Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Review, Happy summer holidays! Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Unit 3 Lesson 1
Vocabulary Link, Culture Corner

1. Eating an apple each day can help you keep healthy.
2. Too many people doing the same thing at the same time will not be successful.
3. Don't feel upset about a mistake that cannot be undone.
Unit 4 Lesson 1
Answers to the mystery person quiz
A. Alfred Nobel
B. Jim Henson
C. Hans Christian Andersen
D. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
E. William Shakespeare
Unit 4 Lesson 3
Answers to the tsunami quiz
  1. fast
  2. 10
  3. After
  4. small/huge
  5. a. at some time between 1650 and 1600 BC after the eruption of the volcano in Santorini
    b. in 373 BC after an earthquake in the area of the Gulf of Corinth (Katsanopoulou, 2005 at
  6. a. It destroyed the north coast of Crete and according to Professor Marinatos the Minoan
    b. It destroyed Helike, the principal Greek city on the southwest shore of the Gulf of Corinth.
Unit 6 Lesson 1
Answers to Andrew's quiz
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a
Unit 6 Lesson 3
Answers to Penelope's quiz
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. c
Speaking Appendix
Unit 2 Lesson 3
  Student B
Read the blurb of this book and tell your English-speaking friend about it.
The words in the box may help you.
Don't try to translate the text. Use your own words.
get married to       move to
record       moments
new member
Λότι Πέτροβιτς - Ανδρουτσοπούλου

σπίτι για πέντε

Ο Φίλιππος 12 ετών, έχει καινούρια οικογένεια. Η μητέρα του παντρεύεται τον Ορέστη,
πατέρα του εννιάχρονου και πολύ ζωηρού Άρη. Μετακομίζουν σε καινούριο σπίτι. Ο
Φίλιππος έχει ένα μικρό κασετοφωνάκι και καταγράφει την καθημερινή ζωή της οικογέ-
νειας. Tο ίδιο κάνει και ο Άρης. Η μητέρα γράφει τα νέα στην αδερφή της στην Κρήτη και
ο Ορέστης τηλεφωνεί συχνά στον καλύτερό του φίλο. Έχουν καλές στιγμές, κωμικές στιγ-
μές αλλά και τραγικές στιγμές μέχρι που έρχεται ένα νέο μέλος στην οικογένεια και το
σπίτι γίνεται σπίτι για πέντε.

Για παιδιά από 9 ετών και εφήβους
Εκδόσεις Πατάκη
Συλλογή Χελιδόνια
adapted from: Σπίτι για πέντε - Λότη Πέτροβιτς - Ανδρουτσοπούλου /
Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (Συλλογή Χελιδόνια)
Unit 3 Lesson 1
Student A
Tell your partner what there is in Petra's fridge.
Use a lot, a little, a few, some etc.
Your partner will tell you what there is in Jane's fridge.
Who has healthier eating habits, Petra or Jane? Why?
Unit 4 Lesson 2
Student A
Read the story that won second prize in the story-writing competition.
a. Is it funny or sad?
b. Can you guess the missing information?
c. Ask your partner (Student B) to give you the information missing.
My friends are going to the 1............ tonight. But I am
not! And you know why? Because of that stupid window!
Everything happened so fast. You see, I was dancing to the
rhythm of ‘Lose my breath' in our living room. I was having
so much fun!
Suddenly, I raised my left 2.............. and, by mistake,
I kicked my 3...............'s ball. The ball flew across the room
and hit the window. You can imagine the rest. The window
broke into two thousand pieces! 4............... got angry and
punished me of course. I'm grounded for two weeks! It's so
  • Don't show your story to your
    partner. You'll miss the fun!
  • Use Wh - questions.
  • Remember to use the question
    form after a Wh-word.
Speaking Appendix
Speaking Appendix
Unit 2 Lesson 3
  Student B
Read the blurb of this book and tell your English-speaking friend about it.
The words in the box may help you.
Don't try to translate the text. Use your own words.
help each other       team
get a tan       feel good
lie under the sun
Βησσαρία Ζορμπά - Ραμμοπούλου

Η Σαββίνα, η Μοένια και τα χρώματα

Η Σαββίνα μένει στην Αθήνα και είναι μοναχοπαίδι. Μια μέρα φτιάχνει μια ομάδα αλλη-
λοβοήθειας. Η ομάδα τρέχει να βοηθήσει κάθε παιδί της τάξης που αντιμετωπίζει κάποιο
πρόβλημα. Όπως την Μοένια που είναι από την Αφρική και θέλει να γίνει... λευκή. Η Σαβ-
βίνα πείθει τα παιδιά της τάξης να μαυρίσουν για να αισθάνεται η Μοένια καλά. Και κάθο-
νται στον ήλιο με τις ώρες! Μα η ιδέα της δεν είναι και τόσο καλή. Όλοι είναι θυμωμένοι.
Οι γονείς, οι δάσκαλοι... και η Μοένια δεν είναι ευτυχισμένη.

Εκδόσεις ΑΚΡΙΤΑΣ
adapted from: Σπίτι για πέντε - Λότη Πέτροβιτς - Ανδρουτσοπούλου /
Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (Συλλογή Χελιδόνια)
Unit 3 Lesson 1
Student Β
Tell your partner what there is in Petra's fridge.
Use a lot, a little, a few, some etc.
Your partner will tell you what there is in Jane's fridge.
Who has healthier eating habits, Petra or Jane? Why?
Unit 4 Lesson 2
Student B
Read the story that won second prize in the story-writing competition.
a. Is it funny or sad?
b. Can you guess the missing information?
c. Ask your partner (Student Α) to give you the information missing.
My 1.................. are going to the cinema tonight. But
I am not! And you know why? Because of that stupid
window! Everything happened so fast. You see, I was
dancing to the rhythm of ‘Lose my breath' in our
2................. I was having so much fun!
Suddenly, I raised my left foot and, by mistake, I
kicked my brother's ball. The ball flew across the room and
hit the window. You can imagine the rest. The window
broke into 3................... pieces! Mum got angry and
punished me of course. I'm grounded for 4............. weeks!
It's so unfair!
  • Don't show your story to your
    partner. You'll miss the fun!
  • Use Wh - questions.
  • Remember to use the question
    form after a Wh-word.
Speaking Appendix
Speaking Appendix
Unit 5 Lesson 1
Take it in turns to do the task
  Student A
Use the text and your notes to tell your partner about Ancient Egypt.
  • Make sure you give him / her all the information you have found.
  • Use WORKSHEET A in Vocabulary Link (History 1) to explain some new words.
  • Help your partner by repeating or explaining but don't show your notes.
Now change roles.
Listen to your partner and complete
the notes about the Roman Empire.
  • Big parts of Europe, 1............... and 2............
    belonged to the Roman Empire.
  • Emperor 3................. built a wall.
  • it was 4 .............. miles long.
  • The wall protected the empire from the
  • Gladiators fought with 6...........................
My text says that ...
Can you repeat the (name), please?
Say that again, please.
What do you mean?
How do you spell that?
Ask your partner to repeat or
rephrase. Don't look at each
other's notes because you'll
miss the fun!
Student B
Use the text and your notes to tell your partner about the Roman Empire.
  • Make sure you give him / her all the information you have found.
  • Use WORKSHEET in Vocabulary Link (History 1) to explain some new words.
  • Help your partner by repeating or explaining but don't show your notes.
Listen to your partner and complete the notes about Ancient Egypt.
  • An important river: 1 the River ............
  • People hunted for food but also for
  • People travelled by 3 .....................
  • Rameses II ruled for 4 .......... years.
  • The Egyptians were very good at
    5 ..........................................
  • Today, we can look inside the
Unit 6 Lesson 1
Ask and answer
e.g - Have you ever taken care of a stray dog?
- Yes, I have / No, I haven't
Maria has taken care of a stray dog. / No one in the class has taken care of a stray dog.
1. Find someone who has taken care of a stray dog.
2. Find someone who has cleaned up a beach.
3. Find someone who has planted a tree.
4. Find someone who has worked in an eco team.
5. Find someone who has collected cans for recycling.
6. Find someone who has helped put out a fire in a forest.
7. Find someone who has recycled their mobile phone or their computer.
8. Find someone who has dropped litter in the street.
Speaking Appendix
Speaking Appendix
Unit 6 Lesson 3
Go around the class, ask and take notes.
e.g - Have you ever cooked on your own?
- Yes, I have. I've cooked on my own many times.
- When did you last cook on your own?
- Last week.
- What did you cook?
- I made meat balls.
- Did your family like them?
- To be honest, not much
1. has cooked on their own. Name: ..........................
(Find out when it was, what they cooked and if their family liked it)
2. has done an experiment in chemistry. Name: ..........................
(Find out when it was, what it was about and if it went well)
3. has played Trivial Pursuit Name: ..........................
(Find out when he played, who with and if he won)
4. has heard stories about the past from old people. Name: ..........................
(Find out who told the stories, where they were and what the story was about)
5. has visited a foreign country. Name: ..........................
(Find out where they went, who they went with and what they did on the first day)
6. has performed on stage. Name: ..........................
(Find out when it was, where it was and what they did)
Unit 7 Lesson 1
Student A
Emma's diary
16 Monday
Dance lesson - 6.30
20 Friday
Take the dog to the vet - 6.15
17 Tuesday
Go to the dentist - 3.30
21 Saturday
Meet Carol outside school - 8.00
18 Wednesday
Study for the Maths test
22 Sunday
Visit Museum of Modern Art
with mum and dad
Have lunch at the park.
19 Thursday
Tidy my room
Paul's diary
16 Monday
Play basketball - 5.15
20 Friday
Wash dad's car
17 Tuesday
Revise Biology
21 Saturday
Meet Jane outside school - 8.00
18 Wednesday
Buy present for dad
(after 3.00)
22 Sunday
Visit grandma - morning
Go to the cinema
with Tom - 7.30
19 Thursday

