Αγγλικά Αρχάριοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
8.3 Bikes for the world 9.2 History of fashion. Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
‘Keeping up

A. What do the photographs tell you about appearances?
B. What do you think each of the following sayings means?

1.Money talks!
2.Beauty lies in the eyes of
the beholder

3. Plain Jane
4. A face only a mother
could love

C. Choose a title for the article
which goes with the 4 photos.

D. Read the following text and
decide if the advice it gives says:

a) don't let friends upset you
b) don't let fashion models influence you

The Unreal Image
Do you care about what clothes you wear? Do you try to look good to please people? If your answer is Yes to any of these questions, read on.

Body image is a dangerous trap for teenagers. Young people are the victims of TV and advertisements and try to copy models and stars. But it is not necessary to wear fancy clothes for people to like you. If your friends are genuine, they won't care what you wear. And remember, what you see in the models is not real. It is all fantasy. If you saw the models before the make-up, you would think twice. Most photographs are the result of photo touch-up, wigs and expensive clothes.
2nd Conditional for imaginary
Wish + past simple for present

Making hypotheses (unreal present
situations) and expressing desires

Describing personality and
Learning strategies:
When I speak to other people in
English I …

• listen carefully to key words in
their speech
• look at their faces to try to
understand how they feel
• use question words to ask for
• use words in the speaker's
questions to help me answer.

Lesson 1

• To use adjectives to describe character
• To talk about hypotheses about how someone might
• To introduce expressions of agreement / disagreement


Task 1

A. Look at the pictures of the girl. Which of the two pictures do you think is more
attractive? Why?
Use the adjectives to describe how the girl feels in each of the pictures.

i) ________________________
ii) ________________________
iii) ________________________

B. Look at Ann-Li's dream.

old fashioned

Have YOU ever felt like Ann-Li? What did you do about it?

C. Find out how many people in your class judge people by their
appearance. Have they ever found that they were wrong?
Make a histogram of the results and discuss the findings in class.

D. Class Debate
Do you think it is right or wrong for us to stereotype people? Why?

Task 2

Does the way you dress show people how you feel about yourself? Use the adjectives below to talk about yourself and your self image.
Task 3

How do you think clothes make someone look to others? Tick the boxes:
Show your answers to your partner and ask him or her if s/he agrees with you.

“I wish I were...”

Task 4

A. Look at the list of features from a magazine article called
‘Looking Good'. Do you agree with this list of items which
are ‘in' and those which are ‘out'? Why? Why not?

knee length skirts
waist high jeans
plain tie
smart trousers
round-neck pullovers
long-sleeved shirts
spiked hair
two earrings
hipster jeans
nose rings
athletic shoes
jackets with zips
T-shirts with slogans
gelled hair
short T-shirts

B. Make a list of items that are the latest fashion for young people today. Compare your list with the ‘IN' list in task 4A.
C. Complete the spidergram to show the things that influence fashion and what people wear. Use what you know to find examples. Are your examples stereotypes? Εικόνα

D. Tell your partner how your dad, your teacher, your grandmother, would react if you wore items from the ‘IN' column above?

For example:
If I wore …, my … would be angry / happy / surprised / pleased / okay would scream at me / hit the roof / be mad / not mind at all.

E. You have to go to your cousin’s wedding. Look at the Resource Material (page 161) and choose the appropriate pieces of clothing.

Task 5 - Game

Work in groups.

a) Ask your partner what he/she would like to change about his/her appearance.
b) What items of clothing do you wish you could wear? Why?

Put all your answers for a) in one basket, and all
b) answers in another basket. Try to combine
a) and b) sentences to work out the cause and a
solution for each.
For example:
I wish I wasn't so thin.
I wish I could wear short skirts.

Mini project

Look at the factors that influence fashion and what people wear in the
spidergram in Task 4C.
Work in groups of four. Choose one factor and find as much information about
it as you can. Present your findings to the class.
Make a poster about trends in fashion.

Lesson 1

Task 1 - Look! Awful me!

A. Listen to the piece of a song and guess what the song is
about. In pairs, make a list of the feature that people are
“vain” about. Compare your list with your class.

B. Match these problems to the sketches 1-3.

a) My ears stick out b) I have greasy hair c) I have a spot on my nose

Task 2 With your partner look at the photographs a, b, c, d and e and tell him/her
why you would or wouldn't dress like the people in the photographs.


Task 3

Listen to bits
of songs and
try to match
the music to
one of the
styles in the
Read the
text on
music types
to check
your ideas.
“I wish I were...”

ΕικόναReading: Psychology in our lives

Do the quiz with your partner to find out how accurate or unrealistic magazine quizzes are about character and personality.

Task 1
Read the 4 texts to find if these
statements are true or false.
1. Pop fans like challenges and they are
close to their family and friends.
2. Rock fans prefer the casual look and
shy away from the centre of attention.
3. Folk fans love the spotlight and wearing
the latest gear.
4. The Hip-Hop fan is a little narcissistic
and also lazy.
  Task 2

 In pairs find which text
 mentions a music type
 who is:

a) a sensitive and shy person
b) a dynamic person
c) a person who likes change
d) a person who likes attention

Task 3

According to the text, which type a-d
do you think you really belong to?

Do you agree or disagree with the
descriptions of the four types of music
fans? Why? Why not?

Choose one of the phrases from the box
which shows your opinion.

I totally agree.
That's me, for sure.
That's a load of rubbish!
I don't agree at all with that.
There is some truth in that.
Perhaps I am a bit like that.

Task 4

What kind of music do you like? Do you
dress according to the music idols you
like? Do a survey of class members'
preferences to see i) which music is the
most popular; ii) how many students
dress to suit their music.

Class discussion: Are there any
problems among students because of
appearances like Emo or Trendy?
Why? How can you solve these