Αγγλικά Αρχάριοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
8.1 Getting around. 8.3 Bikes for the world Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Lesson 2

•To raise awareness of sounds and their effect
• To provide a context for writing a report
• To introduce and teach idioms about travel
and means of transport

Εικόνα Grammar

Relative Pronouns: who, which, where, when, how

Task 1
Complete the following sentences with a suitable word: when, where, how,
which, who, whose. Then, match the sentences to one of the sketches a-f.

1. Mary, __________ sister is a pilot, lives in Crete, doesn't she?
2. Joe, __________ likes sailing, has got a boat, hasn't he?
3. You'll get the scooter __________ is smaller, won't you?
4. You know __________ Marcus keeps his car, don't you?
5. He didn't say __________ he learned how to roller-skate, did he?
6. Irene doesn't know __________ to ride a bike, does she?


Grammar rule

In pairs, complete the rule for the use of relative pronouns in the sentences for each of the sketches above.

We use relative pronouns when we want to add extra information about the ________ or the ________ of the sentence.

Task 2

In pairs, complete the mini-dialogues 1-6 by writing the questions (A) for each of the responses (B).


E.g. Where does Marcus park his car?
1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________
6. ___________________________________

I don't know where he parks his car.
I don't know when the bus leaves.
I don't know how to fix a puncture on a bike.
I don't know whose car crashed into the wall.
A bike or a skateboard? I don't know which is faster.
I don't know where Anna goes on holiday.
I don't know who owns the skateboard.
Signs and travel
ΕικόναGrammar - Tag questions

Task 1

In pairs, look at the sentences i and ii below from the READING texts and use them to complete the rules for the use of TAG QUESTIONS in the box. Circle the correct option in italics for each rule.

i. And it's not a normal bike, is it?
ii. It sounds strange, doesn't it?
a) When the first part of the sentence is positive
/negative, the second part is negative/positive.
b) We use a tag question when we expect / don't expect
the person we are talking to agree/disagree with what
we are saying.
Intonation Rules
a) We use falling intonation in question tags when we know/don't know the answer to the
b) We use rising intonation when we are/aren't sure of the answer.

Task 2

In pairs, use the tags in the box to complete the following sentences.
a) This is your bus, _____________
b) Your uncle drives a red car, _____________
c) Your sister isn't a pilot, _____________
d) Your dad doesn't have a Ferrari, _____________
does he?
isn't it?
doesn't he?
is she?

Task 3 - Idioms of travel

Look at the cartoons and match an idiom to each one. Match each idiom to its greek equivalent
___ to take someone for a ride
___ drive someone crazy
___ hit the road
___ rock the boat
___ hold your horses
___ miss the boat
i) εκνευρίζω κάποιον___
ii) χάνω την ευκαιρία___
iii) ξεγελώ κάποιον___
iv) συγκρατήσου___
v) δημιουργώ αναταραχή___
vi) ας ξεκινήσουμε___

Lesson 2
Task 4 - Pre-listening
Look at the picture. What can you see in it? Is it like any means of transport that you have ever seen?
Fast Means of Transport

This is The Maglev train.
What word does ‘Mag' in Maglev come from?
‘Lev' comes from the word levitation which means to raise something from the ground.

ΕικόναListening 1

Listen to the dialogue between the man and the woman describing the world's fastest train and complete the chart with the missing information..
Top speed :  
Year :  
Airport :  
City :  
Countries :  
Distance :  

ΕικόναListening 2

A. Listen to the noises from a busy street in a big city. What sounds can you hear? Tick the appropriate box for the sounds that you hear..

a) car horns
b) train horns
c) helicopter
d) motor scooter
e) skateboard

110 dB
140 dB
75 dB
115 dB
70 dB
f) bike bell
g) train engine
h) car engine
i) tram

78 dB
125 dB
45 dB
75 dB

Search your Physics book or ask your Science teacher to find out what the decibel level is where we start to feel pain.

B. Listen as a class for the different sounds you hear around you and write them down in your notebook. Rank the sounds in order of loudness. Which of these sounds are dangerous? What can you do about them?

A. Look at the signs on the right. Do you know what they mean? You can ask your parents or friends to help you.
Signs and travel

B. Complete the description of the signs with words from the box.
• Signs giving orders are mostly …………….
• Signs with …………… circles usually tell you what you must do.
• Signs with …………… circles usually tell you not to do something.
• …………… signs are usually triangular.
• …………… signs usually warn of potential dangers ahead.
• …………… signs usually contain information.
C. Mini Project

How many other road signs can you think of? In small groups, share your ideas and then make a poster with signs and their meaning and put it up on the school walls for the other students to see.

ΕικόναWriting - Find the way
Task 1
Look at the map on the right and list the kind of information we can get about this place.

Task 2
You are a tourist in Britain and you want to visit some places on the map. Mark the routes below:

A. How do you get from the airfield to Lock Castle?
B. What's the quickest way to go from Brent to Penby Church?
C. What's the most interesting route from Brent to Great Barton?

Task 3

You have recently received a letter from an English teacher who wants help to arrange a day trip for her class. Read the advertisement for a day out, on which you have made some notes.
Good time; fewer people

Learn about local history

Take sandwiches

Suitable clothes

Minimum 10 students

Then using your notes, write a semi-formal letter to
her to say why you think this would be a good idea.