Watch football match - 8.00
  • Paul is playing basketball on Monday.
  • What is Paul doing next Sunday?
  • Is Emma studying for a Maths test on
    Wednesday 18th?
    Yes, she is / No, she isn't
  • When / What time is Emma ....?
  • According to my diary, Paul isn't ....
Speaking Appendix
Speaking Appendix
Unit 7 Lesson 3
Student A
Your American friend is in Greece. You are looking at Greek magazines together and your
friend wants to know what his/her horoscope says. Tell him/her.
Student A:
  • Read the horoscope before you start.
  • What do you want to say to your friend?
  • Think about the language you need.
Don't try to translate everything.
Use your own words.
Αυτό το μήνα, θα καταφέρεις επιτέλους να λύσεις ένα πρόβλημα που σε απασχολεί
πολύ αυτό τον καιρό. Οι φίλοι σου θα σου δείξουν την αγάπη τους και θα σε βοη-
Θα πάρεις πρόσκληση και θα πας σε ένα καταπληκτικό πάρτυ. Οι γονείς σου όμως
θα σου πουν να γυρίσεις νωρίς και έτσι προμηνύεται σύγκρουση.
Στο τέλος του μήνα θα γράψετε διαγώνισμα στο μάθημα που σιχαίνεσαι. Προετοι-
μάσου! Τα θέματα δεν είναι και τόσο εύκολα.
Μην σπαταλήσεις όλο το χαρτζηλίκι σου διότι θα χρειαστείς χρήματα για κάτι σημα-
ντικό. Μπορεί να είναι για μια συναυλία που θα θέλεις να πας ή για την αγορά ενός
δώρου. Οι γονείς σου δεν θα σου δώσουν επιπλέον χρήματα.
Now, Student A
You are from Australia and you're spending your holidays in Greece at your Greek friend's
house. You are looking at some Greek magazines together and you want to know what your
horoscope says. Your friend will tell you. Is it good news?
Student A:
  • Listen to your partner.
  • Ask any questions you like.
  • Say if you agree with what your horoscope
    says. Are you happy with it?
adapted from the teenage magazine: Young No 8 Ιούλιος 2006 (Greek edition - pages 206-207)
Unit 8 Lesson 1
Take it in turns to do the task.
Student A
Use your notes to tell your partner about the Oscars.
  • Make sure you give him / her all the information you have found.
  • Help your partner by repeating or explaining but don't show your notes.
  • Use the Language Bank for help.
  • David's article is about .... He says that there are ....
  • According to Susan's article, the Oscars ....
  • Now, I'm going to tell you about...
  • How often do (The Brits) take place?
  • What's the name of these awards?
  • What do you know about (Walt Disney)?
  • Who can vote?
  • Tell me one of the categories.
  • Is there anything else you want to know?
Now, listen to your partner and complete the table about the Music Awards.
B. MUSIC AWARDS - Table of Facts
TOP OF THE POPS   6........ AWARDS  
First appeared:
Who votes:
One main category:
November 1.........
Who votes:
How to vote:
phone or 8..........
How often:
Best British Single voted by:
the UK
Types of music:
Winning depends on:
Who votes:
record sales
Speaking Appendix
Speaking Appendix
Unit 7 Lesson 1
Student B
Emma's diary
16 Monday
Dance lesson - 6.30
20 Friday
Take the dog to the vet - 7.15
17 Tuesday
Go to the dentist - 3.30
21 Saturday
Meet Jane outside school - 8.00
18 Wednesday
Study for the English test
22 Sunday
Visit Museum of Modern Art
with mum and dad
Have lunch at the park.
19 Thursday
Tidy my room
Paul's diary
16 Monday
Play basketball - 4.30
20 Friday
Wash dad's car
17 Tuesday
Revise Biology
21 Saturday
Tidy my room
18 Wednesday
Buy present for dad
(after 5.00)
22 Sunday
Visit grandma -

Go to the cinema
with Tom - 7.30
19 Thursday

Watch football match - 8.00
  • Paul is playing basketball on Monday.
  • What is Paul doing next Sunday?
  • Is Emma studying for an English test on
    Wednesday 18th?
    Yes, she is / No, she isn't
  • When / What time is Emma ....?
  • According to my diary, Paul isn't ....
Unit 7 Lesson 3
Student B
You are from the USA and you're spending your holidays in Greece at your Greek friend's house.
You are looking at some Greek magazines together and you want to know what your horoscope
says. Your friend will tell you. Is it good news?
Student B:
  • Listen to your partner.
  • Ask any questions you like.
  • Say if you are happy with what your horoscope says.
Now, Student B
Your Australian friend is in Greece. You are looking at Greek magazines together and your
friend wants to know what his/her horoscope says. Tell him/her.
Student B:
  • Read the horoscope before you start.
  • What do you want to say to your friend?
  • Think about the language you need.
    Don't try to translate everything.
Use your own words.
Αυτό τον καιρό η ζωή σου είναι λίγο μονότονη αλλά τα πράγματα θα αλλάξουν
πολύ σύντομα. Θα ξεκινήσεις κάτι καινούριο - ένα άθλημα ίσως - που θα σ' αρέσει
πολύ και θα γνωρίσεις νέα άτομα. Κάποιος στην οικογένεια σου θα χρειαστεί την
βοήθεια σου. Μην αρνηθείς γιατί θα στεναχωρηθεί.
Ίσως δεν βγεις με την παρέα σου πάρα πολύ αυτό το μήνα γιατί θα έχεις πολύ δου-
λειά για το σχολείο. Υπάρχει όμως περίπτωση να πας μια σχολική εκδρομή.
Στο τέλος του μήνα, θα έχεις ένα πρόβλημα στο σχολείο, ίσως με κάποιο συμμαθη-
τή σου ή με κάποιο καθηγητή. Θα σε βοηθήσουν οι γονείς σου να το λύσεις.
adapted from the teenage magazine: Young No 8 Ιούλιος 2006 (Greek edition - pages 206-207)
Speaking Appendix
Speaking Appendix
Unit 8 Lesson 1
Take it in turns to do the task.
Student B
Listen to your partner and complete the table about the Oscars.
A. THE OSCARS - Table of Facts
What they are:
First Oscars (date):
How often:
Who the members are:
Music Awards
every day
Number of Members:

Most important category:

  • Walt Disney:
  • Titanic:
(1927) 6………..…
(today) 7………….

9…………. Oscars
10………… Oscars
Now, use your notes to tell your partner about the Music Awards.
  • Make sure you give him / her all the information you have found.
  • Help your partner by repeating or explaining but don't show your notes.
  • Use the Language Bank for help.
  • David's article is about .... He says that there are ....
  • According to Susan's article, the Oscars ....
  • Now, I'm going to tell you about...
  • How often do (The Brits) take place?
  • What's the name of these awards?
  • What do you know about (Walt Disney)?
  • Who can vote?
  • Tell me one of the categories.
  • Is there anything else you want to know?
Unit 8 Lesson 2
The student who will be the first to complete the questionnaire correctly is the winner.
1. was born in December.
(find out the exact date)
2. was sent to a kindergarten.
(find out at what age)
3. was made to go to bed early.
(find out what time)
4. was allowed to watch TV every day.
(find out what programmes they
were allowed to watch)
5. was given a bike before the age of six.
(find out at what age)

Ask and answer.
e.g - Were you born in December, John?
- No, I wasn't. Sorry.
- Were you born in December, Litsa?
- Yes, I was.
- When exactly were you born?
- (I was born) on 5th January.
Speaking Appendix
Unit 1
Statements Questions Negatives Short Answers
    Full form Short form  
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not
I'm not
You aren't
He isn't
She isn't
It isn't
We aren't
You aren't
They aren't
Yes, I am
Yes, he is
Yes, they are

No, you aren't
No, she isn't
No, we aren't
img We use the verb ‘be' to talk about physical characteristics and conditions.
e.g I'm not tall.
What colour are your eyes?
We're hungry.
Statements Questions Short Answers
Full form Short form   Full form Short form
I have got
You have got
He has got
She has got
It has got
We have got
You have got
They have got
I've got
You've got
He's got
She's got
It's got
We've got
You've got
They've got
Have I got?
Have you got?
Has he got?
Has she got?
Has it got?
Have we got?
Have you got?
Have they got?
I have not got
You have not got
He has not got
She has not got
It has not got
We have not got
You have not got
They have not got
I haven't got
You haven't got
He hasn't got
She hasn't got
It hasn't got
We haven't got
You haven't got
They haven't got
imgWe use the verb ‘have got' to talk about possession, characteristics and relationships.
e.g I've got a collection of thimbles.
Has Magda got long hair?
Alexander's got a twin sister.
Grammar Appendix
  • we add -s to make the plural of a noun
    e.g. park - parks, bed - beds
  • nouns ending in consonant + -y drop the -y and take -ies
    e.g. bakery - bakeries BUT toy - toys
  • we add -es after -s / -ss / -ch / -sh / -x /-o
    e.g. bus - buses / glass - glasses / church - churches / box - boxes / tomato - tomatoes
    photos / pianos / radios / zoos
  • nouns ending in -f or -fe drop the -f or -fe and take -ves
    e.g. wolf - wolves knife - knives
  • Some nouns have irregular plural forms or they do not change.
Singular Plural
fish (Am E. fishes)
Statements Questions Negatives Short Answers
There is a(n) …
There are (some / two) …?
Is there a(n) …?
Are there (any / two) …?
There isn't a(n) …
There aren't (any / two) …
Yes, there is.
No, there isn't .
  • We use there is / there are to
o say that something exists or doesn't exist at a specific place
o ask if something exists at a specific place
e.g There is an internet café.
There aren't any cinemas.
Is there a TV in your room?
Unit 2
Statements Questions Negatives Short Answers
    Full form Short form  
I walk
You walk
He walks
She walks
It walks
We walk
You walk
They walk
Do I walk?
Do you walk?
Does he walk?
Does she walk?
Does it walk?
Do we walk?
Do you walk?
Do they walk?
I do not walk
You do not walk
He does not walk
She does not walk
It does not walk
We do not walk
You do not walk
They do not walk
I don't walk
You don't walk
He doesn't walk
She doesn't walk
It doesn't walk
We don't walk
You don't walk
They don't walk
Yes, I do.
Yes, he does.
Yes, we do.

No, you don't.
No, she doesn't.
No, they don't.
Spelling Rules Time expressions
In the 3rd person singular:
  • Verbs ending in -o / -ss / -ch / -sh / -x take -es
    goes / misses / watches / washes / relaxes
  • Verbs ending in consonant + -y, drop the -y
    and take -ies.
    tries / flies BUT plays / says
every day / on Mondays /
at the weekends /
in winter / twice a month /
in the morning etc.
  • REMEMBER to add -s / -es / -ies in the 3rd person singular BUT drop it in questions
    and negatives!
img We use the verb ‘be' to talk about physical characteristics and conditions.
e.g Mary plays the piano every day.
Does John play the piano?
My brother doesn't play the piano.
We use the Present Simple to talk about:
img habits and routines
e.g Jean Paul listens to music every day.
I go to school by bus.
img states
e.g We live in London.
Mum doesn't speak English.
Grammar Appendix
  • Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens.
  • They go between the subject and the verb.
  • They go after the verb ‘be’.
ALWAYS imgimgimgimg
USUALLY imgimgimg
OFTEN imgimg
I imgimgimgimg get high marks
I always get high marks.

