A. Do you recognise these animals? What do you know about them?
What problems do they face?

B. The 6th Class of 1st Primary School is hosting a group of British pupils.
Today they are visiting the Environmental Centre in Zakynthos.
Listen to the centre guide and answer the question:

Which two animals is he talking about?

The first animal is a(n) ___________________________

The second animal is a(n) _________________________

C. Now listen again and fill in the diagram. The notes on the right will help you:

lives in the Mediterranean

lays eggs in the sand

lives up to 100 years

tourists disturb its habitat

weighs up to 320 kg.

lives only in non-polluted seas

is becoming extinct…

Name of animal:



Name of animal:


D. The teacher in the environmental centre said:
'They also lose their habitat because of tourism.'
What do you think? How do people disturb
animal habitats? The pictures below will help

Animals living in the mountains: People disturb their habitats by __going hunting__

in the forest: People disturb their habitats by ______________

in the rainforests: People disturb their habitats by ______________

in the rivers/lakes: People disturb their habitats by ______________

in the sea: People disturb their habitats by ______________

in the ground: People disturb their habitats by ______________

Read the following sentence taken from the listening:

People have built a lot of hotels and discos near the beach

so baby turtles head for the lights
of the hotels and discos.

and as a result, baby turtles head
for the lights of the hotels and discos.

The clauses starting with so and as a result

are called clauses of result.

What do clauses of result express? Tick the correct phrase.

a. the way someone does something

b. the result of an action or a situation

Now, read these sentences:

Fishermen kill them because they destroy their fishing nets.

They lose their habitat because of tourism.

The Mediterranean seal symbolizes the health of the sea,
as it can only live in clean, non-polluted waters.

The clauses starting with because, because
of and as are called clauses of reason.

1. What do clauses of reason tell us? a. why something happens or exists
Tick the correct phrase.b. when something happens or exists

2. What do we use after because of?
Tick the correct phrase.

a. a verb

b. a noun

3. Fill in the blanks with so, because, as or because of:

a. The baby turtle couldn't find his way to the sea ___________________ the hotel lights.

b. The baby turtle couldn't find his way to the sea ______________ there were hotel lights.

c. The baby turtle couldn't find his way to the sea, __________________ it died.

Learn about WOLVES and BEARS by asking each other questions.

Pupil A

Look here. Read the information about the WOLF and answer PUPIL B's questions.

Then ask PUPIL B questions to find out about the BEAR.

Pupil B

Look here and ask PUPIL A questions to find out about the WOLF.

Then read the information about the BEAR and answer PUPIL A's questions.

B. Your teacher has asked you to find information about another endangered species. Find information about another animal and write a short report explaining why and how it is endangered. Put your report in your portfolio.

C. Your friend John hasn't been to Greece and so he hasn't visited the ENVIRONMENTAL CENTRE in Zakynthos. Send him an e-mail explaining why Careta-careta and Monachus-monachus are becoming extinct.

Start your e-mail like this, and use linking words

(because, because of, so, as, etc.):

Hello John,

Yesterday we visited the beautiful island of Zakinthos, which is

the breeding place for the turtle Careta-careta. We learned that

this turtle and the seal Monachus-monachus are becoming extinct


D. You are members of an environmental team in your school, and this year you are working on a project about taking action to save the environment. You want to inform and sensitize the other pupils. Make a poster to put it on a board in your class.

Include your poster in your portfolio.

Το παρόν αποτελεί μέρος του ψηφιακού εμπλουτισμού των σχολικών βιβλίων (Ψηφιακό Σχολείο) και διατίθεται μόνο για εκπαιδευτική χρήση και στο πλαίσιο για το οποίο διαμορφώθηκε.