Αγγλικά ΣΤ' Δημοτικού - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
3. A Film Review II. Resource materials Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος


Differentiated instractions

UNIT 1 Our multicultural class

1. Α Geography project Your teacher has asked you to work on a project about the following countries of Europe. Look at the two tables below and fill in the missing information:












The River Dnipo, The Carpathians

2. Role play – An interview
(Instead of the information gap activity, page 5)
You are a reporter. You are interviewing a pupil from Poland. What are your questions? Complete the dialogue: (map of Poland showing Warsaw, rivers e.t.c, possible drawings of people's activities such as playing music, dancing…)



My name is…


I come from Warsaw, Poland.


People work in coal mines in Poland.


They like music and dancing.


My parents usually play the violin at the weekend.

Now act the dialogue out.



UNIT 2 Going shopping


1. Doctor's advice The following 3 patients are worried about their diets and are asking for doctor's advice. Below you can see their daily menus and the doctor's advice. Put the names next to the advice. There is an extra piece of advice which fits Niki's menu. Find it and write a suitable menu for her:



Change your diet now! Eat fruit and vegetables and less sugar.

You hardly eat any fruit or meat! You need more. Increase the number of meals.

You need some dairy products in your diet.

You eat a lot of sweets but not much fruit. Try to eat some fruit for dessert.


(student, aged 19)


2 cups of tea (with sugar)

4 slices of toast


1 cup of milk (with sugar)


(farmer, aged 50)


1 large cup of white coffee (with some honey)

2 small slices of toast

1 large cup of tea (with no sugar)


(nurse, aged 25)



1 thin slice of brown bread

1 glass of apple juice

1 banana

½ cup of black coffee

3 glasses of mineral water



1 piece of white fish

some brown rice and potatoes

1 tomato

1 small packet of nuts


(schoolgirl, aged 13)










Differentiated Instructions

2. Dietary habits

Fill in the table below about your dietary habits. Then, in groups, discuss your answers and suggest ways to improve your diets.



Every day

…times a week

Green and other vegetables

Fruit (fresh or fruit-juice)

Milk and dairy products

Meat (veal, pork, lamb, etc.)


Fish (fresh or frozen)

Bread and pasta (spaghetti, pizza, etc.)

Dried seeds and fruit

Soft drinks (still and carbonated)


3. How can you stay healthy?

Study the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid (you can find it on the internet or in your science book) and complete the diagram with your ideas on healthy diet.




UNIT 3 Imaginary creatures

1. Obelix at the gym (Instead of the pair work: A Monster's ID, page 29)
Obelix wants to lose weight. He is talking to the receptionist of a gym centre. Look at his ID card, complete the dialogue and act it out.

Receptionist: ______________________?

Obelix: My name is _______________

Receptionist: ______________________?

Obelix: I'm ______________________

Receptionist: ______________________?

Obelix: I ______________________

Receptionist: ______________________?

Obelix: ______________________

Receptionist: Do you have any ______________________?

Obelix: ______________________


Member's ID

Name: Obelix

Age: 25

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 250 pounds


problems: none

2. Ancient Greek pottery A. Look at the Ancient Greek pottery below and describe the monsters on it. Use the Greek text on the left if you need help.

What do you know about the creatures shown? What do they look like? Find more information about them in your workbook (Unit 3 - Exercise 6).




(Από τον τόμο Ελληνικά Μουσεία,

εκδόσεις Εκδοτική Αθηνών, σελ. 66.)

Ο 'Αμφορέας του Νέσσου' βρέθηκε στο Δίπυλο του Κεραμικού. Ένα από τα πρωιμότερα μελανόμορφα αγγεία (620 π.Χ.).

Στο λαιμό εικονίζεται η πάλη του Ηρακλή με τον κένταυρο Νέσσο. Στο σώμα ο μύθος του Περσέα που αποκεφάλισε τη Μέδουσα.

Ύστερα από τον αποκεφαλισμό οι αδελφές της Ευριάλη και Σθενώ τον κυνηγούν πετώντας επάνω από τον Ωκεανό.

