Αγγλικά Αρχάριοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
9.1 “I wish I were…”. 9.3 Byzantine and the Present Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Lesson 2

•To teach idioms about clothing
• To raise awareness of the meaning, use and symbolism of clothes in the past and today
Culture Corner

A. Look at the three pictures and write a sentence to describe each picture. Which
picture shows a British student? How do you know? Tell your partner.

B. What do you think about school uniforms? Is it a good or bad idea?

Apart from school, in what other situations is it necessary to wear a uniform? What are the advantages and disadvantages in each situation?
Advantages Disadvantages

Εικόνα Vocabulary

A. The idioms below were in the reading texts. In pairs, look at the sketches and the idioms in B 1-5 and find a suitable match..


B. In pairs, match each idiom (1-5) with a meaning (a-e):
1. to talk through your hat
2. to be dressed to kill
3. to pull up your socks
4. to wear your heart on your sleeve
5. to be in someone else’s shoes

a) try harder
b) show feelings openly
c) say something without knowing the facts
d) in another's place or position
e) wear stylish and attractive clothes

C. Do you know any idioms in Greek about clothes? Make a list and compare your answers with your class.
            Example: «Φύλαγε τα ρούχα σου νάχεις τα μισά.»

History of fashion

A. Use the examples below in the boxes to help you complete the rules by circling the correct words in italics and filling in the gap with a correct word.

Second Conditional:
Examples: If I had spots on my face, I would think I was ugly
If I were tall, I would feel more confident.

1. We use the second conditional to talk about real /imaginary or unlikely/possible events.
2. We use ‘would' + ……………… to describe the result.

Examples: I wish I had blonde hair. I wish my parents weren't so strict with me.
I wish my dad would let me have a nose ring.

We use wish + ……….…… to describe a desire for something we want in the past / now.
We use wish + ……….…… + infinitive when we would like someone else to behave in a different way.
B. Match the two sets of comments: Εικόνα
1. I wish I had long hair.
2. I wish I had clear skin.
3. I wish my nose wasn't fat.
4. I wish my parents weren't strict.
5. I wish I didn't have glasses.
6. I wish I could cut my hair short.
7. I wish I didn't have curly hair.
A. If I hadn't, I could plait it.
B. If I didn't, people wouldn't call me four eyes.
C. If I could, I would spike it.
D. If I had, I could make a pony tail.
E. If I had, I wouldn't need face cream.
F. If it wasn't, I would have a sweeter face
G. If they weren't, I could wear knee-length jeans.
C. What advice would you give to people with these problems? Choose from the advice below:

                  a) if I were you, I would use Clearasil to get rid of it.
                  b) if I were you, I would grow my hair long to cover them.
                  c) if I were you, I would change my shampoo.
Pre-listening - A project: History of Fashion

How much do you know about fashion? Tick   ✓   the correct statements and then add up your scores to see who knows the most in your class. Two marks for each correct answer.
1. In the time of Robin Hood, men wore a shoulder cape.
2. Women started wearing tights in the 1980's.
3. In the early 60's, Mary Quant created the mini-skirt.
4. It is not unusual to see women wearing leggings today.
5. Today, it is normal to see a man wearing a head-scarf in church.
6. A chlamys is a dress that people wore last century.
7. In the Middle Ages, soldiers wore tunics as part of their uniform.
8. Ladies in the 1300's wore floor-length dresses.
shoulder cape
Lesson 2

Task 1      

Write the Greek equivalent for each of the items of clothing in the box on the previous page and check your answer with your partner.
Example: boots = μπότες

Task 2

A. In pairs, look at the drawings on the right and compete
with your partner to see who can find and circle the
items of clothing in the boxon page 103 first.
Compare your answers with your partner to see who has
found the most.

B. Which clothes would best suit the
following people in the Middle
Ages? Tell the class which you
chose and why.

a) a teacher ______________________
b) a school girl ______________________
c) a farmer ______________________
d) a rich lady ______________________

ΕικόναTask 3 - In the museum

A. Listen to the guide of the Byzantine Museum talking about the clothes that the
people in the Byzantine period wore. Which icon 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 is he referring to?


B. Listen to the recording again and write the number beside each person in the order you hear.

Task 1

a. civil servant
b. low ranking soldier
c. citizens
d. high ranking soldier
e. governor

In pairs, discuss the following questions:
a) If you wore a chlamys today, would you look strange if you went on a bus?
b) Are there any accessories or clothes that people wear today that are similar to
those people wore in the Middle Ages?

Task 2 - Role play: Buying clothes

Divide into two groups. Group A play the role of the shop assistant and group B are the shoppers. Group A try to persuade group B to buy a certain item of clothing from those in the sketch in Appendix on p. 161. Use the model dialogue:


These look nice.
Yes, but, if I were you, I'd
buy those. They are nicer.
Those are too expensive for
You're right. But their
quality is the best!

History of fashion

Task 3 - A guessing game

In pairs, decide where the girl would be going, if she wore the clothes a-g. Use the example for the question and answer:
A: If you saw a girl in …, where would you think
she would be going?
B: I would think she would be going to …
a) a suit with a shirt and tie
b) a tracksuit and athletic shoes
c) a long dress with high heel shoes
d) a T-shirt, clean jeans and trainers
e) a short skirt, a blouse and nice shoes
f) fancy clothes with lots of make-up
g) a uniform
Εικόνα Writing - ‘Teen worries’

Task 1

In pairs, look at the
cartoons and write
down things that
teenagers worry about
concerning their

Task 2

A. Read the short texts i-iv from a teen magazine where young people write about their worries and then read the advice from the magazine columnist. In pairs, rate these worries according to how important you think they are.
1. very serious:
2. quite serious:
3. not very serious:
4. a little bit serious:
5. not serious at all:
i) Dear Liza,
There's a girl at my school who always copies what I
wear. I don't know what to do. I am afraid that if I told
her that I didn't like it, she would be upset. Help!
ii) Dear Liza,
I wish I knew how to match my clothes. I
can never get it right with the clothes to
wear at parties. I need some help. Thanks!
iii) Dear Liza,
My mum makes me feel awful about my hipster jeans and
short T-shirt. I wish she didn't go on at me all the time.
The thing is I agree with her but all the other kids in
my class are wearing their clothes like this.
iv) Dear Liza,
I wish I looked different. I am thinking of
getting four rings in my ears to look
different from the rest of the kids but I
am a bit scared. What do I do?
B. Work in groups. Choose a
problem from i-iv above, and
write some advice for the
problem. Use the example below
to help you. Discuss your ideas
with your group.
Dear …,
If I were you I would think twice about changing the
way you look. If you did something unusual, you would not
be able to fix it later, so be careful.
Hope that helps. Liza.