastic world


Pre-reading 1. Think about your home. What material is used for most
things? Tell the class.

2. Discuss the following question with your partner.
Is plastic a natural material that we can find growing on trees or is it a
material that is made from some scientific process?

3. Write the answer to the following question:
What is plastic made from? Choose from: vegetables, oil, sand.
It is……………………………………………

You can check your answer by reading the text below.
Task 1

Read the text on plastic and match the objects to a country on the World map. Write the name of the object in the space for each of the six countries.

A Plastic World

Oil was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 1839. Many of the inventions we have today could not work if we did not have oil. It is used to drive many kinds of transport like cars, buses, planes, and ships which are built in the USA. Oil is also used to heat our houses. Plastic is used in Indonesia to make everything from supermarket bags to computers and mobile phones. In fact, most of the things we use in our lives are made of plastic.
Plastic is used because it is cheap and tough, and can last a long time. New products are invented almost every day. Most toys and games today are produced in China and then they are sent to different parts of the world. Many other more expensive items like mobile telephones are made by big companies in Finland. Look around your house. How many electrical items are made in Japan? Look at your athletic shoes. Maybe they were made in India or Korea. But where does plastic come from? The answer is that plastic is produced from oil.

Lesson 1


In pairs, use the information in the text to write statements about each of the products below:
  Mobile phones
Plastic bags
Toys and games
Ships and planes
Athletics shoes

Task 2

Plastic is made from oil. When we have run out of oil, what will be used in the future to make different products? In pairs, write a list of raw materials we can use to replace plastic in everyday objects. Then, compare your ideas as a class.

Task 3

Look at your Geography book to find what raw materials are produced in different countries. What products could be made from them?
E.g. China produces clay, which
is used to make porcelain.
A Plastic world

Εικόνα Grammar

1. In pairs, look at the objects and complete the following statements using the words in the box. Ask your teacher to tell you if you were right.
a) Parts of mobile phones are made of
b) Parts of cars are made of ...........
c) Designer clothes can be made of
d) Handbags are made of ............... or
2. Look at the sentences above and complete Rule 1 in the box below. Then, circle the right option in italics in Rule 2.

   Rule 1: We use the verb ______________ (in the right tense)
                                    + past participle to form passive sentences.

   Rule 2: We use a passive sentence when we are interested in
                                    the result of the action / who is responsible for it.

3. Look at the sketches 1-5 below. Which of the objects were introduced during the Byzantine period?

4. In pairs, take turns and think of 5 objects
each. Your partner must guess the object.
Use the expressions in the box.

It’s made of...
It’s used to/for...

5. What materials will be used in future?
Look at the drawing and discuss your
ideas with your partner.