B. Search the Internet to find other pottery showing the same or similar creatures. If possible, organize a visit to the local museum and look for similar items.

C. After your research, write your report and present it in class.

Differentiated instructions


3. Class comparisons.
Work in pairs. Ask each other about the following and find a classmate who:


runs the fastest __________

sings the most beautifully __________

play football the best __________

solves a math
problem the most quickly __________


Pupil 1: Who do you think runs the fastest in class?

Pupil 2: I think Tom does.

Find more facts about these people and present your findings in class. Speak about their unusual abilities or skills using comparatives and superlatives.


UNIT 4 The history of the aeroplane

1. Aviation and Space Education Outreach Program* Work in pairs to find the right answer to the following 'AVIATION TRIVIA' questions from http://www.faa.gov/education.

*Source: http://www.faa.gov/education

1. Which of these is a military aircraft?

a. F-17

b. A-300

c. Boeing 727

2. What does supersonic mean?

a. Faster than the speed of sound.

b. Really loud.

c. Faster than the speed of light.

3. Which one of these aircraft is supersonic?

a. Learjet

b. Concorde

c. Boeing-747

4. Which aircraft is known as "Hercules"?

a. C-5

b. KC-135

c. C-130

5. Which aircraft has a motor but no wings?

a. Rocket

b. Glider

c. Blimp

6. Which aircraft has wings but no motor?

a. Helicopter

b. Glider

c. Blimp

7. In the late 1920's dirigibles were known as:

a. Flying balloons

b. Zeppelin

c. Kasseplins

8. Who invented the kite about 2,000 years ago?

a. The Chinese

b. The Japanese

c. The Russians

9. Who invented the rocket?

a. The Chinese

b. The Japanese

c. The Russians

1a, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5c, 6b, 7b, 8a, 9a



2. A Quiz
Match the columns and make true statements about famous travellers you have read about.



Marco Polo

managed to travel around the world in 80 days.


flew on a golden-haired ram to Colchis.

Captain Nemo

shipwrecked on the Lilliputian island.

Phrixos and Ellie

crossed the continent of Asia all the way to India.

Phileas Fogg

travelled on a magic carpet.

Marco Polo

captained Nautilus in 2000 leagues under the sea.


started travelling when he was 15.

3. The Story Writing Competition
You are taking part in story writing competition. Here is the beginning and the end of the story. Complete it. The clues will help you. bad weather / air pocket / serve passengers / watch video / scared / shout / say prayers / fasten seat belt / …

Beginning: While my uncle and I were flying to… we had a(n)… experience.


End: After a few minutes which seemed like an hour, we were all relieved!!!


UNIT 5 Travelling through time

1. Means of Transport


a. You friend Tony from U.S.A. is coming on a tour around Greece. How can he travel while in Greece? How many different types of transport can you think of? Tell him.


b. The Public Transport Company is carrying out a survey about people's opinion on safe means of transport. Here is a questionnaire travellers have to answer.

Differentiated instructions


Answer it yourself.


Tick or Cross +

Travelling by train is more dangerous than cycling. _________

Cycling is less dangerous than flying. _________________

Driving a car is more dangerous than travelling by train. __________

Motorcycling is more dangerous than flying. _________

Travelling by train is less dangerous than motorcycling. _________

Flying is not as dangerous as driving a car. __________

Now write your opinion:


is the safest way of travelling.



2. Personal Qualities Think about your own personal qualities. Have you changed over the past few years? Write as many sentences as you can to complete the table

I used to be like this:

Now, I'm like this:

I used to get into trouble for being late.

Now, I'm trying to be punctual.

I used to be very noisy in the classroom.

Now, I'm calm and quiet.

I used to ask my mother to help me with my homework.

I can do my homework alone now. I am more independent/ confident.

I used to…

Now, I'm…



UNIT 6 Me, Myself and my Future Job

1. Reading
Lesson 1, Reading (easier version)

A. Jewellery Designer

I'm a jewellery designer.

