1. Listening Part 1

Do you know what pocket money is?

Do you get any? Is it a good idea?

A. Here are some expressions taken from
a song. Can you guess what the song
is about?


pay the bills have to work

a single penny left  wealthy man rich man's world

B. Listen to the following song by ABBA, a Swedish pop group.
Have you guessed correctly?

C. Now, listen to the song again and try to fill in the missing words.

A. Imagine that suddenly you won a lot of money. What would you spend the money on?

What would they spend the money on?

Tom ___________________________

Stella __________________________

Sara ___________________________

B. Listen to how Tom, Sara and Stella would
spend their money and complete the box.

C. What is the opposite of the expressions that you have just listened to?

1. waste money_____________________________

2. win money_____________________________

3. wealthy man_____________________________

4. owe money_____________________________

5. borrow money_____________________________

D. Joe and Joan have sent you an article from a magazine. Read the article and answer these questions:

a. Where does most of children's spending money come from?

b. What other ways do they use to get some more money?

c. What is pester power? Who has it?

Pocket money and pester power

Big companies and advertisers know that children aged between 3 and 14 are the most powerful consumer group. The total spending power of children in this age group is over sixty million pounds per year! So, how do they get so much money? How do they persuade their parents to spend so much money on things for them? Weekly pocket money or a monthly allowance is one way for children to get some money to spend. The other way is by asking again and again, in other words, by pestering their parents until the parents buy what they want.


Young people's consumer habits - Fact File

Sources of income

Parents give 60% of pocket money.

Other sources of money are:

a. Odd job earnings (helping with chores around the house for money, a paper round delivering newspapers to houses in their area, cleaning Dad's car, babysitting)

b. Handouts such as presents of money from friends or relatives

c. Saturday jobs (some teenagers work on Saturdays e.g. in clothes or music shops, supermarkets, sports centres).


Pester power is increasing every year. Children as young as three years old pester their parents to buy the latest videos, sweets and toys.


A. Study the following TYPE 2 conditional sentences:


Result clause

If I got me a wealthy man,

I wouldn't have to work at all.

If I won a lot of money,

I would (I'd) buy a lot of CD's.

If I were you,

I'd spend less money on sweets.

B. Now answer these questions:

Which tense do we use in the IF-clause?
What verb forms do we use in the result clause?

C. Tick the correct phrase a or b:

The example sentences show

that something is…

a. possible to happen in the present or future

b. very unlikely to happen in the present or future

Which example can express ADVICE? ______________________________________

D. Complete the rule for TYPE 2 CONDITIONALS:

If + _________________→ would + bare infinitive

We use type 2 conditionals to talk about something ________________________

When we use the second
conditional, we prefer to use
were instead of was.

A. If I were a millionaire…
Take turns to tell your friends what
would happen if you were a millionaire.
Start a chain as in the example:

"If I were a millionaire,
I would go to London."

Then the other student has to start by saying:

"If I went to London, I'd…"


You are watching a programme on TV in which pupils from different schools are participating in a quiz to win 10,000 Euros. What would you spend the money on if
you participated in this programme now and won this amount of money? (Think about books, computers, equipment, excursions etc.). Discuss and report to your class.

Cinema / Theatre visits

Clothes / Shoes

Sweets or chocolate

Computer Games


Phone cards



CD's / DVD's

Other __________


If you had some pocket money what would you spend it on? Tick the things you most like to spend your money on:

Go round the class and ask the other pupils what they would spend their money on?

Then make a graph like the one below. (The vertical axis shows the number of pupils and the horizontal axis the 10 questions.) You may use a computer if you can.

Include the graph in your portfolio.

Can you draw any conclusions about how the students of your class would spend their pocket money?

Το παρόν αποτελεί μέρος του ψηφιακού εμπλουτισμού των σχολικών βιβλίων (Ψηφιακό Σχολείο) και διατίθεται μόνο για εκπαιδευτική χρήση και στο πλαίσιο για το οποίο διαμορφώθηκε.