Αγγλικά ΣΤ' Δημοτικού - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
3. Going for the Gold 2. Feel the Rhythm Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

You are here to READ

a music festival leaflet / a magazine article about pocket money

and TALK about

musical instruments / festivals / money / personal safety

and LISTEN to

different musical instruments / a song about money / people talking about what they would spend their money on


an e-mail about a museum of musical instruments / a letter to a magazine advice page


how to express something likely to happen now or in the future / how to express something impossible or unlikely to happen now or in future / how to give advice


A. Listen to the recording and match the sounds with the musical instruments: flute, tambourine, clarinet, trumpet, guitar, oboe, drums, violin.

B. Now put the instruments in the correct category: WIND, STRING, PERCUSSION.

A. Have you ever attended a music festival or a concert? What was it like? Who's your favourite singer? What is your favourite band?


When I match headings with paragraphs…

I read the headings and underline the most important words

I read each paragraph carefully

I underline important words in the paragraph

I check the extra heading does not match any of the paragraphs.

Β. Read the leaflet about the Music
Education Series and answer these questions:
1. How much will the students pay to attend the events?
2. Where is the venue?
3. What preparations should the school make to attend an event at the festival?

The Music Festival of Thessaloniki is pleased to offer four free educational concerts to students through the Cultural Music Education Series. Each concert will take place at 11:00 am at the downtown venue of the Concert Hall of Thessaloniki.

International artists and local music instructors will perform on stage and describe their vocal or instrumental background, the history of their music and the professional experiences that have led to their success.

Each age-specific event is approximately 50 minutes in length. Teachers and students should not want to miss these exciting educational performances. Each performance is offered at no cost to schools.

Reservations for performances will be taken on a "first-come, first-served" basis. A study guide will be offered for each show. Schools must provide transportation and chaperones for the students.

All performances begin at 11:00 am.

For more information, please call (2310 234567). If you wish to register for one or more of the concerts, simply fill out the form of this brochure and return it. We look forward to seeing you at the Cultural Music Education Series.

C. Now read the programme on the right and match the titles with the events. There is an extra title you don't need to use.

1. The Soul of Peru: Music in Motion

2. Little Red Riding Hood

3. With Strings Inspired

4. The African Ballet

5. Greek Dances and How to do them

D. Which event(s) will you go to: A, B, C or D?

If you are interested in musicals, you can attend the event(s)

If you are interested in folk music, you may book for the event(s)

If you are a violin fan, you will attend the event(s)

If you want to change the end of the story, you will go to the event(s)

If you want to learn about other cultures, you can attend the event(s)

E. Find words from the leaflet which mean:

a. someone who admires a famous person or team

b. to give someone the idea for something

c. a performance based on a book or a play

d. enjoyable

e. very attractive and impressive

f. very interesting and exciting

g. words arranged in the form of poetry

h. a large group of people who sing together

i. showing very strong feelings

j. to put people's names on a list

Study the following TYPE 1 conditional sentences:


Result clause

If you choose to attend this excellent

you will learn the importance of personal
safety, proper diet, and good health.

If you like Greek folk music,

register for this event.

If you want to learn about other cultures,

you can attend the dances from Peru.

B. Now answer these questions:

Tick the correct

phrase a or b:

The example sentences show that something is…

a. possible to happen in the present or future

b. unlikely to happen in the present or future

a. Which tense do we use in the IF-clause? _______________________________________

b. What verb forms do we use in the result clause? ________________________________

C. Complete the rule for TYPE 1 CONDITIONALS:

When we start with the result clause,
we don't use a comma (,).

You can attend the dances from Peru
if you want to learn about other cultures.

You are a singer. Take turns to tell your friends what will happen if your songs sell well? Start a chain as in the example:

S 1: If I sell a lot of CD's, I'll become famous.

S 2: If I become famous, people will admire me.

S 3: If people admire me, I'll feel happy.

S 4: If I am happy, my family will be happy, too. Etc.

B. Do you remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood?
She goes to visit her grandmother. On the way to her house she meets the wolf
who tries to trick her. Remember what happens next? Tell your class about it.

Now think about the following: Your father asks you to go to the supermarket and buy a few
things. On the way home, a stranger stops his car and asks you to get in and give you a ride
home. Take turns to tell your classmates what you will do.

Start like this: If a stranger asks me to get into his car, I'll…

C. Your pen friend Billy from Ireland is coming to Athens next month and he is
interested in Greek
traditional music.

Send him an e-mail telling him what he can do and see if he

visits the Museum of Popular Instruments. Put your e-mail in your portfolio.


Your teacher will give you a strip with
an IF-CLAUSE or a strip with a
RESULT CLAUSE. Go around the
class and match your clause with
another student's so that they make

E. There is a festival in your area. Read about the different activities. Which one will you choose to go to? Try to persuade your friend to come with you telling

If we go to… we will…

The festival's motto "Music, Love, and Flowers"

The Pop Music Festival is celebrating and showcasing the pop music of New England. This year bands from all over the world perform full sets each evening and all the benefits go to charity. The festival runs in three evenings, Thursday through Saturday. Tickets are now available from the usual outlets.

Film Festival and Educational Series

This year's festival will once again feature the popular Film Festival and Educational Series. We also have a few new tricks up our sleeve, which we'll be announcing soon. You can find on all those smart t-shirts, hats, or posters you've been eyeing from the last festival. And don't forget last year's 10th anniversary double CD compilation.