I take metal and expensive stones and make rings, necklaces, earrings and other jewellery. I can use many hand tools to make the jewellery. Sometimes, I may use computers and laser to design these fine pieces.

When you work, it is necessary to look at every detail. It is also important to use your hands skilfully, to synchronize your eyes, to be patient and be careful in what you are doing. You must also know everything about art and fashion.

Β. Air Traffic Controller

I'm an air traffic controller. My job is to direct the movement of aeroplanes, and make sure that they keep flying programmes.

An air traffic controller takes care of every plane that is taking off or landing. I usually work forty-hour weeks. I may work night or weekend shifts. It is a very stressful job. Speech communication, mathematics,

science, foreign languages, and

electronics are helpful for this career.

C. Home Health Nurses

I'm a home health nurse. I go to patients' homes to care for them. I also advise family members on how to take care of the patient who may need help for many different reasons. Some may be ill and some may be getting better from an accident. I spend a lot of time travelling to different places. I may visit many patients in one day.

The time I spend with the patients depends on their needs.. It is important for nurses to like to help people, to be hard working, responsible, caring and cheerful. Classes in first aid,

health sciences, home economics

and diet are helpful for this


D. Hairdresser

I'm a hairdresser.

I cut and style hair using different tools such as scissors, razors, rollers, hot brushes and dryers.

I can use gel, mousse, wax or spray. I may colour, perm or straighten hair using shampoos, conditioners, lotions etc.

It is important for hairdressers to be creative, able to work quickly, hardworking and self-confident. Biology, chemistry, science courses and communication skills are helpful.

E. Ecologists

I'm an ecologist. Ecologists can work in a lab but also go out to the place where a plant grows or an animal lives and study them. I may do some work without taking any money, too. Next summer I'm travelling to the Amazon to study some kinds of plants there.

Working in a team and working alone are good skills for someone who wants to be an ecologist. Good communication skills are also important. Useful subjects are biology, mathematics, and computer science.

Differentiated instructions


2. Role play
Lesson 1, Practice A
You read the following information on a poster in your neighbourhood:

Pupil A: You see the above information and want to work as a life guard volunteer. Call the Town Hall, ask for information and offer to help.

Do you like swimming?

We need you as a volunteer life guard!

Call us at 2109325657

Our Mayor will appreciate your participation in our volunteer programme!

Pupil B: You are a clerk at the Town Hall. The Town Council wants a volunteer life guard. Answer the telephone and give the volunteer life guard all the information he asks for.

3. Maria's Profile
Read Maria's profile. Which of the jobs do you think she will choose to do in future? Discuss it with your partner and decide.


Maria is interested in many things. She likes machines very much and wants to learn how they operate. She also likes reading many books and she is very good at maths and science at school. She is a brave girl and always helps other people. Maria's dream is to travel to many countries and make a lot of friends all over the world.

Answer: I think she will choose to be a _________________________________________




UNIT 7 Share Your Experiences

1. Your personal records
Tick which of the following are your personal records and write your sentences below:


I have eaten five ice-creams in an hour.


eat… ice-creams [ ]

score… goals [ ]

collect… stickers/stamps/CDs/ coins etc. [ ]

read… books [ ]

watch… films [ ]

buy… pair of shoes in a year [ ]

write… poems [ ]

sing… pop songs [ ]

visit… museums in a year [ ]

be to a funfair… times [ ]

What else? [ ]


2. Questionnaire Do you know…

a. Which American World Champion has taken a Muslim name?

b. Which singer has been No 1 in both America and Britain for many years?

c. Which famous football player mostly used this left foot to kick the ball?

d. Which basketball coach has led his team beat the USA Dream Team at the World Championship in Japan?

e. Which South American football player has also played for an Italian team?

f. Which American World Champion has also worked for peace?

For the answers, read the TEXTS on pp. 64-65 in your Workbook.