We are img late for school.
We are sometimes late for school.
Who do you meet every morning?
Who helps you with your homework?
Which is your favourite subject?
Where do you live?
What time do you get up?
When is your birthday?
What is your telephone number?
How do you go to school?
How many breaks do you have every day?
How much time do you study every afternoon?
How often do you take tests? Once a week.
My friend, John.
My dad.
In London.
At 7.00.
On 4 January.
210 3939202.
By bus.
About two hours.
Once a week.
REMEMBER to use the question form after Wh-words EXCEPT when you are asking
about the subject!
e.g Who do you meet every morning? I meet my friend, John.
Who helps you with your homework? My dad usually helps me.
Unit 2
am / is / are + verb-ing
Statements Negatives Questions
Full form Short form Full form Short form  
I am singing
You are singing
He is singing
She is singing
It is singing
We are singing
You are singing
They are singing
I'm singing
You're singing
He's singing
She's singing
It's singing
We're singing
You're singing
They're singing
Have I got?
Have you got?
Has he got?
Has she got?
Has it got?
Have we got?
Have you got?
Have they got?
I am not singing
You are not singing
He is not singing
She is not singing
It is not singing
We are not singing
You are not singing
They are not singing
Am I singing?
Are you singing?
Is he singing?
Is she singing?
Is it singing?
Are we singing?
Are you singing?
Are they singing?
Spelling Rules Short Answers
  • Verbs ending in -e drop e and add - ing
    e.g. write - writing
  • Verbs ending in one vowel and one consonant
    and stressed on the final syllable double the
    e.g. swim - swimming
  • Verbs ending in -y add - ing
    e.g. play - playing / tidy - tidying
Yes, I am.
Yes, he is.
Yes, they are.
No, you aren't.
No, she isn't.
No, we aren't.
We use the Present Continuous
  • to talk about actions happening at the moment
    e.g. Look! Kate is dancing over there!
  • to describe actions in a photo.
    e.g. We aren't wearing our costumes in that photo.
  • to describe actions happening for some time, around the time of speaking.
    e.g. This year, we're preparing the musical ‘Annie'.
Time Words: now / at the moment / right now / this year / these days
Unit 2
We use the Present Continuous to:
  • talk about actions that are happening at the moment.
    e.g. I'm studying grammar right now.
  • to describe actions in a photo.
    e.g. Look at Jim in this photo. He's climbing a wall.
  • to describe actions happening for some time, around the time of speaking.
    e.g. This year, we're preparing the musical ‘Annie'.
We use the Present Simple to talk about:
  • daily routines
    e.g. We get up early every day.
  • habits
    e.g. I go to the cinema every two weeks.
  • states
    e.g. Mary lives in London.
  • events in the plot of a book / film / story
    e.g. One day, Dizzy's mum takes her away from her dad.
Grammar Appendix
  • Verbs describe:
    e.g. go / play / dance / drive / cook / work / study etc.
    e.g. love / like / know / prefer / understand / want etc.
  • We can use action verbs in continuous tenses because actions can be in progress.
  • We can't normally use state verbs in continuous tenses because states are not in progress.
    Mary is watching a film in English right now. She understands it very easily.
  • She is watching a film. It's an action she's doing right now.
  • She understands this film and generally English films because her English is
    good. It's a state.
Unit 3
A lot of / much / many / how much / how many / a few / a little / any
  • Countable nouns: nouns we can count e.g. oranges, glasses of beer
  • Uncountable nouns: nouns we can't count e.g. rice, bread
We use:
How many apples are there? How much rice is there?
There are a lot of apples. There is a lot of rice.
There are a few apples.
There aren't many apples.
There is a little rice.
There isn't much rice.
There aren't any apples There isn't any rice.
  • We use must to talk about actions we feel are necessary or really important to happen.
    e.g. We must drink a lot of water every day.
  • We use mustn't to talk about actions that are really important not to happen.
    e.g. We mustn't skip meals.
  • We use don't have to to talk about actions that are not necessary to happen.
    e.g. We don't have to eat fish every day.
  • We use must to talk about something we are sure is happening.
    e.g. Paul had a fight with his dad. He must really be sad.
  • We use may / might to talk about something we are not really sure about.
    e.g. Paul isn't here. He might be ill.
Unit 3
To give advice we use:
  • should /shouldn't
    e.g. You should find new friends.
    You shouldn't stay at home.
  • Why don't you ….., A good idea is to ….., You could ….
    e.g. Why don't you have a party?
    A good idea is to go on an excursion.
    You could join a club.
  • Imperatives
    e.g. Just relax and listen to music.
Unit 3
Comparative adjectives
  • We use comparative adjectives to compare two people/things or two groups of people/things.
  • We use than with comparatives
    e.g. Jeans are nicer than uniforms.
    Jeans are more practical than uniforms.
Grammar Appendix
  • One syllable adjectives add -er
    e.g. cheap - cheaper
  • One syllable adjectives ending in -e add -r
    e.g. large - larger
  • One syllable adjectives ending in one consonant double the final consonant
    e.g. big - bigger
  • Two syllable adjectives ending in -y change -y to i and add -er
    e.g. trendy - trendier
  • Other two syllable adjectives and longer adjectives use more
    e.g. practica l - more practical
  • Some adjectives are irregular
    good - better bad - worse
Superlative adjectives
  • We use superlative adjectives to compare more than two people or things.
  • We use the article the before the superlative adjective.
  • We usually use expressions like in the world, in class, of all etc. after superlative adjectives.
    e.g. The River Nile is the longest river in the world.
    Angel Falls is the most beautiful waterfall of all
  • One syllable adjectives add -est
    e.g. cheap - cheapest
  • One syllable adjectives ending in -e add -st
    e.g. large - largest
  • One syllable adjectives ending in one consonant double the final consonant
    e.g. big - biggest
  • Two syllable adjectives ending in -y change -y to i and add -est
    e. g. trendy - trendiest
  • Other two syllable adjectives and longer adjectives use most
    e.g. practica l - most practical
  • Some adjectives are irregular
    good - best bad - worst
(not) as… as
  • We use as … as to say that people or things are (not) equal in some way.
    e.g. My house is as big as this one.
    We aren't as tall as our cousins.
  • We use the positive form of the adjective.
Unit 4
Statements Questions Negatives Short Answers
    Full form Short form  
I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were
Was I?
Were you?
Was he?
Was she?
Was it?
Were we?
Were you?
Were they?
I was not
You were not
He was not
She was not
It was not
We were not
You were not
They were not
I wasn't
You weren't
He wasn't
She wasn't
It wasn't
We weren't
You weren't
They weren't
Yes, I was.
Yes, he was.
Yes, they were.

No, you weren't.
No, she wasn't.
No, we weren't.
Regular verbs (verb+ ed)
Statements Questions Negatives Short Answers
    Full form Short form  
I asked
You asked
He asked
She asked
It asked
We asked
You asked
They asked
Did I ask?
Did you ask?
Did he ask?
Did she ask?
Did it ask?
Did we ask?
Did you ask?
Did they ask?
I did not ask
You did not ask
He did not ask
She did not ask
It did not ask
We did not ask
You did not ask
They did not ask
I didn't ask
You didn't ask
He didn't ask
She didn't ask
It didn't ask
We didn't ask
You didn't ask
They didn't ask
Yes, I did.
Yes, he did.
Yes, we did.

No, you didn't.
No, she didn't.
No, they didn't.
Spelling Rules
  • Verbs ending in -e add - d
    e.g. live - lived / die - died
  • Verbs ending in vowel - consonant - vowel and are stressed on the final syllable double the
    e.g. star - starred / stop - stopped
  • Verbs ending in in consonant + y, drop -y and take -ied
    e.g. tidy - tidied BUT play - played
REMEMBER to drop the ending -ed in questions and negatives!
e.g. Nobel invented dynamite.
Did he invent the telephone?
He didn't invent the telephone.
Grammar Appendix
Irregular verbs
  • Irregular verbs do not take the ending -ed for the past simple.
  • Each irregular verb has its own form and we have to learn these forms off by heart.
    e.g. go - went
Statements Questions Negatives Short Answers
    Full form Short form  
I went
You went
He went
She went
It went
We went
You went
They went
Did I go?
Did you go?
Did he go?
Did she go?
Did it go?
Did we go?
Did you go?
Did they go?
I did not go
You did not go
He did not go
She did not go
It did not go
We did not go
You did not go
They did not go
I didn't go
You didn't go
She didn't go
He didn't go
It didn't go
We didn't go
You didn't go
They didn't go
Yes, I did.
Yes, he did.
Yes, we did.

No, you didn't.
No, she didn't.
No, they didn't.
be - was / were - been
become - became - become
begin - began - begun
buy - bought - bought
catch - caught - caught
come - came - come
cut - cut - cut
do - did - done
drink - drank - drunk
drive - drove - driven
eat - ate - eaten
find - found - found
fly - flew - flown
get - got - got
give - gave - given
go - went - gone
have - had - had
hit - hit - hit
know - knew - known
leave - left - left
make - made - made
meet - met - met
read - read - read
run - ran - run
say - said - said
see - saw - seen
send - sent -sent
sit - sat - sat
speak - spoke - spoken
swim - swam - swum
take - took - taken
teach - taught - taught
tell - told - told
think - thought - thought
write - wrote - written
imgREMEMBER to use the base form of the verb in questions and negatives!
e.g. Andersen wrote fairy tales.
He didn't write articles.
Did he write music?
We use the Past Simple to talk about:
img finished actions in the past. e.g. Sesame Street started in 1969.
img main events in a story. e.g. Mary got dressed and went to the police station.
She asked to see …
Time words: in 2003 / last week / ten years ago / yesterday …
Unit 4
was / were + verb-ing
Statements Questions Negatives
    Full form Short form
I was sleeping
You were sleeping
He was sleeping
She was sleeping
It was sleeping
We were sleeping
You were sleeping
They were sleeping
Was I sleeping?
Were you sleeping?
Was he sleeping?
Was she sleeping?
Was it sleeping?
Were we sleeping?
Were you sleeping?
Were they sleeping?
I was not sleeping
You were not sleeping
He was not sleeping
She was not sleeping
It was not sleeping
We were not sleeping
You were not sleeping
They were not sleeping
I wasn't sleeping
You weren't sleeping
He wasn't sleeping
She wasn't sleeping
It wasn't sleeping
We weren't sleeping
You weren't sleeping
They weren't sleeping
Short Answers Spelling Rules
Yes, I was.
Yes, he was.
Yes, they were.

