We are here to READ

biographies of inventors, an
e-mail and attached files and
a poem about the "Fall of Icarus"

and TALK about

Deadalus and Icarus and
a painting


the myth of Deadalus and
Icarus and a dialogue about
an incident during a flight


a biography and a poem

and LEARN about

the technology of aeroplanes
and how to use Simple Past,
Past Continuous and linking

A. Do you remember the story of Daedalus and Icarus? Put the pictures A-F in the right order. Write 1-6 in the boxes.
B. Now listen to the story and check your answers.

1. Reading

A. Jim and Mary received an e-mail message from their pen friends Joan and Joe from London, UK. Read the e-mail and answer the following questions:

1. What did Joan and Joe see in the Fleet Air Museum?

2. Did they enjoy the visit?

3. What did they learn?

4. What else did they send Jim and Mary?

5. Is there a similar museum in Greece? Organise a visit with your class.

Dear Jim and Mary,

Yesterday, our class visited the Fleet Arm Museum outside London near Yeovilton. We saw over 40 historic planes there and we heard a lot about the history of planes and the Wright brothers, the first fliers. We also saw modern aeroplanes and then we flew on a helicopter in a simulator! It was exciting! We learnt about the four forces of flight, too.


Open the attached files: These are the worksheets we worked on in the museum. Do you want to try them, too?



Joan and Joe

Here is the story of the Wright Brothers. Read the sentences on the right and put them in the right place in the text:

a. They made kites.

b. It was a toy helicopter.

c. They opened a bicycle shop.

The Wright Brothers

Wilbur and Orville Wright invented the first aeroplane in the United States of America in 1903. The Wright brothers thought of the flight when one day their father returned from a trip and surprised the boys with a small toy. ...................... (1) The boys admired the toy very much and they said that they wanted to fly. While the boys were growing up, they were always repairing and fixing things. ...................... (2) and sold them to classmates.

Later, ...................... (3) and repaired bicycles. They used the money from the bicycle shop for their first flight experiments. The historic flight lasted for just 12 seconds and covered about 120 feet. This changed the world forever.

Sources: http://www.nasm.si.edu/wrightbrothers/, www.wright-house.com/wright-brothers

C. Attached File: (Worksheet 2)

Can you label the missing parts of the aeroplane?


1. Complete the sentences in the Grammar Boxes:

Past Simple

The Wright Brothers invented the first plane in 1903.

We saw historic planes and we heard about the first flyers, the Wright brothers.

We _______________ the Fleet Arm Museum, we _______________ modern aeroplanes

and then we _______________ on a helicopter, in a simulator.

Past Continuous

While the boys were growing up,
they were always repairing
and fixing things.

While Mary _______________
_______________ computer
games, Jim _______________
_____________ TV and
their parents ______________
_______________ books.

2. Now underline the correct tense to form the rule:

a. We use the Past Simple / Continuous Tense for actions that continued for some time in the past.

b. We use the Past Simple / Continuous Tense for a series of actions that took place at a certain time in the past.


Student A

You are talking to your friend Jim. You read Icarus' story in your history book and now you are telling it to your friend who needs to find information about Icarus and his accident for a project at school. Answer your friend's questions, using Past Simple and Continuous.

Student B

You are Jim from London. You need to learn about Icarus and his accident for a project at school. Ask about the flight, the fall and how it all started. Use question words: how, when, what, who, etc., with verbs in Past Simple and Continuous.

B. Jim is telling you the story of the Wright Brothers. He doesn't remember it well and makes a few mistakes. Correct him.

a. The Wright brothers invented the first plane in France in 1903.

No, they didn't invent it in France. They invented it in the USA.

b. Their father gave them a flying carpet.

No, he didn't…

c. While the two brothers were growing up, they were working with their father.

No, while they…

d. When the boys were young, they made keys and sold them to classmates.

No, that's not correct. They…

e. The historic flight lasted 13 seconds.

You're wrong…


Jim and Mary are working on a school

project and want to find information about Julius Verne and his books.

Look at the book summary on the cover of one of his books you found at the school library.

Write an e-mail to Jim and Mary telling them about the book and the story.


Υπάρχει ζωή στη Σελήνη; Κατοικούν εκεί άνθρωποι; Μπορούμε να επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί τους; Μπορούμε να ζήσουμε εκεί;

Για χρόνια, οι επιστήμονες ζητούσαν απαντήσεις στα καίρια αυτά ερωτήματα χωρίς να μπορούν να δώσουν μια θετική απάντηση. Ο Ιούλιος Βερν, με την ασύλληπτη φαντασία του, δίνει τη δική του απάντηση στέλνοντας τρεις τολμηρούς εξερευνητές να γνωρίσουν από κοντά το δορυφόρο της Γης.

Αλλά πώς θα ταξιδέψουν στη Σελήνη; Ο προφητικός αυτός συγγραφέας έχει τη λύση: μια οβίδα που μοιάζει πολύ με τα σημερινά διαστημόπλοια, εκτοξεύεται από ένα τεράστιο κανόνι. Θα φτάσουν άραγε οι εξερευνητές μας στον προορισμό τους; Ποια θα είναι η μοίρα τους σε ένα εγχείρημα που διαδραματίζεται εκατό χρόνια πριν από την προσελήνωση του σύγχρονου ανθρώπου;

Το παρόν αποτελεί μέρος του ψηφιακού εμπλουτισμού των σχολικών βιβλίων (Ψηφιακό Σχολείο) και διατίθεται μόνο για εκπαιδευτική χρήση και στο πλαίσιο για το οποίο διαμορφώθηκε.