Αγγλικά (Δ' Δημοτικού) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (Εμπλουτισμένο)
Lesson 1: My country Lesson 3: Let's talk about Greece Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

Lesson 2:

My city

Warm – up

ΕικόναLook at these places/buildings in a village/town/city. What can you do there?

British Council


1) house,  2) post office,  3) theatre,  4) museum,  5) café,  6) cinema,

7) shopping centre,  8) block of flats,  9) sports centre,  10) church,

11) bank,  12) supermarket,  13) park,  14) school

Listen, read and find

Nick and Sophia want to learn about Andrew's city. Listen, read and find out: "What is Andrew's address in Athens?"

This text will be replaced
Nick: So, Andrew, tell me about your city in England. Is it a beautiful city?

Oh, yes! Oxford is very beautiful! It's a very clean city and it's got a lot of flowers and trees. There aren't many blocks of flats but there are a lot of houses with gardens.

Sophia: And have you got in a house in Oxford?

Yes, we've got a house with a small garden.


Wow! Do you live in a house here in Athens?

Andrew: No, I live in a block of flats. It's at 28 Pefkon street.
Sophia: Really? We live in the same street! I live at 34 Pefkon street! We can come to school together in the morning!
Andrew: Yes! That's great!


You've got 1 minute to find the secret word. Andrew's flat is on this floor.

Write the word:...................................Then, count the letters and write

down your score:.......


LESSON 2 My city
Read and speak
Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα

the bank is next to

the cinema

the museum is between

the theatre and

the café

the sports centre is on the

corner of Bond street

and Baker street


Now work in pairs. You both live in the same area. One of you is resident A and the other is resident B. Look at your picture, ask and answer about your area and complete the map. Look at this example:

Resident A: Is there a supermarket next to the cinema?

Resident B: Yes, there is/No, there isn't.

When you find where a building is, write its name in the box. Write the names of seven buildings. The first pupil to write the names and complete the map is the winner!


Resident A: Find these buildings on your map and fill in the empty boxes:


Maria's house, sports centre,
cinema, bank, park,
supermarket, café



Resident B: Find these buildings on your map and fill in the empty boxes:


block of flats, theatre, school,
church, post office, museum,
shopping centre


Write (+app. I)

Write about your area and tell the class:

ΕικόναIn my area there is a(n)…………………………………………………… It's (next to/between/on the corner of)


There is a(n)…………………………………………………, too. It's (next to/between/on the corner of)



Write and tick

Look at these photos and listen to what Greta is saying about her city. Find her city and put a Εικόνα in the box.



Let's play!

Around Greece:

Play this game in groups of 5 pupils. Throw the dice, follow the instructions and move on the squares. The first pupil to get to the end is the winner!

LESSON 2 My city



Have you got a dice? No? Don't worry! Look!

This is how you can make one!



How to play the game

Start the game by putting all the pawns on number 1 and follow the instructions for each number:

You are
on number...
If you throw
1, 2, 3...
If you throw
4, 5, 6...

You want to visit the White Tower in Thessaloniki.

Miss a turn

You want to see the Royal Tomb of King Philippos of Macedonia at Vergina. Go to number 2

You want to see the ancient theatre of Dodoni.

Go to number 3

The site of the Royal Tomb of King Philippos at Vergina is closed. Go back to number 1

3 The museum at Vergina is now open. Go back to number 2 and see the King's golden wreath

You want to visit Delphi to see the statue of Iniohos.

Go to number 4


It's time to visit the Acropolis in Athens.

Go to number 5

You want to watch a Greek play at the theatre of Dodoni.

Go back to number 3


You want to sit on Pythia's throne.

Go back to number 4

You want to visit the ancient theatre of Epidavros.

Go to number 6

6 You want to visit Olympia and see the stadium of the first Olympic Games. Go to number 7 You want to see the marbles of the Parthenon at the Acropolis museum. Go back to number 5

You want to climb the stairs of the ancient theatre of Epidavros.

Go back to number 6

You want to see the palace of Minos at Knossos.

Go to number 8


You want to run at the ancient stadium of Olympia.

Go back to number 7

Congratulations! Go to number 9 and visit the temple of Aphaea on the island of Aegina!

You are the winner!