No, you weren't.
No, she wasn't.
No, we weren't.
  • Verbs ending in -e drop e and add - ing e.g. make - making
  • Verbs ending in one vowel and one consonant and are stressed on
    the final syllable double the consonant
    e.g. swim - swimming
  • Verbs ending in -y add -ing e.g. play - playing / tidy - tidying
  • Verbs ending in - ie, drop the -ie and add -ying e.g. lie / lying
We use the Past Continuous:
img to set the background in a story.
e.g. That morning, a strong wind was blowing.
img to talk about an action that was going on (in progress) around a specific past time.
e.g. Pam was listening to music at 5:00.
When Mary arrived at the police station, John was talking on the phone.
Unit 4
img We use the Past Continuous and Past Simple together to contrast an action in progress
with a sudden event in the past.
e.g. When the tsunami hit, we were sleeping
Grammar Appendix
img The sudden event often interrupts the action in progress or happens in the middle.
e.g. While / When dad was talking on the phone with mum, the phone went dead.
img We can use when with both Past Simple and continuous.
img We use while only with Past Continuous.
Unit 5
We often join sentences by using relative pronouns such as who, which and
where. We use:
  • who to talk about people
    Hadrian was the first Roman emperor who had a beard.
  • which to talk about things and animals
    The Nile is the river which passes through Egypt.
  • where to talk about places where something happens
    There were amphitheatres, where the Romans watched the gladiators.
Unit 5
We form gerunds by adding the ending -ing to the verb.
e.g. dance - dancing

  • A gerund can be the subject of a sentence
    Walking is the most popular physical activity.
  • A gerund can be the object of verbs like: love / like / enjoy / hate / prefer
    They like listening to the radio.
  • A gerund comes after expressions like: good at /bad at /crazy about /interested in
    They are good at gardening and do-it-yourself activities.
Unit 5
To talk about past states or past habits, we can use:
  • the Past Simple
    When I was a student, I hated my uniform.
    When we needed information, we looked for it in encyclopaedias.
  • used to
    We used to go to school on Saturdays.
We form negatives, questions and short answers of used to using did / didn't.
Boys didn't use to wear a school uniform.
Did you use to go out with your classmates? Yes, I did / No, I didn't.
Unit 6
Negatives Negatives
Full form Short form Full form Short form
I have helped
You have helped
He has helped
She has helped
It has helped
We have helped
You have helped
They have helped
I've helped
You've helped
He's helped
She's helped
It's helped
We've helped
You've helped
They've helped
I have not helped
You have not helped
He has not helped
She has not helped
It has not helped
We have not helped
You have not helped
They have not helped
I haven't helped
You haven't helped
He hasn't helped
She hasn't helped
It hasn't helped
We haven't helped
You haven't helped
They haven't helped
Questions Short Answers img + have / has + past participle

Regular past participles: verb - ed
e.g. play - played

Irregular past participles
e.g. go - gone, take - taken
see list of irregular verbs on page 168
Have I helped?
Have you helped?
Has he helped?
Has she helped?
Has it helped?
Have we helped?
Have you helped?
Have they helped?
Yes, I have.
Yes, she has.
Yes, we have.

No, you haven't.
No, he hasn't.
No, they haven't.
We use the Present Perfect Simple to talk about finished actions that are important in the present.
We don't mention when they happened.
  • They may be fresh news or personal experiences.
  • They have results in the present.
    e.g. We've formed eco teams in our community.
    They've given us green flags to fly.
  • We use Have you ever … to ask about experiences.
    e.g. Have you ever heard of the 3R's?
Grammar Appendix
Unit 6
We use the Present Perfect Simple with
  • just
    e.g. I have just finished school (i.e. a very short time ago).
  • yet
    e.g. I haven't studied yet (i.e. it is not finished).
  • already
    e.g. The college has already accepted me (i.e. it is finished).
  • for
    e.g. I have worked in the school library for three years (i.e. for a period of time up to now)
  • ever
    e.g. Have you ever worked in a library?
  • never
    e.g. Mary has never written a CV.
Unit 6
We use the Past Simple to talk about:
  • actions that happened in the past and we usually know when they happened. They have no
    connection with the present.
    e.g. Yesterday, students of the 14th Junior High School of Athens visited the Philopappos Hill.
  • details (time, place etc.) of news
    e.g. I've been on a school trip. We met at school and went to the Philopappos Hill.
We use the Present Perfect Simple to talk about:
  • finished actions with results in the present
    e.g. The teachers have given us a questionnaire to complete. Here it is.
  • news
    e.g. We've won the first prize!
  • personal experiences
    e.g. I have never visited the Philopappos Hill.
  • repeated actions up to the present
    e.g. Our school has organised this game four times so far.
Unit 7
We use the Present Continuous to talk about personal arrangements and fixed plans for the
future, like the ones we note down in our diaries. We often give the time, date and/or place.
e.g. We're flying to London on the 10th of July.
When are you coming to Cambridge?
Unit 7
img+ am / is / are + going to + verb
Am / Is / Are + img+ going to + verb?
img + am ('m) not / is not (isn't) / are not (aren't) + going to + verb
We use be going to to talk about our decisions, future plans and intentions.
e.g. I'm going to be rea lly nice to other kids.
From now on, Silou's going to think PINK!
I'm going to invite Tim, the boy who lives next door.
I'm going to have a party to celebrate my birthday.
(I'm talking about my plan, what I want to do)

I'm having a party on Saturday at 8.00.
(I have already arranged everything. It is fixed)
Grammar Appendix
Unit 7
Statements Questions Negatives
Full form Short form   Full form Short form
I will help
You will help
He will help
She will help
It will help
We will help
You will help
They will help
I'll help
You'll help
He'll help
She'll help
It'll help
We'll help
You'll help
They'll help
Will I help?
Will you help?
Will he help?
Will she help?
Will it help?
Will we help?
Will you help?
Will they help?
I will not help
You will not help
He will not help
She will not help
It will not help
We will not help
You will not help
They will not help
I won't help
You won't help
He won't help
She won't help
It won't help
We won't help
You won't help
They won't help
Short Answers: Yes, I / she / we will. No , you / he / they won't.
We use the Future Simple (will) to predict the future; to say what we think or we guess will
happen in the future.
e.g. Huge domes will protect a ll cities on Earth.
Will teenagers have more fun in the future?
There won't be any pollution.
We use the Future Simple with words/expressions like:
I (don't) think, I'm (not) sure, I hope, perhaps, soon.
Unit 8
img+ am / is / are + going to +past participle
img+ am ('m) not / is not (isn't) / are not (aren't) + past participle
Am / Is / Are + img+ past participle?
e.g. The MTV Awards are voted for by the public.
The Oscars aren't voted for by the public.
Are the American Music Awards voted for by the public?
Yes, they are.
We use:  
  img the Passive to stress the action and not the person who does it.
img the Simple Present Passive for actions that are always true or that happen repeatedly.
imgby if we want to mention the person who does the action, that is the agent.
Unit 8
img+ was / were + past participle
img+ was not (wasn't) / were not (weren't) + past participle
Was / Were + img + past participle?
e.g. Braille was invented by a 12 year-old boy.
Braille wasn't invented by Charles Barbier.
Was Louis Braille born in the summer?
No, he wasn't.
We use the Simple Past Passive:
  imgfor complete, finished actions in the past.
img to give someone's date or place of birth.
Grammar Appendix
Self-assessment key
Units 1 & 2
Task 1
Any 6 school subjects
e.g. art, music, maths, PE, geography, RE, home
economics, modern Greek, ancient Greek, history,
ICT/computer studies

Task 2
1. a     2. e     3. d     4. c     5. f     6. b

Task 3
1. behind
2. on
3. charity
4. having
5. in
6. blurb
Task 4
1. is watching
2. have
3. don't understand
4. are you drinking
5. wears
6. is Andrew crying
7. Do you like

Task 5
1. My parents are going to bed late tonight.
2. David is tidying his room now
3. We take a test once a week.
4. He plays the guitar every Monday
5. Does she read a novel every summer?
Unit 3
Task 1
1. f     2. g     3. d     4. h     5. a
6. e     7. c     8. b

Task 2
1. grain
2. cooked
3. delicious
4-5. worried/ low
6. situation
7. fun
Task 3
1. many 2. any 3. a lot of 4. a few
5. a little 6. many 7. a lot of  
Task 4
1. should 2. don't have to  
3. may 4. should 5. may
Task 5
1. the happiest 2. strong
3. the sweetest 4. the most beautiful
5. thinner 6. worse
7. the best  
Unit 4
Task 1
1. play 2. fairy tale 3. pavement
4. shining 5. government  
Task 2
1. invented 2. born 3. slightly
4. love 5. shaking  
Task 3
1. did 2. Were 3. did 4. were 5. Did
Task 4
6. was waiting/ met
7. was studying/ were playing
8. washed/ made
9. went

Task 5
  1. Was your sister sleeping at 11 o’clock last night? Yes, she was.
  2. Did you watch the concert on TV last night? No, I didn't.
  3. Did Jenny get back home early last Saturday? Yes, she did.
  4. Were you taking a test when the bell rang? No, I wasn't.
Unit 5
Task 1
1. island 2. chat show 3. statue 4. temple
5. documentary 6. crops 7. commercials
8. gladiator 9. gardening 10. beard
Task 2
1. ruled   2. communicate   3. official   4. surf
5. download     6. soap     7. grew

Task 3
1,678 = one thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight
64% = sixty-four per cent
3.32 = three point three-two
4,980,060 = four million, nine hundred and eighty
thousand, and sixty
206,612 = two hundred and six thousand, six hundred
and twelve
Task 4
1. who 2. where 3. who 4. which 5. which

Task 5
1. I love playing football.
2. I hate watching horror films.
3. My parents used to go to discos on Saturdays.
4. Boys didn't use to wear uniforms at school.
Unit 6
Task 1
1. b, 2. f, 3. e, 4. c, 5. g, 6. j, 7. h, 8. i, 9. d, 10. a