Differentiated instructions


3.Greek achievements
What have other Greeks achieved in recent years? Here is a report about Pyrros Dimas. Fill in the gaps to complete the report and present it to your class.


Use the words:
was born,
has finished,
has won,

Pyrros Dimas has been the best Greek …………….. of all times. He …… ………….. in Himara, Albania in 1971 and he…………………..to Greece in 1991. His birthplace created his ………………. "The Lion of Himara". He ………… ………………. 3 Olympic Gold …………….. and 1 bronze. This number of gold medals has given him another nickname "Midas". Dimas ………… …………. his career as a ………………………… hero. For his successes, the Government of Greece has awarded him the distinction of a …………………………in the Hellenic Army.

4. Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games

You were interested in the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing. Read the following newspaper extract and tell your class about the emblem of the Beijing Paralympics (talk about the figure, the colours etc.)

"Sky, Earth and Human Beings," the emblem of the Beijing Paralympics is a figure of an athlete in motion, showing the tremendous efforts a disabled person has to make in sports as well as in real life. With the harmony of "sky, earth and human beings," the emblem joins Chinese characters, calligraphy and the Paralympic spirit. It embodies the Paralympic motto of "Spirit in Motion" and shows the integration of heart, body and spirit in human beings - the core of the philosophy of Chinese culture. The three colours in the emblem represent the sun (red), the sky (blue) and the earth (green).


5. Mediation

You and your English-speaking friend Joan are talking about athletes with special abilities. Read the following newspaper extract and tell your friend about the success of some athletes with special abilities.

Η Ανθή Καραγιάννη βραβεύτηκε ως η καλύτερη αθλήτρια με αναπηρία από τον ΠΣΑΤ*

Σε λαμπρή τελετή βράβευσε τη Δευτέρα 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 ο Πανελλήνιος Σύνδεσμος Αθλητικών Συντακτών (ΠΣΑΤ) τους καλύτερους αθλητές και αθλήτριες της χρονιάς 2007. Ως καλύτερη αθλήτρια με αναπηρία με 980 ψήφους αναδείχθηκε η Ανθή Καραγιάννη, αθλήτρια του Στίβου που πρόσφατα κατέκτησε ένα χρυσό και ένα Χάλκινο μετάλλιο στους Παγκόσμιους Αγώνες Τυφλών στο Σάο Πάολο της Βραζιλίας. Δεύτερος με λίγες ψήφους διαφορά ήρθε ο Χαράλαμπος Ταϊγανίδης, αθλητής Κολύμβησης που φέτος κατέκτησε 2 Χρυσά Μετάλλια στους Παγκόσμιους Αγώνες Τυφλών και τρίτος ο Παύλος Μάμαλος αθλητής Άρσης Βαρών σε Πάγκο που κατέκτησε το καλοκαίρι στο Πανευρωπαϊκό πρωτάθλημα στην Καβάλα το Χρυσό Μετάλλιο και σημείωσε Πανευρωπαϊκό Ρεκόρ.




UNIT 8 Blow Your Own Trumpet

1. Family Budget

Follow up to Activity C.
If you were a parent (mother/father) what would you spend money on? Choose from the following:


newspapers / magazines [ ]

food [ ]

presents [ ]

sweets [ ]

bills [ ]

holidays [ ]

other [ ]

children's education [ ]

clothes [ ]

doctors / medicine [ ]

transportation [ ]

books [ ]

rent [ ]

Now compare with your class list on page 93.

2. Golden rules for living


Do you want to get along well with your family and friends?
Complete the following Decalogue:

lock it up, return it, take care of it, put it back, close it, get permission, admit it, turn it off, leave it alone, clean it up

1. If you open it,_______close it_______

2. If you turn it on, __________________

3. If you unlock it, __________________

4. If you break it, __________________

5. If you borrow it, _________________

6. If you value it, __________________

7. If you make a mess, _____________

8. If you move it, _________________

9. If it belongs to someone else and you
want to use it, ___________________

10 If you don't know how to operate it, ________________

Now remember to follow the rules.

