Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
Lesson 3, We survived the tsunami! Lesson 2, A nation in brief!! Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Match the pictures (1-3) with the notices (A-C)
Times change!
  • museum guide book texts
  • a student's article about the UK
  • a recorded message of a museum
  • an Embassy official talking about British
  • an interview with an English teacher about
    teenage life in the past
  • a song about learning English
  • ancient Rome and Egypt
  • important historical figures
  • similarities & differences between the British and the Greeks
  • photos suitable for an exhibition
  • your past habits and states
  • your learning habits
  • a history quiz
  • a paragraph about your partner's past habits
image History image Geography image Culture image Maths image Technology image Music
Lesson 1
We are in David and Susan's school in Notting Hill. Their class
is organising a school trip to the British museum. David called
the museum for more information. Listen to the recorded
message and complete his notes.
School Trip to the British Museum
Date: Friday 10th Jan
Open: from 1 ..........am to 2 ..........pm
Get tickets for the guided tour at the 3 .............................
Buy books from the 4 ...................... shop
For information about activities, call 5 ................................
Fancy ancient history?
History 1
The students of Notting Hill School are at the museum. Before they go into the
different galleries, the guide asks them to complete the two theme worksheets.
Can you help them? In pairs, match the words (1-6) with the pictures (a-f) on
worksheets A and B. Then, listen and check.
Choose 4 of the words above and tell us what they remind you of.
e.g. The word ‘gladiator' reminds me of the film. It was a box office hit.
Lesson 1
Notting Hill school students are divided into two groups. Do the same.
Students A, follow David's group. Students B, follow Susan's group.
David's group is reading this text about Ancient Egypt in the museum guide
book. Read it quickly to find:
a. a very important river in Egypt
b. a great pharaoh
c. a famous museum
Five thousand years ago, Egypt was a rich
country because of the River Nile. Around the
river, the farmers grew crops and raised
animals. The Nile was also home to lots of fish,
birds and wild animals which people hunted
for food and sport. Travelling by land was
difficult in the hills and deserts of ancient
Egypt, so people travelled by boats.
The ancient Egyptian pharaohs built temples
and put up huge stone statues. Rameses II was
the pharaoh who ruled for sixty-seven years
and put up more statues of himself than any
other pharaoh.
The ancient Egyptians believed in life after
death. That's why they became very good at
mummification. Nowadays, with modern
technology, we can look inside mummies.
There are lots of them in the British Museum.
adapted from ‘The World of the British Museum' - C. Whitaker, 2000; London: British Museum Press
Read the text more carefully to
complete David's notes.
  • A lot of farming around the
    1 .................................
  • People hunted for 2 ..................
    and sport.
  • People travelled by 3.....................
  • Rameses II ruled for 4 ...........
  • 5 ..................................was an
    Egyptian technique.
  • Modern technology helps us
  • 6 ..........................................
Check your answers with
another Student A.
Pair up with a Student B.
Turn to page 146 to do the
Speaking task.
Fancy ancient history?
Susan's group is reading this text about the Roman Empire in the museum
guide book. Read it quickly to find:
a. two languages
b. a great emperor
c. a type of gladiator
At the end of the first century AD the Roman
Empire covered most of Europe, North Africa
and parts of Asia. The Roman Emperors built
excellent roads which people used to trade and
communicate. There were two official
languages, Latin and Greek.
Emperor Hadrian travelled all over his empire
and studied all the cultures. He built an eighty-
mile-long wall in Britain to keep out the
'barbarians', the people who were not under
Roman rule. Hadrian was the first Roman
emperor who had a beard. He made beards
popular among the Romans.
Every important Roman town had an
amphitheatre where people watched gladiators
and wild animals fight to death. Professional
gladiators trained in special schools. The
murmillo gladiators wore bronze helmets which
protected the face and neck.
adapted from ‘The World of the
British Museum' - C. Whitaker, 2000;
London: British Museum Press
Read the text more
carefully to complete
Susan's notes.
  • It covered big parts of three
    continents, 1 .....................,
    2 ................ and Asia
  • Emperor Hadrian's wall was
    3 .................. miles long.
  • The emperors didn't want the
    4..................... in their
  • The Romans liked watching fights
    between 5 ........................ and
    6 ....................... animals
Check your answers with
another Student B.
Pair up with a Student A.
Turn to page 146 to do the
Speaking task.
Lesson 1
After their visit, Susan and David prepared this ancient history quiz for the
school newspaper. Can you do it? You need information from both texts.
1. They had animals on the farms.
2. They had an excellent road system.
3. They put up marble statues.
4. They thought there was life after death.
T / F
T / F
T / F
T / F
1. Latin was one of their main languages.
2. The emperors before Hadrian didn't have a beard.
3. All Roman towns had an amphitheatre.
4. Murmillo was a kind of helmet.
T / F
T / F
T / F
T / F
What else do you know about the Egyptian / Roman civilisation?
History 2
People who made history.
Match the people (1-8) with what each
one was (a-h). Then, listen and check.
1. Socrates
2. Napoleon
3. Hitler
4. Nelson
5. Victoria
6. Wallace
7. Louis XIV
8. Athena
a. an English admiral
b. a Scottish warrior
c. a French general
d. a French king
e. a German dictator
f. a Greek philosopher
g. a Greek goddess
h. an English queen
Write: after or before
a. AD: ........... Christ was born
b. BC: ........... Christ was born
In the first word-snake find
words that collocate with
‘statues’ and in the second
words that collocate with
bronzestonemarblegold statues
fightwinlosediein a battle
Do some research to find the date of birth and death of the people in Task 1
above. Put their names in chronological order on the Time Line below. Which
of these people lived in the same century?
Fancy ancient history?
Relative Clauses - Who / Which / Where
Look at the example sentences and complete the Grammar table.
  • Hadrian was the first Roman emperor who had a beard.
  • The Nile is the river which passes through Egypt.
  • There were amphitheatres where the Romans watched the gladiators.
In relative clauses, we use
  • ................... to talk about people
  • ................... to talk about things and animals
  • ................... to talk about places where something happens
see Grammar Appendix, page 170
Do you fancy ancient Greek history? Use information in Boxes B and C to
talk about the people, things and places in Box A.
Minos was the Greek king who lived in Knossos.
Box A Box B Box C
The Minotaur
The Parthenon
Greek general
Greek king
Greek city-state
had a lot of power.
the ancient Greeks built for Athena.
people lived a strict and simple life.
Socrates lived.
lived in Knossos.
fought in Marathon.
half-man and half-bull.
Link to www.e-yliko.gr
for the first grade of Junior
High School:
Underwater Exploration

A. An Ancient History Quiz
Work in groups of three.
  • Look at your history textbook.
  • Find information about other people, things or places of importance in ancient history.
  • Choose 6 to 8 pieces of information.
  • Write an ancient history quiz.
  • Prepare the key to your quiz.
  • Give it to other groups to find the answers.
B. A Local History Poster
Work in groups of three.
  • Find out about the history of your area. Your history teacher can help you.
  • Choose an important person or event.
  • Collect information.
  • Write a short text and add pictures.
  • Prepare a Local History Poster and present it to your class.