Αγγλικά (Δ' Δημοτικού) - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
Unit 6: ANIMALS Lesson 2: A visit to the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

Lesson 1:

My pet


Warm - up

  • Have you got a pet? If so, what is it? What's its name? What colour is it? Is it big or small? What does it eat?
Listen, read and find
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My dog Archie is my best friend

He is three and I am ten,

He jumps and barks,

He likes the parks

He makes me laugh

When he has a bath,

When he's happy he dances in the street

When he's bored he goes to sleep,

He likes to bring our mail

And he wiggles his little tail

He likes to eat bones and meat

Spaghetti, potatoes, cheese and fish

My dog Archie is very clever,

That is because he is the best dog ever!


Mrs Stathaki wants the children to write a poem

about their pet. This is what Chelsea, a student

in the class is writing about her dog. Listen,

read and find out: "How old is Archie?"

(Adapted from http://www.kidsonthenet.org.uk/, originally written by Chelsea, 11)

You've got 1 minute to find the secret word. It's Archie's favourite place. But,

be careful! This time the letters are jumbled! Write the

word:.................................Then, count the letters and write

down your score:...........


LESSON 1 My pet

New words!

These animals can be pets or live on farms. Match the pictures to the words:


a) goldfish, b) dog, c) cat, d) bird, e) iguana,

f) sheep, g) cow, h) duck, i) tortoise



1) ……, 2) ……, 3) ……, 4) ……, 5) ……, 6) ……, 7) ……, 8) ……, 9) ……


Can you find what these animals do? Match the animals to the phrases. Write the letters next to the numbers:

1. a bird a. swims in a bowl
2. an iguana b. sings in a cage
3. a sheep c. wiggles his tail
4. a duck d. walks slowly
5. a dog e. makes milk
6. a cow f. likes fish
7. a cat g. swims in a pond
8. a goldfish h. climbs trees
9. a tortoise i. eats grass

1) ……, 2) ……, 3) ……, 4) ……, 5) ……, 6) ……, 7) ……, 8) ……, 9) ……


Let's play!

True or False?


Listen to your teacher. If what he/she says is true, stand up. If it's false, don't stand up. If you make a mistake, you are out of the game. The last person to stay in the game is the winner.


Listen and sing

Mrs Top's Pet Shop


1Mrs Top has got a shop


And in her shop she's got a dog,





With a woof-woof here

And a woof-woof there,

Here a woof, there a woof

Everywhere a woof-woof

Mrs Top has got a shop



Mrs Top has got a shop


And in her shop she's got a cat,


With a miaow-miaow here

And a miaow-miaow there,

Here a miaow, there a miaow

Everywhere a miaow-miaow


Mrs Top has got a shop



6 Cow/moo-moo

7 Snake/ hiss-hiss

Duck/ quack-quack



3 Bird/tweet-tweet

4 Horse/neigh-neigh

5 Sheep/baa-baa



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Listen and write

Nick's friends want a pet as a present for their birthday. Listen to what they are saying about their favourite pet and help Nick find out what pet to give them.

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  • Philip wants a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • Sandra wants a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • Mark wants a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
LESSON 1 My pet



Write your riddle (+app I)

Have you got a favourite animal? Write about it but don't write its name. Can your classmates find out what it is?

Answer these questions:

  • Where does it live? (does it live in the sea, in the jungle, in a forest, in a house, on a farm?)
  • What does it look like? (is it big or small, has it got a tail or wings, what colour is it?)
  • What does it eat? (does it eat fruit, vegetables, fish or meat?)
  • What does it do? (does it climb trees, does it swim in the sea/in a pond, does it run in a field?)
Remember! Archie jumps and barks, he likes the parks, he dances in the street, he goes to sleep, he wiggles his tail