Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Lesson 1, Tomorrow and beyond! Travel plans! Lesson 3, In the year 2525! Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Lesson 2
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 1
Have you got any bad habits? Do you want to do anything about them?
Tell your partner and ask for advice.
- I bite my nails. I want to stop but it isn't easy. What should I do?
- A good idea is to buy a special nail polish which has a bad taste. It might help you stop.
Are you going to follow your partner's advice? Why (not)?
Robert, the presenter of a radio programme for teenagers, invited the listeners
to express their good intentions for this month. Listen to 6 of them and write
the name of the teenager next to each intention (a-g). There is an extra
This text will be replaced
This teenager is going to ... NAME
a. be more careful in the streets
b. feel positive about themselves
c. take advice from somebody older
d. behave better towards others
e. watch less TV
f. eat less junk food
g. be careful when visiting websites.
Which of the above do you think are really important for a teenager to do?
Explain why.
Good intentions!
Be going to - Talking about future plans and intentions
Look at the example sentences and complete the Grammar table.
img I'm going to be really nice to other kids.
img From now on, Silou's going to think PINK!
img I'm going to talk with an adult about my choices.
To talk about what we have decided to
do - our future plans and intentions
img..... / is / ..... + going to + .......

How do we form questions and negatives?

I'm going to have a party to celebrate my birthday.
(I'm talking about what I want to do)

I'm having a party on Saturday at 8.00.
(I'm talking about a fixed party)
see Grammar Appendix, page 173
Look at your list of 'bad habits' in Speaking Task 1. Imagine this weekend is
your GOOD INTENTIONS WEEKEND. Write down three things you are going
to do on a piece of paper and give it to your partner. On Monday, he/she is
going to check on you.
Lesson 2
Read this piece of writing and say:
a. What type of writing is it?
b. How does the writer feel and why?
Thursday, April 3rd
11.30 pm

Can't sleep. I'm staring out of my bedroom window. Ten days to the party!
I'm going to wear that fantastic dress I bought yesterday and I'm going
to invite Tim, the boy who lives
next door. I see him every
morning. He rides his bike to
school. I think he's gorgeous!
He might like me too. I hope
he does! And guess what!
Mum and dad are eating out
on the day of the party!
Lalalala… life is fabby, fab,
Read it again, find and underline:
a. something that is going on at the moment
b. something the writer has decided to do, an intention
c. a past action
d. a habit
e. something the writer is not really sure about
f. a fixed arrangement
What grammar structures has the writer used to
express the above?
Good intentions!
Write a short diary entry about something you feel excited or sad about at the
moment. Use the diary entry above as a model. Try to include most of the points
(a-f) in Reading Task 2.
Check your grammar. Have you used the right structure to express each of your
thoughts? You partner can help you.
Look at these drawings. What do they show?
Get in groups of 4. Take it in turns to do the task.
Students A, B & C: Choose one of the objects
above (the same one) and tell student D only what
you are going to do with it (different things).

Student D: Listen to your partners and guess
which object they have chosen. Wait for all your
partners to tell you about their intentions. You will
get one point if you guess right.
Student D: What are you going to do with it?
Student A: I'm going to water the plants with it.
Student B: I'm going to put it in the fridge.
Student C: I'm going to drink out of it.

Student D: Is it the bottle of water?
Lesson 2 Good intentions!
Our next school trip
Get in groups of four and organise the next school trip
  • Collect data about the place you want to visit. Find a map and information from
    brochures, websites, travel guides etc.
  • Make a list of possible activities you can do there. Include something for everyone in your
  • Make a list of the equipment you are going to need. Explain what you are going to do
    with it.
  • Discuss and draw up the itinerary and programme of activities. Remember that your
    programme must be realistic and practical.
  • Write out your plan neatly and add maps and photographs.
  • Present it to your class.
  • Vote for the best plan and for the best presentation.