Αγγλικά (Ε Δημοτικού) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Lesson 2: Let's do it! Unit 6: GOOD, BETTER, BEST! Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Unit 5
Video Edugame Edugame Self05

ALEAD-IN Lead-in Activity

Have you ever visited a forest? What can a person do and what cannot do in a forest? Think and discuss with your partners.


BSPEAKING & WRITING Speaking ActivityWriting Activity

You want to send this photo to your friend in Australia who is going to visit Zagorochoria next summer. Tell him what the problems are and what he should do when he is there. Make a list like the one in the Activity F, page 69.


Εικόνα Εικόνα


ΕικόναFor extra WWF guidelines on Zagorochoria, see Appendix p.141. Transfer these guidelines, which are in Greek, into English and fill in the boxes above.




Work in small groups and imagine you are an English-speaking person who has moved to a new area and finds that some things must change. Look at the following issues. Choose one issue and prepare a project. Use the ideas from this unit and write to the Mayor of your town/city.

Issues: 1. Place recycle bins in public places 3. Organize a planting expedition
  2. Place battery-disposal bins in public places 4. Any other ideas you may think of

Prepare a poster encouraging people to take the situation seriously. Make sure they become aware of the problem and its solutions.

Finally, you can visit any of the websites mentioned in the Appendix and get information about environmental issues, learn about other places that face problems and what's more do the quizzes, fun activities, paint pictures and sing songs. Have fun!


ΕικόναFor a fun Recycling Board Game, go to Appendix, page 142-143.

Unit 5
Εικόνα Εικόνα



Name:.....................................................       Class:..............................

Date:.......................................................       Score:............./ 100




A. Use the words in the box to fill in the following sentences.

glass, reduce, litter, chargeable, reuse, print, disposal,

recycle, friendly, pollution


  1. We can do many things to save the environment from the rubbish. The first thing is .................., which means "try not to use something as much as you used to"
  2. The second of the three "Rs" is ..........................., which ,again means " use it again"
  3. And, finally, the third "R" is ........................ , which means "take it to special bins so that it is made into new material again"
  4. The things we can recycle are paper, ................., aluminium and plastic.
  5. Those who recycle take part in recycling projects are environmentally ................ people.
  6. The other word for rubbish is ...........................
  7. We can save trees if we .................. on both sides of our paper on the printer.
  8. When we use the school bus we reduce traffic and air .............
  9. You can take your batteries to battery- ...................... bins,
  10. or else , you can use re-...................... batteries.


Points: ....... / 30


B. Spot the mistakes and rewrite the sentences in the space provided.


  1. What you will do tomorrow afternoon, Jack?
  2. I'll meet John and we go to the sports centre.
  3. We must to do everything we can to help save our planet.
  4. Ok Mum. I promise I'm going to call you the moment we get to Korinthos.
  5. If his plan work out, he's going to get the first prize.


Points: ....... / 30

Unit 5

C. Match the sentences.

  1. I'm afraid I can't answer the phone right now.
  2. We're working on an environmental project.
  3. I think I'll try out this idea myself.
  4. Ann's having a barbecue tomorrow.
  5. Are you going to hold an exhibition at school?
  6. I'm very proud of you.
  7. How do you like my new room?
  8. Do you ever dispose of batteries?
  9. Driving to work is not a very good idea, Dad.
  10. Jack has made certain decisions.
  1. I think it's fabulous.
  2. Would you like to come?
  3. No, but we're going to plant some trees up the hill.
  4. I'm having a shower.
  5. You're doing your best to save Earth.
  6. What's that?
  7. Yes, all the time.
  8. Cars produce waste gases that can harm us.
  9. I'll let you know about the results as soon as possible.
  10. For starters, he's going to recycle paper.


Points: ....... / 20


D. Write a letter to the City Council.


Tell them what they can, should and must do to protect the natural environment around the area where you live. Write at least three sentences.


Dear Sirs,





Yours faithfully,




Points: ....... / 30


Tick what's true for you:



Learning strategies in English



READING: What I do to comprehend a reading passage.

  • I read the title, look at the picture and try to guess what it's about
  • I read the text once to get the main idea
  • I look for specific bits of information
  • I read and try and understand every word
  • I don't worry about unknown words
  • I try to guess the meaning from the context



Now I can:



  • talk about recycling, the environment and take action
  • talk about plans, intentions and obligation
  • make hypotheses, promises and give advice on environmental issues
  • change my habits at school or at home regarding rubbish
  • organize a project about recycling
  • answer or make a questionnaire
  • use the Internet to get information