Task 2
1. throw away 2. spare 3. application form 4. compass
5. orator 6. guided tour
Task 3
be was/were been
break broke broken
come came come
find found found
keep kept kept
lose lost lost
meet met met
write wrote written
Task 4
1. has/have just joined 2. collected
3. Have you volunteered 4. has already done
5. Did/get  
Task 5
1. yet 2. have 3. not 4. already 5. have 6. been
Unit 7
Task 1
1. double room 2. duty free shop 3. bite
4. campus 5. destination 6. star
Task 2
1. placement 2. exhibits 3. fasten
4. jealous 5. intentions 6. immediately
7. recognise 8. destination  
Task 3
1. is flying 2. is going to watch 3. are going to listen
4. will become

Task 4
1. What are your parents going to watch at 9.00?
2. Where is she flying to tomorrow?
3. Who will help me with my homework?
4. When are Tina and Martin getting married?
Unit 8
Task 1
1. film 2. golden 3. by 4. read 5. print

Task 2
1. prestigious 2. Thanks 3. after 4. package 5. strip
Task 3
1. A   2. P   3. P   4. A   5. P
Task 4

1. b   2. b   3. b   4. a   5. a

Task 5
  1. The cartoons for the paper are drawn
    by the cartoonist.
  2. Challenging questions were written for the quiz
    by our classmates.
  3. A digital camera is often used by Mary.
  4. The stories were arranged on the page.
  5. Lots of people were invited to the end-of-year party.
Self-assessment key
It’s up to you!
Unit 2 Lesson 1
This is Magda's school timetable. What is her favourite day of the week at
school? What would be her e-friends' favourite day if they spent a year in Greece?
Read their e-mails and take notes in the table. Then, explain why.
School Timetable
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.00 - 9.30 R.E. History
Ancient Gr.
Ancient Gr.
9.45 - 11.15 Maths
Modern Gr.
Modern Gr.
Modern Gr.
Modern Gr.
11.30 - 12.55 Biology Library Geography Home
13.05 - 13.45 Science Music Library English P.E.
1 …………………
2 …………………
3 …………………
1 …………………
2 …………………
1 …………………
2 …………………
all the others
‘Guys, do this quiz to find out your student type. Can you guess
mine? I don't spend hours studying but I'm ace at English and
History. I enjoy reading English girls' mags and learning about
women's life in ancient Sparta. Mum doesn't agree at all. She
says I don't try hard. The truth is I always study Geography during
the break. Anyway, I like school but I mostly like hanging out with
my friends.'
Magda, from Nafplio (Greece)
‘Hi Magda! Great quiz! OK, I love Maths so much that I solve
problems even at the weekends. Geography is one of my faves,
too. I'm not saying that I find all subjects interesting but I study
them all because I want to get high marks at the end of the term.
I enjoy learning new things. My classmates say I study TOO much.
Do you think so?'
Jean Paul, from Tours (France)
‘Still crazy about magazine quizzes? Well, for me, the only good
thing about the first day at school is that I meet my friends again.
At home, I always fight with my parents because I don't study and
I'm often late for school. But I can't help it. I never know exactly
what we have for homework. Which subject do I enjoy? Working
on computers is OK, I guess. I also love it when we play football.
My PE teacher is super!'
John, from Manchester (UK)
Guessing words from context
Find words in the text that mean:
Magda a. very good at
b. going out with friends
Jean Paul c. find the answer to a problem
d. a 3-month period at school
John e. shout at each other
f. I can't do otherwise
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Unit 2 Lesson 2
Read the e-mails again and find the student(s). Write their names.
a. Who's asking for help? …………………………
b. Who's playing a team sport? …………………………
c. Who's going to travel in spring? …………………………
d. Who spends the weekends at school? …………………………
e. Who knows a lot about cooking? …………………………
f. Who isn't sending a photo with their e-mail? …………………………
g. Who is good at singing? …………………………
Hi Jane,
I've got some great news! This year, we're preparing the
musical, ‘Annie'. I'm one of the orphans. I'm sending you a
photo from the rehearsals. We aren't wearing our costumes
because they aren't ready yet. I'm really busy at the weekends
but I'm having the time of my life! You'll love it!
This year, we're training for the festival which takes place in
Belgium in May. Can you see me in the photo? Our coach, Mrs
Jones, is showing us the choreography. It's hard work but I love
it! What about you? How often do you have a football match this
Dear Petra,
Can we ask you for a favour? Our club is preparing a recipe book
this term. We need to collect ideas for healthy but delicious dishes.
Your dad knows so much about cooking. Can he help us?
Tom & Jennifer
PS. What is your school choir doing this month? Let us know!
Unit 2 Lesson 3
Guessing words from context
Find the following words or expressions in the blurbs and use them to complete
what Stuff is saying. Then, listen to him and check.
break up secret gorgeous the hurry taste sense of humour heating
a. “Delphine's jokes aren't funny. She's got a bad …..…….”
b. “Dad and I have the same …………………. We listen to the same songs.”
c. “I don't love you anymore. I want to ……………….”
d. “This girl is …………………! I want to meet her!”
e. “Why ………………? Wait for me, please!”
f. “It's very cold in here, Miss! Can we turn on the …………………?”
g. “Sorry pal! I can't tell you where we're going. It's a ………………….”
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Student A
Read the blurb of this book and tell your English-speaking friend about this
book. The words in the box may help you. Don't try to translate the text. Use
your own words.
Λότι Πέτροβιτς - Ανδρουτσοπούλου

σπίτι για πέντε

Ο Φίλιππος 12 ετών, έχει καινούρια οικογένεια. Η μητέρα του παντρεύεται τον Ορέστη,
πατέρα του εννιάχρονου και πολύ ζωηρού Άρη. Μετακομίζουν σε καινούριο σπίτι. Ο
Φίλιππος έχει ένα μικρό κασετοφωνάκι και καταγράφει την καθημερινή ζωή της οικογέ-
νειας. Tο ίδιο κάνει και ο Άρης. Η μητέρα γράφει τα νέα στην αδερφή της στην Κρήτη
και ο Ορέστης τηλεφωνεί συχνά στον καλύτερό του φίλο. Έχουν καλές στιγμές, κωμικές
στιγμές αλλά και τραγικές στιγμές μέχρι που έρχεται ένα νέο μέλος στην οικογένεια και
το σπίτι γίνεται σπίτι για πέντε.

Για παιδιά από 9 ετών και εφήβους
Εκδόσεις Πατάκη
Συλλογή Χελιδόνια
get married to move to a cassette recorder
record daily life same news
sad moments new member
Read the blurb and think about the following:
  • Who is the main character of the book? What do we know about him/her?
  • Are there any other characters in the story? What do we know about them?
  • What is the main event in the story?
  • Do you think the story is interesting to read?
Student B
Read the blurb of this book and tell your English-speaking friend about this
book. The words in the box may help you. Don't try to translate the text. Use
your own words.
Βησσαρία Ζορμπά - Ραμμοπούλου

Η Σαββίνα, η Μοένια και τα χρώματα

Η Σαββίνα μένει στην Αθήνα και είναι μοναχοπαίδι. Μια μέρα φτιάχνει μια ομάδα αλλη-
λοβοήθειας. Η ομάδα τρέχει να βοηθήσει κάθε παιδί της τάξης που αντιμετωπίζει κάποιο
πρόβλημα. Όπως την Μοένια που είναι από την Αφρική και θέλει να γίνει... λευκή. Η
Σαββίνα πείθει τα παιδιά της τάξης να μαυρίσουν για να αισθάνεται η Μοένια καλά. Και
κάθονται στον ήλιο με τις ώρες! Μα η ιδέα της δεν είναι και τόσο καλή. Όλοι είναι
θυμωμένοι. Οι γονείς, οι δάσκαλοι... και η Μοένια δεν είναι ευτυχισμένη.

Εκδόσεις ΑΚΡΙΤΑΣ
an only child help each other team
have a problem become
get a tan feel good
lie under the sun angry
Read the blurb and think about the following:
  • Who is the main character of the book? What do we know about him/her?
  • Are there any other characters in the story? What do we know about them?
  • What is the main event in the story?
  • Do you think the story is interesting to read?
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Unit 3 Lesson 1
Healthy Food
Complete the food groups with food we usually eat.
Healthy Food
Student A: Look at page 143
Student B: Look at page 145
Unit 3 Lesson 2
What can you say about the teenagers in the other photos? Talk about:
where they are          their family           their daily routine           their problems
Some questions to help you talk about the people in the photos:
  • Who do you think is each person in each photo?
  • How old are they? What year are they in? What type of students are they?
  • Where are they at the moment?
  • What season of the year is it? What time of the day?
  • Are they sad / happy / worried / excited / lonely / angry?
  • Do they have a problem at home / at school / with their friends?
  • Can you tell if they like or hate something?
  • Study the example on page 185.
eg The girl in photo ‘d’ must have her own room. I can see only one bed.
Yes, you're right. And she must be sad because she's ready to cry.
She might have a problem at school. What do you think?
Remember! If you are almost sure about something, use must
If you are not really sure, use may / might
What four pieces of advice does Laura Haley give? Find them and write them down.
Laura Haley answers our friends' letters. Read her advice.
Well, first you
should start by
smiling. It makes
you look friendly
and people want to
be around you. A very good idea is to
do something you enjoy. What about a
sports activity? Or you could join an
after-school club. This way, you can
meet people who have similar
interests to you and have something
to chat about right away. Why don't
you talk to your mum about your
problem? She might come up with
some wonderful ideas. You shouldn't
feel nervous about making new
mates. Just relax, be yourself and
you'll be fine.
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Unit 3 Lesson 3
Read the reviews more carefully to complete Jennifer's notes about the games.
The Lord of the Rings:
The Battle for Middle-Earth

(PC, £34.99)
A must for any fans of the films!
Control the armies of Middle Earth
- even the forces of evil - and lose
yourself in the movie trilogy like
never before. Quite clever so put
your brainy hat on! img
Mario Power Tennis

(£39.99, Sintendo
With 14 characters and 8
different courts to choose
from, your tennis matches
will never be the same again! All the characters have
their own special moves to help them out of sticky
situations. Very funny! img
Matrix Online

(£29.99, Tega PC-ROM)
You've seen the films - now take
part in the action. Every time you
log-on to play Matrix Online,
Tega updates the info for you to
get further in the game, plus you
play with people from around the
world. Just join in the fun!
Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory

(PS2, £39.99)
Wish you could win a golden ticket,
too? Now you can. You'll get to
explore the world of Will Wonka,
help the OOmpa-Loompas solve puzzles and save the
chocolate factory. It's not the most thrilling game in the
world, but it's loads of fun.img
This / These game(s) …
1. are about films.
2. have the same price
3. gives you more information every time you play.
... and …
... and …

In this / these computer game(s) … …
5. there are a lot of characters.
6. people from other countries can play with you.
7. bad people are under your control.