Differentiated instructions


3. The story of the Little Red Riding-Hood

Your friend has taken notes about the story of the Little Red Riding Hood but he / she has mixed them up and has forgotten to write the end. Read the notes, put them in the right order and give your ending. The first one is done for you.


1. One day, Little Red Riding Hood decided to go her Grandma's house because she was ill.

[ ] The wolf went to grandma's house.

[ ] In the wood, she met a big wolf and talked to him.

[ ] He slipped into grandma's bed and waited for the little girl.

[ ] The little girl made her way through the wood and stopped to pick up some strawberries for her grandmother.

[ ] The wolf jumped out of bed and swallowed the little girl, too.

[ ] A hunter looked through the window and saw the large wolf, with a fat full tummy, sleeping in Grandma's bed.

[ ] The wolf came into the room and swallowed the old lady.

[ ] "Got you at last!" the hunter shouted and he ___________________________

One day, Little Red Riding Hood decided to go her Grandma's house because she was ill. ____________________________________________

"Got you at last!" the hunter shouted and he ____________________________________



UNIT 9 Earth Day everyday!

1. Lions

You have found information about lions on the Internet. Read it and inform your class about lions by writing a report. You can add photos or drawings in it. The notes below will help you.

A lion is a very powerful animal. It is related to the cat family. Most people are afraid of lions because of their big roar and their teeth. Lions can live in cool or warm places. Some lions live in the woods, grassy plains, and places where there is a lot of food. In the ancient times, lions lived in Europe, in the Middle East, India, and much of Africa. Lions are very strong but not very fast animals. Male lions are the only cats with manes. Male lions look bigger because of their manes. Lions are called "The King of Beasts". They are also called the "King of the Jungle". Lions do not allow strange animals to hunt in their territory and they may kill them.

• Write about …

• Where lions usually live

• Where lions lived in the ancient times

• Why people are afraid of lions

• Why a male lion looks bigger than a female lion

• Why lions are called 'Kings'



2. Keep the beach clean!


Alternative activity

With your partner, look at the picture. Find out what the swimmers had done before leaving the beach. Think about: empty bottles / cans, cigarette ends, plastic bags, etc.


Swimmers had thrown empty bottles in the litter bin before they left.

3. A Project: Save the environment!


A. Draw a picture or make a poster. Show some of the ways the air or water is polluted. Show the results of pollution on animals / plants / people. Give a title to your work.

B. Discuss with your family about the things you throw away (batteries, chemicals, detergents, old gadgets etc.) Suggest ways you can protect the environment.

C. Finally, present your ideas in class and display your works on your classroom walls.


UNIT 10 Time for fun

1. Eight below

Your friend Kate is interested in going to the cinema to see the film 'Eight Below' but she doesn't know much about it. Look at the back of your book and find information about the story and the reviews. You may use adjectives ending in –ing /–ed to describe it. Now send an e-mail to Kate explaining what the film is about. Start like this:

Dear Kate,

I have seen Eight Below. It is about two Antarctic explorers who …

It's a/an …. –ing story…

2. Which film? Make a movie riddle using the following clues. Read the riddle to the class and let your classmates guess the film.

Title ______________________ (keep it secret)

CLUES: a. It's a… (genre), b. It takes place in…, c. (Who) is in it., d. It's about…, e. In the end…


a. It's an animated comedy.

b. It takes place in Central Park Zoo in New York and in the jungle of Madagascar

c. The voices of Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer, Jada Pinkett Smith, Sacha Baron Cohen, Cedric the Entertainer and Andy Richter are heard in it.

d. It's about four zoo animals that find themselves in the wild jungle of Madagascar and don't know how to take care of themselves.

e. In the end …

TITLE: Madagascar

3. Signs

Where can you see the following signs? Match A with B:



Tickets are sold here.


Audience is requested to have their mobiles switched off.


Breakfast is served between 7-9 a.m.

Cinema box-office

Taking photos is not allowed.


Throwing rubbish is strictly forbidden.
