Αγγλικά Αρχάριοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
6.1 Rubbish and pollution. 6.3 Recycling as art Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Lesson 2

• To follow a sequence of instructions
• To express your opinion in letters


Task 1
In pairs, look through the Reading texts on page 65 and find 3 negative phrases which show how the children feel about the situation.

Task 2

Complete the sentences using the following words: loaf, slice, can, carton, packet, tube, bar. Then use the ideas in the statements to make an anti-litter slogan for a poster to keep the school tidy.
1. Don't use chemicals! Buy a natural …………… of soap on-line.
2. The fluoride in your ……… of toothpaste may not be healthy.
3. When you finish eating your ……………of crisps, put the bag into the rubbish bin.
4. You can use your empty ………… of milk to make cardboard items like small toys.
5. At the bakery, a fresh …………… of bread doesn't have a plastic wrapping.
6. Reuse your empty …………… of coke to make a pencil holder for your desk.
7. Don't throw that …………of cheese on the ground. It will attract mice.


Look at the picture. What does
the man have in his hands?
What do you think he is doing?
What kind of TV show do you
think this is?

a) a show for adults
b) a show for old ladies
c) a show for young people

Εικόνα Listening

You are going to listen to a radio programme with someone explaining how to reuse old things that we have around the house.
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Task 1

A. Which items in list A does the speaker mention. Tick the boxes.
List A
Toothpaste tubes
Aluminium cans
Margarine tubs
Cereal packets
Shoe boxes
Plastic bags

List B
a jar
candle holders
a mask
box files
a kite
a book cover

B. ‘Be an Artist': Which two things in list B can you make with the materials in list A? Tick the boxes. Which of the things can you see in this recycled item from rubbish in the opposite picture?

Task 2

You are going to listen to the second part of the programme about making a kite from an old plastic bag. Listen and put the pictures 1-6 in the right order.
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Task 3

Listen to a song and answer the following questions:
Εικόνα A. Listen to the song and tick the correct title.
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Don't Dream!  
Dream Time!  
Only a Dream!

B. Discuss your answer with the class. What is the message in the song? Will it be an effective message to get people to stop throwing litter? Why? Why not?