Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Lesson 3, TEEN best-sellers! Lesson 2, Your problem sorted! Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Match each photo (1-3) to the e-mails (A-C).
TEEN Matters!
  • a magazine article about eating habits
  • food labels
  • an Agony Aunt's answer to a magazine reader
  • computer game reviews
  • differences in drawings
  • teenagers in photos
  • ideas for presents
  • a song about a teenager's feelings
  • teenagers calling Teen Helpline
  • a dialogue between friends about buying a present
  • tips for healthy eating habits
  • the lyrics for a song
  • a letter of advice to a teenager
image Home Economics image Culture image Music image Maths image ICT image Art
Lesson 1
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 1
Pedro, from Italy, is the healthy guy. He hates junk
food and tries to change his friends' bad eating
habits. He's sending this article from an English
magazine to his new friends from the camp. Read it.
Are these statements myths or facts? Discuss in pairs. Then read the article
and find out.
Read the article again and answer Pedro's questions.
a. What is bad for our heart?
b. Which kind of pizza can we eat?
c. What are fizzy drinks bad for?
d. What can we add in our water?
e. Which foods have a lot of calories?
f. What kinds of meals are good for us?
Food for thought!
We all love chips and pizza but what are our favourite foods doing to our bodies?
Burger and chips or pizza
What’s in ’em?
Huge amounts of fat, salt and additives!
What’s the damage?
All this fat and salt is really bad for your heart.
A good alternative:
Tofu burgers, roasted potatoes and homemade pizza!
Fizzy drinks
What’s in ’em?
Sugar, colouring, additives and carbonated water to give it the fizz!
What’s the damage?
It can damage your teeth - and that also means bad breath!.
A good alternative:
Plain water! Add a little fresh orange juice if you like.
Chocolate cake
What’s in it?
High amounts of sugar, fat and additives!
What’s the damage?
Like most fatty, sugary foods, cakes are very high in calories.
A good alternative:
Fresh fruit with yoghurt is a delicious dessert!
Eat More Healthily - Dr. Jackson says...
  1. You must cut down on a lot of your fave foods. It may be difficult at the start, but soon you’ll
    have tons more energy.
  2. Don’t skip meals. You must eat three healthy, normal-sized meals a day.
  3. You have no problem with your weight? You’re lucky but it’s important to choose healthy food
    every day.
  4. And remember, you don’t have to stop eating burgers and pizza completely. But you should make
    sure you eat more home cooked meals.
Log on to www.teenagehealthfreak.org and http://pbskids.org for more info
adapted from Mizz No. 519 / April 6th - 9th 2005 / p. 24-25 UNIT 3
Lesson 1
Healthy Food
Where can you see these labels?
What do they mean?
Pedro's class is making a poster about healthy eating habits. Here is the
message on it. Use the article and your dictionary to complete their text with
words from the boxes.
Put what we usually eat in food groups. Can you add one
more in each group?
lettuce   yoghurt   apples   cheese   cereal   chicken   pasta   steaks   peas   peaches
Food for thought!
Label the Food Guide Pyramid. Use the headings in Task
3.     What does it say about healthy eating habits?
Which eating habits are healthy for:
a. a student of your age? b. an athlete of your age? c. a student who wants to lose weight?
Your home economics teacher can help you prepare a healthy diet for each case.
Nouns and Quantifiers
Look at the example sentences and complete the Grammar table.
see Grammar Appendix, page 164 UNIT 3
Lesson 1 Food for thought!
Look at the nouns in Vocabulary Link - Task 3. Which ones are countable
and which are uncountable?
Student A: Look at page 143. Student B: Look at page 145.
Modals - must / mustn’t / don’t have to
Study the example sentences (1-3) and match with (a-c).
1. You must eat three normal-sized meals a day.
2. You mustn't skip a meal.
3. You don't have to stop eating pizza completely.
a. not necessary
b. really important to happen
c. really important not to happen
see Grammar Appendix, page 165
In pairs, write some RULES FOR EXCELLENT HEALTH.
Use must / mustn't / don't have to.
Eating Habits
Link to www.e-yliko.gr for the first grade
of Junior High School: Projects:
(Vietnam - Ethnic Food)
Choose one of the following dishes or one of your choice.
Fish soup Pita -Souvlaki Greek Salad Spring rolls
Look at the food pyramid on page 31 and find out what there is from each
food group. Decide if it's healthy or not and why. Present it to the class.
Choose one of the following topics, find information (on the Internet, in your
school books, from your teachers) and present it to the class.
Food and Religion Food and Celebrations Food and Climate