Αγγλικά ΣΤ' Δημοτικού - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
2. Feel the Rhythm 1. An Earth Day Story Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

A. This is a problem page from a children's magazine. Read the letter.
What is Maria's
Who is Sonia?

B. Imagine you are Sonia. Send Maria a letter giving her some advice and ideas on what to do (think about placing an advert for a music teacher or visiting the local cultural centre etc.).

Follow the layout

of a letter of advice:

➢ greeting

➢ an opening paragraph

➢ main part

➢ closing paragraph

➢ signing off

Dear Sonia,

I am writing to you for advice because I don't know what to do.

I am 11 years old and I like music a lot. I really want to learn to play a musical instrument… I would like to learn to play the guitar but I live in a remote village and there are neither music teachers nor any musical instruments in my school. The nearest big city is about eighty kilometres far from where I live.

My class visited a music festival in Thessaloniki a week ago and I was so pleased to listen to musicians play so many different instruments. I also heard that if children listen to classical music, they become smarter. I know that if I had money, I would buy many musical instruments for my school.

This is my problem. What could I do? I really want to learn to play the quitar.

Please answer as soon as possible.



Remember to give
advice using

expressions such as:

If I were you, I would…
You could…
You should… if…
Why don't you...

Set phrases for the

opening paragraph:

Set phrases for the closing paragraph:

I am writing to give you some advice about…

I hope I can help you with your problem…


Well, that's what I believe...

I really hope everything goes well. Keep in touch. …

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Put your letter in your portfolio.

A. WHAT AM I? Find the musical instrument each box A-D describes:

I have four strings

Played with a bow.

Can you guess what
I am?

Do you think you know?


I am very large

I have black and white

Can you guess what I am?

Do you think you know?


I have a skin on me

you usually beat me

with two little sticks

Can you guess what I


I have a long neck

You strike my strings

On my wooden body.

You guess what I am?


B. Match the verb on the left with a noun on the right to make set phrases:

1. present

2. write

3. attend

4. play

5. blow

6. sing

a. a trombone

b. an instrument

c. lyrics

d. a music event

e. a song

f. a performance

C. Fill in the blanks with a word from B above (put the verbs in the right form):

1. Don't you think the music event we ________________________ was boring?

2. John Lennon _____________________________ the lyrics to many of the Beatle's best songs.

3. Most musicians ______________________________their instruments up to five hours a day!

4. When my brother __________________________ the saxophone I can't sleep

5. Our class _______________________________ the famous play "A midsummer night dream"

6. Some of the best rock singers don't ______________________ their songs, they shout them!








pay back

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase from the box on the right:

1. Don't ___________ your money on that junk!

2. I usually _________ my CD player to Dave and he never gives it back on

3. He left as a poor boy and returned as a ___________ man.

4. You can only ___________ six books from the library at a time.

5. His father gives him a monthly ___________ of 20 Euros.

6. Mum never ___________ any money on herself.

7. They ___________ my brother $50.

8. I'll _________ you _________ on Friday, I don't have any money now.

E. Complete the sentences with an appropriate phrase:

1. If you had a million euros, what ? _____________________________________

2.If you buy a car, . _____________________________________

3. If you can't make a reservation for the musical ___________________________________

4. If the performance is boring, _____________________________________

5. If he goes to the festival, _____________________________________

6. If she knew the lyrics, _____________________________________

7. If I were you, _____________________________________

8. He wouldn't miss the show if _____________________________________

9. If you pay for the ticket, _____________________________________

10. He would enjoy the musical if _____________________________________

F. Match the sentences to make short dialogues:

1. I'd like to become a pianist _____________________________________

2. I will spend my pocket money on expensive clothes. _______________________

3. I want to attend the music festival. _____________________________________

a. You should book early.

b. If I were you I would practise harder.

c. Why don't you buy a computer?

See Workbook ___ / 3 points



REMEMBER when you match headings with paragraphs in an English text:

Read the headings and the paragraphs and underline the most important words.

I can read

• a music festival leaflet

• a magazine article about pocket money

I can listen to

• different musical instruments

• a song about money

• people talking about spending money

I can talk about

• musical instruments

• festivals

• money

• personal safety

I can write

• an e-mail about a museum of musical instruments

• a letter to an advice page of a magazine