Guessing words from context
Find words in the reviews that mean:
a. a fight between armies (A) ..........
b. groups with power (A) ..........
c. very bad (A) ..........
d. difficult (B) ..........
e. connected to the Internet (C) ..........
Find verbs in the reviews to complete the sentences:
a. Lots of countries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the Eurovision contest every year. (C)
b. If you want to use the computer, you need a password to _ _ _ _ _ (C)
c. We must _ _ _ _ _ _ our computer software. It's very old. (C)
d. This is my first time in Paris. I'm going out to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the city. (D)
e. Only top students can _ _ _ _ _ this maths problem. (D)
Listen again and complete the sentences.
a. It's a ………………….. present for Ian.
b. Ian is …………………. than 7 years old.
c. Peter finds “Mario Power Tennis” more ……………………..
d. Peter ………………… sports.
e.“Matrix” ……………………. better than “The Lord of the Rings”.
f. Lyn …………………. where the nearest computer shop is.
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Unit 4 Lesson 1
EXTRA HELP! Read again and complete this information table. In the last
column, add one interesting piece of information about each of them. Then,
check in pairs.
Clue 1: He was a
chemist. He was born
in Sweden in 1833
and he really liked
Clue 2: In 1867, he invented
dynamite. People found it very useful.
They used it to build canals, tunnels
and railways.
Clue 3: Before he died, he asked that
his money goes to annual
international awards. The prizes carry
his name.
Who is he? ......................
Clue 1: He was born in
Mississippi on September
24, 1936. He became a
Clue 2: He created the
Muppets. Kermit the Frog and his friends
appeared on Sesame Street, a TV
programme for kids that started in 1969.
Later, they starred on The Muppet Show.
They had lots of fans.
Clue 3: He was Kermit's voice until his
death in 1990.
Who is he? ............................
Clue 1: He was born in
Denmark on April 2,
Clue 2: He wrote more
than 150 fairy tales, like The Little
Mermaid and The Emperor's New
Clue 3: His stories have been made
into movies, ballets, television shows
and musicals.
Who is he? ......................
Clue 1: He was born in Salzburg,
Austria, on January 27, 1756.
Clue 2: He composed his first music
when he was 5 years old. He wrote
more than 40 symphonies and many
Clue 3: He died in 1791, at the age of
35. People say that he is one of the
greatest classical music composers of
all time.
Who is he? ........................
Clue 1: He was a poet, an actor
and a playwright born in Stratford-
upon-Avon, England, in 1564.
Clue 2: He wrote 37 plays and 154
love sonnets. A sonnet is a 14-line
poem. One of his best known plays is the tragic love
story, Romeo and Juliet.
Clue 3: He built a theatre, The Globe Theatre. Rich
and poor people bought tickets for his plays.
Who is he? .....................
Guessing words from context
Find words in the texts that mean:
a. they make things explode (noun TEXT A):
b. that happens once a year (adj. TEXT A):
c. were the protagonists (verb TEXT B)
d. wrote music (verb TEXT D)
e. famous (adj. TEXT E)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(10 letters)
(6 letters)
(7 letters)
(8 letters)
(4 & 5 letters)
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Past Simple Tense
Use this table and do the following:
a. Group the REGULAR past forms
b. Make a list of all the IRREGULAR past forms in the ‘Mystery Person' texts.
-ed -d -ied irregular verbs
Unit 4 Lesson 2
Time for Teens magazine wants to make a comic based on the story about the
broken window. Read it again and put the drawings (1-6) in the right order.
written by Sarah Crawley
It was about 11.30, on a cold winter evening. A strong wind was blowing. Mary
Larson was coming back home from the cinema. When she was outside her block
of flats, she saw glass on the pavement. She looked up and saw her kitchen
window broken! It was late and all her neighbours were sleeping. She panicked but
she called the police on her mobile right away. Two policemen arrived within five
Together, they unlocked the door and got into the flat. It was in a terrible mess!
Some furniture was upside down! Mary's clothes were lying on the floor and her
money and jewellery were missing! The policemen searched the flat, asked Mary
some questions and wrote a report. Mary spent that night at a friend's house and
the next day she got someone to repair the window and fit a new lock.
Three days later, she went to the police station and found one of the policemen,
John Edwards. Unfortunately, he didn't have any news about the burglars but he
asked Mary out for a cup of coffee. Mary said ‘yes’ because she liked John. You can
guess the rest. Very soon, they fell in love with each other and decided to get
married! Mary never got her jewellery back but she found a lovely husband. And
all this thanks to that broken window!
Let's discuss Mary's feelings. In which part of the story did Mary feel ...?
Say why.
excited scared happy angry
You are going to read the 2nd prize, Magda's story, with the title ‘A Broken
Student A
Read the story that won the second prize in the story-writing competition.
a. Is it funny or sad?
b. Can you guess the missing information?
c. Ask your partner (Student B) to give you the information missing.
My friends are going to the 1............ tonight. But I am
not! And you know why? Because of that stupid window!
Everything happened so fast. You see, I was dancing to the
rhythm of ‘Lose my breath' in our living room. I was having
so much fun!
Suddenly, I raised my left 2.............. and, by mistake,
I kicked my 3...............'s ball. The ball flew across the room
and hit the window. You can imagine the rest. The window
broke into two thousand pieces! 4............... got angry and
punished me of course. I'm grounded for two weeks! It's so
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
  • Don't show your story to your partner. You'll miss the fun!
  • Use Wh - questions to ask:
    1. Where ….?
    2. What. …?
    3. Whose …?
    4. Who …?
  • Remember to use the question form after a Wh-word.
e.g. Where are your friends going tonight?
What did …
Student B
Read the story that won the second prize in the story-writing competition.
a. Is it funny or sad?
b. Can you guess the missing information?
c. Ask your partner (Student A) to give you the information missing.
My 1.................. are going to the cinema tonight. But
I am not! And you know why? Because of that stupid
window! Everything happened so fast. You see, I was
dancing to the rhythm of ‘Lose my breath' in our
2................. I was having so much fun!
Suddenly, I raised my left foot and, by mistake, I
kicked my brother's ball. The ball flew across the room and
hit the window. You can imagine the rest. The window
broke into 3................... pieces! Mum got angry and
punished me of course. I'm grounded for 4............. weeks!
It's so unfair!
  • Don't show your story to your partner. You'll miss the fun!
  • Use Wh - questions to ask:
    1. Where ….?
    2. What. …?
    3. Whose …?
    4. Who …?
  • Remember to use the question form after a Wh-word.
e.g. Where are your friends going tonight?
What did …
Unit 4 Lesson 3
Natural Disasters / Accidents
Read these short texts from newspaper articles. What are they about? Choose
from Vocabulary Task 1 on page 55. Underline all the words which can be used
to talk about each disaster or accident and make word groups.
“The rivers go up as much as four inches a
day, and the end of the rainy season is still
weeks away. We're fighting against time!”
On the night of the deadly crash,
photographers on motorbikes were
chasing Diana's car through the streets
of Paris.
Many strong aftershocks, one measuring 6.3 in
magnitude, rocked the area.
A SLEEPING GIANT AWAKES! Lava rocketed up to the
top of Mount Saint Helens in Washington last week.
Back to school after Katrina. Thousands of students whose
schools were destroyed by strong winds are being
welcomed at new schools.
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
If you like, you can make spidergrams and add words. Here is an example:
Match the words with their meanings. Then, put them in the correct group on
page 56.
1. rescue teams
2. homeless
3. hospital care
4. trapped
5. fire fighters
6. food supplies
7. doctors / nurses
8. volunteers
a. people without home
b. they put out fires
c. they make sick people well again
d. they offer the work for free
e. they cannot escape
f. you need it when you are very ill
g. food that you need
h. groups who save people in danger
Unit 5 Lesson 1
We are in David and Susan's school in Notting Hill. Their class is organising
a school trip to the British museum. David called the museum for more
information. Listen to the recorded message and complete his notes (1-10).
School Trip to the British Museum
  • Opening hours:
    Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 1 ……………… and
    Sundays from 2 ……. am to 3 …….. pm
    4 ……………….. and Fridays from 10 am to 5 ..........pm
  • The 6……………… desk is in the Great Court
  • Get tickets for the guided tour at the 7 .............................
  • Buy books from the 8.......................................
  • Special activities for children, families and 9 ..........................
  • For information about activities,
    call 10 ....................................
Unit 5 Lesson 2
Read the text and answer these questions. How quickly can you find the
a. How many people live in the UK:      ………… million
b. A plane travels at 750 km per hour. How long does it take to fly from the south to the
north of Great Britain:            1 hour and ..... minutes
c. How many people use public libraries in the UK? .........................................
d. What is the Globe Theatre?            .........................................
e. At what age can British children leave school?            .........................................
f. How many children go to private schools?            .........................................
g. Which are the three most important school subjects?             .........................................
h. What is the Grand National?             .........................................
i. Name two more sporting events in the UK:             .........................................
Find the following numbers in the article and say what they refer to.
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
The United Kingdom includes Great
Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
and Northern Ireland. It is 500km wide
and 1,000 km long.
It has a population of about 59 million.
Great Britain is the largest island in
Europe and the eighth largest in the
world. English is the official language.
London is one of the biggest cultural
centres in the world. It has around
100 theatres which show musicals,
modern dramas, classical plays and
comedies. At the famous Globe
Theatre, where William Shakespeare
performed, visitors can enjoy one
of his plays and feel the
atmosphere of his time.
Children in Britain must attend school from the age of 5 until they are 16. Around 93% of children in the UK get free education. The rest attend private schools. The average weight of a British child's
school bag is 5.5 kilos. There is a National Curriculum for all pupils. English, mathematics and science are ‘core' subjects and students spend more time on them.
The most common leisure activities among
people in the UK are home-based, like
entertaining or visiting relatives and friends.
Watching television is by far the most popular
leisure pastime. They also like listening to the
radio or to music and reading books (6 out of
10 people are members of public libraries).
Finally, they are good at gardening and do-it
yourself activities.
About 29 million
people over the
age of 16 in the UK
take part in sport or
exercise. Walking is
the most popular
physical activity.
The sport which the British love watching is
football. The Football Association Cup Final,
the Wimbledon tennis tournament, the Open
Golf Tournament and the Grand National (a
world-famous horserace over fences) are the
most important sporting events in the UK.
information taken from:The Foreign and Commonwealth Office Britain in Brief; London Crown
Guessing words from context
Find words in the article on page 196 that mean:
a. the number of people who live in a country: GEOGRAPHY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
give food and drink to visitors in your house: LEISURE TIME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
c. something you like doing when you aren't working: LEISURE TIME _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d. about art, music and theatre: ARTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
e. go to: EDUCATION _ _ _ _ _ _
f. the group of subjects children study at school: EDUCATION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Unit 5 Lesson 3
Listen again and complete Magda's notes.
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Listen again and read the song.
Tick img what the singer DID NOT
use to do to learn English?

He didn't use to ...
a. read English books / mags. img
b. travel abroad. img
c. listen to English songs. img
d. keep a diary in English. img
e. watch films with English subtitles. img
f. practise speaking English with his friends. img
g. use an English-English dictionary. img
h. play Scrabble ® in English. img
i. have an English key pal. img
j. send text messages in English. img
Unit 6 Lesson 1
Decide on a suitable name for each school scheme. Choose from a-d.
a. ‘Zero Waste Day' ... b. ‘Draw to Help!' ...
c. ‘Cash for Cans' ... d. ‘Recycle Paper' ...
Read the texts again in more detail. Find the team that....
a. needs something extra at their school. ...
b. has unusual bins today. ...
c. has bought something new. ...
d. uses its members' artistic skills. ...
e. does a different thing every day. ...
f. tells you where to take your old computer. ...
g. believes they need to work harder. ...
Andrew, 15
“Recycling a can is 20 times cheaper than making a new
one, so manufacturers are happy to buy used ones. I've
joined an eco team which collects cans students usually
throw away and takes them to the nearest recycling point.
It's really cool! We've bought three new basketballs with
the money they've given us for the used cans so far. Have
you ever volunteered for your community?”
Sheila, 12
“We've started a Waste Reduction Week at our school.
Today, we've removed the waste-paper bins from all
classrooms and the headmaster has given each student a
bag where we must put all the litter we produce during the
day. At the end of the day, the student with the smallest
bag will get a prize! So, let's get down to work!”
Tony, 13
“We've teamed up with other schools in our area and we've
formed eco teams. We're trying to recycle as much paper as
possible. We've asked the local council for extra recycling
bins and they've given us green flags to fly! It's a good start
but we haven't gone green yet. We must keep working.”
Bettina, 14
“My team has designed recycling posters which
encourage people to sort the paper, glass and cans
from their rubbish. We've also made a poster with the
names and addresses of phone and computer stores
which take old mobiles and computers and give them
to people in poor countries or recycle them. Have
you ever heard of that?”
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Guessing words from context
Find the words (1-8) in the students' texts (Texts 1-4). In pairs, guess what they
mean. Then, match (1-4) with (a-d) and (5-8) with (e-h).
1. manufacturer
2. volunteer
3. community
4. waste reduction week

a. the people who live in a place
b. a person or company that makes sth
c. we throw less rubbish away during this week
d. offer to work without getting any money
5. remove
6. get down to
7. sort
8. stores

e. put things in groups
f. start
g. shops
h. to take sth off or away
The student who will be the first to complete their questionnaire correctly is
the winner.
  1. Find someone who has taken care of a stray dog.
  2. Find someone who has cleaned up a beach.
  3. Find someone who has planted a tree.
  4. Find someone who has helped put out a fire in a forest.
  5. Find someone who has recycled their mobile phone or their computer.
  Ask and answer:   Write:
e.g. Have you ever taken care of a stray dog?
Yes, I have / No, I haven't
e.g. Maria has taken care of a stray dog. / No
one in the class has taken care of a
stray dog.
Unit 6 Lesson 2
Complete the gaps (1-6) with one of the following phrases (a-f).
  1. a. 8 Milton Road, SE1 London
  2. but classes start in September.
  3. I also like meeting new people
  4. I have also worked in the school library
  5. reading, dancing
  6. which I read on your website
15th June, 2006
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to answer your advertisement
which is about voluntary work in the Wild Zoo
and 1........................
I have just finished school but I have not
started my studies yet. I have always loved
animals so I want to become a vet. The
college I want to go to has already accepted
me 2 ...................... ...................... So, I think
it is a wonderful idea to spend the summer
months as a volunteer for the zoo.
I speak French very well. 3...............................
.................. for the last three years. I believe I
am a friendly person and I learn fast. 4 .............
................... and spending time with children.
I am sending you my application form and my
CV. I look forward to your answer.
Yours faithfully,
Lyn Elliot
Name Lyn Elliot
Address 5 .................................
Telephone 020-7798 098
Nationality British
Date of Birth 11 May 1988
1999-2006 Oatridge Secondary School
Languages French (Level C1)
Skills Computer literate
(Word, PowerPoint)
Experience Assistant in school library
Interests 6 ..............................
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Match the words (a-e) with their meanings (1-5) and the words (f-j) with (6-
10). Lyn's letter and CV can help you.
a. skills
b. voluntary work
c. personal qualities
d. working hours
e. CV
f. interview
g. experience
h. salary
i. qualifications
j. application form
1. things you can do (type, drive etc.)
2. your character (if you are polite, friendly etc.)
3. work done for no pay
4. it gives information about you
5. the hours when you work
6. work of the same type you've done before
7. certificates and exams you've passed
8. a talk with a company about a job you want to get
9. a special form you complete to get a job
10. the money you get for your work every month
Unit 6 Lesson 3
Listen to the whole
news report and help
Penelope put the
pictures (a-d) in the
correct order (1-4).
Listen again and choose the correct information to help Penelope with the
14th Junior High School of Athens
The Event: School Trip to Philopappos Hill
  • Time spent: 1 two hours / three hours
  • Name of game: treasure hunt
  • Work in 2 in pairs / in groups
  • A questionnaire about 3 daily life
    monuments in ancient Athens.
  • 1st task: Find where Greek orators stood
    to 4 meet the public / speak to the public.
  • 2nd task: 5 copy the numbers / copy the
    names on the Philopappos monument
  • Equipment: 6 ................. and compasses
  • Main Organiser: Mr Ravasopoulos,
    the 8 history / biology teacher
  • Total number of ss this year: 9 120 / 110
Go around the class, ask and take notes.
1. has cooked on their own. Name: ..........................
(Find out when it was and what they cooked)
2. has done an experiment in chemistry. Name: ..........................
(Find out when it was and if it went well)
3. has played Trivial Pursuit Name: ..........................
(Find out when he played and if he won)
4. has heard stories about the past from old people. Name: ..........................
(Find out who told the stories and what the story was about)
5. has visited a foreign country. Name: ..........................
(Find out where they went and who they went with)
6. has performed on stage. Name: ..........................
(Find out when it was and what they did)
e.g. - Have you ever cooked on your own?
- Yes, I have. I've cooked on my own many times.
- When did you last cook on your own?
- Last week.
- What did you cook?
- I made meat balls.
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Unit 7 Lesson 3
Silou sent the article about life in the future to Andrew's site to share it with
their e-friends. Andrew wants to add headings over each idea. Read the
article again and, in pairs, make up one suitable heading for each
technological development.
Mediation Task
Student A:
Your American friend is in Greece. You are looking at Greek magazines together and your
friend wants to know what his/her horoscope says. Tell him/her.
Student A:
  • Read the horoscope before you start.
  • What do you want to say to your friend?
  • Think about the language you need.
    Don't try to translate everything.
    Use your own words and words from the
    Language Bank, if you like.
  • Think in english.

Αυτό το μήνα, θα καταφέρεις επιτέλους να λύσεις ένα πρόβλημα που σε απα-
σχολεί πολύ αυτό τον καιρό. Οι φίλοι σου θα σου δείξουν την αγάπη τους και
θα σε βοηθήσουν.
Θα πάρεις πρόσκληση και θα πας σε ένα καταπληκτικό πάρτυ. Οι γονείς σου
όμως θα σου πουν να γυρίσεις νωρίς και έτσι προμηνύεται σύγκρουση.
Στο τέλος του μήνα θα γράψετε διαγώνισμα στο μάθημα που σιχαίνεσαι. Προ-
Now, Student A:
You are from Australia and you're
spending your holidays in Greece
at your Greek friend's house. You
are looking at some Greek
magazines together and you want
to know what your horoscope says.
Your friend will tell you. Is it good
Student A:
  • Listen to your partner.
  • Ask any questions you like.
  • Say if you agree with what your horoscope says.
    Are you happy with it?
Adapted from the teenage magazine: Young No 8 Ιούλιος 2006 (Greek edition - pages 206-207)
Now, Student B:
You are from the USA and you're
spending your holidays in Greece at
your Greek friend's house. You are
looking at some Greek magazines
together and you want to know what
your horoscope says. Your friend will
tell you. Is it good news?
Student B:
  • Listen to your partner.
  • Ask any questions you like.
  • Say if you agree with what your horoscope
Now, Student B:
Your Australian friend is in Greece. You are looking at Greek magazines together and your
friend wants to know what his/her horoscope says. Tell him/her.
Αυτό τον καιρό η ζωή σου είναι λίγο μονότονη αλλά τα πράγματα θα αλλάξουν
πολύ σύντομα. Θα ξεκινήσεις κάτι καινούριο - ένα άθλημα ίσως - που θα σ'
αρέσει πολύ και θα γνωρίσεις νέα άτομα. Κάποιος στην οικογένεια σου θα χρει-
αστεί την βοήθεια σου. Μην αρνηθείς γιατί θα στεναχωρηθεί.
Ίσως δεν βγεις με την παρέα σου πάρα πολύ αυτό το μήνα γιατί θα έχεις πολύ
δουλειά για το σχολείο. Υπάρχει όμως περίπτωση να πας μια σχολική εκδρομή.
It’s up to you!
It’s up to you!
Unit 8 Lesson 1
Passive structures - Simple Present Passive
Get in groups of three. Choose one of the following places and make a list of
activities that are normally done at this location. Write passive sentences and
add the agent if necessary. The Language Bank can help you.
When you finish, tell the class.
school hotel restaurant zoo
e.g. At a hotel
e. Beds are made every day.
f. Breakfast is served between 7.00 and 9.00.
g. Credit cards are accepted.
h. ....
NOUNS: school trips / cages / customers / guests / visitors absent students /
plants / bills / material / food / meals / animals / phone calls / damages /
order / classrooms / offices / projects / photos / information etc.

VERBS: register / clean / serve / pay / make / water / organise / plan / do /
prepare / buy / tidy / adopt / repair / answer / take / give / deliver / sell etc.
Unit 8 Lesson 2
Guessing words from context
Read these extracts from the interview with Tom. In pairs, try to guess what
the expressions in bold mean. Choose A or B. Then, tell the class.
a. Braille became blind by accident when he was only three years old.
A. he expected to become blind. B. he didn't expect to become blind.
b. How did he come up with the idea of his code?
A. get the idea B. present the idea
c. Soldiers used this code to share top-secret information during a battle.
A. hide important information B. tell each other important information
d. Each dot has a numbered position on the Braille cell.
A. a place with a number B. a series of numbers

e. I can read a sign or a book just by touching these dots with my fingers.
A. I only need to B. I don't have to

f. You can see Braille signs in most public places.
A. places where blind people go B. places where anyone can go

g. The asteroid 9969 Braille was named after him.
A. was given his name B. has no name after the death of Braille

h. Thanks to you, I'll write a great article for our newspaper.
A. Thank you for the article B. You helped me write my article.
Unit 8 Lesson 3
Catchy headlines
If you want to attract readers, you need to find a catchy title for your
newspaper article. In pairs, read the following titles and discuss:
1. What kind of text is it? 2. What might it be about? 3. Is it interesting to read?
It’s up to you!
Αγγλικά Α Γυμνασίου - Επίπεδο Προχωρημένων - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
  • Lesson 1 -
Fancy School? Quiz (What's your school type), σελίδα 8, προσαρμοσμένο κείμενο από: Mizz
No. 531 / Sept 21st - Oct 4th 2005 / p.61
Culture Corner σελίδα 14, ‚βασίστηκε σε πληροφορίες από: www.compassionbb.org
  • Lesson 3 -
Teen Bestsellers, Reading (Blurbs) , σελίδα 20, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τα εξώφυλλα των βιβλίων
(ως εικόνες) καθώς και το κείμενο στα οπισθόφυλλα των βιβλίων:
  • Stuff by Jeremy Strong - Puffin 2005
  • Indigo Blue by Cathy Cassidy - Puffin 2005
Speaking: Εξώφυλλα και κείμενα προσαρμοσμένα από την περίληψη στα οπισθόφυλλα
των βιβλίων
  • Σπίτι για πέντε - Λότη Πέτροβιτς-Ανδρουτσοπούλου / Εκδόσεις Πατάκη (Συλλογή
  • Η Σαββίνα, η Μοένια και τα χρώματα - Βησσαρία Ζορμπά-Ραμμοπούλου - Εκδόσεις
  • Lesson 1 -
Food for thought, Reading (What are we really eating?), σελίδα 29, προσαρμοσμένο κείμε-
νο από: Mizz No. 519 / April 6th - 19th 2005 / p. 24-25
  • Lesson 3 -
We're on a shopping spree Reading (games), σελίδα 37, προσαρμοσμένα κείμενα από Mizz
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Mizz No 527 / July 27th - Aug 9th 2005 p. 69
  • Mario Power Tennis - Mizz No 516 / Feb 23rd - March 18th 2006 p. 69
  • Matrix Online - Mizz No 522 / May 18th - 31st 2005 p. 69
  • The Lord of the Rings - Mizz No 513 / Jan 12th - 25th 2005 p. 69
  • Lesson 1 -
On a mystery tour, Reading (Who's the Mystery Person?), σελίδα 45, προσαρμοσμένο κείμε-
νο από:
  • Κείμενο Α: Time for Kids / October 21 / 2005 / Vol. 11 / No 7
  • Κείμενο B: Time for Kids / September 30 / 2005 / Vol. 11 / No 5
  • Κείμενο C: Time for Kids / April 8 / 2005 / Vol. 10 / No 23
  • Κείμενο D: Time for Kids / January 28 / 2005 / Vol. 10 / No 15
  • Κείμενο E: Time for Kids / February 13 / 2004 / Vol. 9 / No 1
  • Lesson 2 -
Reading -A broken window, σελίδα 49 προσαρμοσμένο από τη σχολική εφημερίδα
  • Lesson 3 -
We survived the tsunami, Reading (The tsunami tragedy), σελίδα 54, προσαρμοσμένα κείμε-
νο από: Mizz No. 514 Jan 26th - Feb 8th 2005 p. 28 - 29
- Rescues Continue in New Orleans, σελίδα 56, προσαρμοσμένο κείμενο από: Time For
Kids, September 5, 2005
  • Lesson 1 -
Listening - σελίδα 64, βασίστηκε σε πληροφορίες από: ‘The World of the British Museum'
(The British Museum Press)
Reading: Ancient Egypt / The Roman Empire, σελίδες 66-67, προσαρμοσμένα κείμενα από:
‘The World of the British Museum' (The British Museum Press)
  • Lesson 2 -
Reading -The UK - Land and People, σελίδα 71, βασίστηκε σε πληροφορίες από: ‘Britain in
Brief' (The Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  Listening: Superstitions in the UK, σελίδα 73, βασίστηκε σε πληροφορίες από: ‘Britain in
Brief' (The Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  • Song: σελίδα 79, My English is great, Στίχοι: Βίκυ Κουή
  • Lesson 1 -
Reading: Green Schools ∫ Green Communities, σελίδα 85, βασίστηκε σε πληροφορίες από:
1. www.ci.fort-collins.co.us
2. www.kidsrecycle.org/index.php
  • Lesson 3 -
Listening: Junior Archaeologists, σελίδα 94, βασίστηκε στο άρθρο «Μικροί αρχαιολόγοι εν
δράσει», Τύπος της Κυριακής - 4.6.2006
Reading & Writing: Kazantzakis Museum, σελίδα 96, βασίστηκε σε πληροφορίες από:
  • Lesson 1 -
Listening: Good Intentions, σελίδα 106, προσαρμοσμένο από
  • Lesson 3 -
Reading: What will our great-grand children's life be like?, σελίδα 112, κείμενο προσαρμοσμέ-
νο από http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/9901/beyond-2000/
Speaking: Mediation Task, σελίδες 150 & 153, προσαρμοσμένο από το περιοδικό: Young
No 8 Ιούλιος 2006 (Greek edition - pages 206-207)
  • Lesson 2 -
Listening-Tasks 3 & 5 pp. 123-124 Adapted from www.afb.org/braillebug
  • Lesson 3 -
απόσπασμα από club announcement σελίδα 129 από
Απόσπασμα από book review (B) σελίδα130 από
Άρθρα C, D & E σελίδα 130 από σχολική εφημερίδα Leonteen του Λεοντείου Λυκείου
Let's work together for our school newspaper, σελίδες 128-129 προσαρμοσμένο από
ΠΙΝΑΚΕΣ σελίδα 138 Information taken from:
σελίδα 139 από http://en.wikipedia.org
  Ισχύει η ίδια πηγή με το κυρίως βιβλίο
  από http://go.hrw.com
  • Φωτογραφίες B, C σελίδα 2 από αρχείο Λεοντείου Λυκείου
  • Φωτογραφίες σελίδες 16 & 19 από αρχείο Λεοντείου Λυκείου
  • Φωτογραφίες λεξικού στη σελίδα 11 από Hornby, A. S. (1974) Oxford Advanced
    Learner's Dictionary of Current English
  • Φωτογραφίες Culture Corner σελίδα 14 από www.compassionbb.org
  • το εξώφυλλο του βιβλίου Stuff by Jeremy Strong - Puffin 2005, σελίδα 21
  • Φωτογραφία Jeremy Strong σελίδα 21 από www.bbc.co.uk
  • Φωτογραφία Cathy Cassidy σελίδα 21 από www.cathycassidy.com
  • Lesson 1 -
σελίδα 32
Thanksgiving dinner από inventorspot.com/articles/thanksgiving_patent...
  • Lesson 3 -
We're on a shopping spree Reading (games), σελίδα 37, φωτογραφίες από Mizz Reviews
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Mizz No 527 / July 27th - Aug 9th 2005 p. 69
  • Mario Power Tennis - Mizz No 516 / Feb 23rd - March 18th 2006 p. 69
  • Matrix Online - Mizz No 522 / May 18th - 31st 2005 p. 69
  • The Lord of the Rings - Mizz No 513 / Jan 12th - 25th 2005 p. 69
  • Φωτογραφίες b & d, σελίδα 95 από αρχείο Λεοντείου Λυκείου
  • Φωτογραφία σελίδα 96 από www.culture.gr
  • Φωτογραφία Μουσείου Σύγχρονης Τέχνης Τοπικής Ιστορίας Κοζάνης σελίδα 97 από
  • Φωτογραφίες 102 από αρχείο Λεοντείου Λυκείου
  • Φωτογραφία Σάκη Ρουβά, σελίδα 114 από http://www.sakisrouvas.com
  • Φωτογραφίες βραβεύσεων σελίδες 118-112 από 102 από http://en.wikipedia.org
  • Φωτογραφία βράβευσης 12ων Πανελλήνιων Μαθητικών Καλλιτεχνικών Αγώνων σελίδα
    118 & φωτογραφία σελίδα 129 από αρχείο Λεοντείου Λυκείου
  • Πίνακας Remington, σελίδα 123 από http://en.wikipedia.org
  • Φωτογραφία 6 σελίδα 123 από www.artbeyondsight.org
  • Φωτογραφίες σελίδα 124 από http://archives.umc.org
  • Φωτογραφία σελίδα 129 από
  • Φωτογραφίες σελίδων 129 - 130 Newspaper 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 από σχολική εφημερίδα Leonteen
    του Λεοντείου Λυκείου
  • Φωτογραφία σελίδα 131 από
  • Ζωγραφιά του 10χρονου Joseph Rojas Madriga σελίδα 138 για την Ευρώπη από
Επίσης στο εξώφυλλο καθώς και στις εσωτερικές σελίδες του βιβλίου χρησιμοποιήθηκαν
  • Φωτογραφίες του Χρήστου, του Περικλή και της Βιβιάνας Ντίνου
  • Φωτογραφίες της Μάγδας Πλέσσα
  • Φωτογραφίες του Κωνσταντίνου και της Τίνας Θεοφανοπούλου