
Lesson 1:

At the park


Warm - up

  • Do you go to the park? What do you do there? Do you play football? Do you ride your bike? Do you walk on the grass? Do you litter? If there are animals, do you feed them?
Listen, read and find
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The children are not at school. Listen, read and find: "Where are they?"

Andrew: Wow! A day at the park! No school today!
Nick: Great!!! Let's play football!
Andrew: Oh, No! We can't! Look at the sign!



Don't play


Sophia: I don't like football, I like flowers. Come on, Betty, let's pick some flowers.
Betty: Yeahh!!! There are some beautiful flowers over there!
Sophia: Oh, No! We can't! Look at the sign!



Don't pick

the flowers

Mrs Stathaki: And don't forget children! You can play in the park, but keep off the grass and don't litter!
Andrew: That's just great! We can't play football!
Betty: And we can't pick flowers, we can't walk on the grass! What can we do?

You've got 1 minute to find the secret phrase. It's a game that the children can

play at the park. Write the phrase:..................................Then, count the

letters and write down your score:...........



LESSON 1 At the park

New words!

Andrew, Sophia, Nick and Betty want to know what they can and what they can't do at the park. Can you help them? Look at the signs and match them to the pictures.

b. Keep off the grass
a. Don't pick the flowers


d. Don't play football
c. Don't feed the ducks


g. Don't litter
f. Don't drink water here
e. Follow the paths




1) ……, 2) ……, 3) ……, 4) ……, 5) ……, 6) ……, 7) ……


Write and speak

There are rules at the park, but there are rules at school, too. Can you think of school rules? Write your ideas and tell the class. Then, make signs. Hang your signs on your classroom walls. Look at these pictures for ideas.

  • ..............................................................
  • ..............................................................
  • ..............................................................
  • ..............................................................
  • ..............................................................
  • ..............................................................
  • ..............................................................

And don't forget to keep these rules!



Listen and sing



2Put your left hand in

Take your left hand out

In, out, in, out

And shake it all about

Do the hokey cokey

And turn around

That's what it's all about


The Hokey Cokey song


1Put your right hand in

Take your right hand out


In, out, in, out

And shake it all about

Do the hokey cokey

And turn around

That's what it's all about



Oh, the hokey cokey,

Oh, the hokey cokey

Oh, the hokey cokey

Stretch your arms,

Bend your knees,

Clap your hands




Oh, the hokey cokey,

Oh, the hokey cokey

Oh, the hokey cokey

Stretch your arms,

Bend your knees,

Clap your hands





3Put your right foot in..........

4 Put your left foot in...........

5 Put your whole body in.................


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Let's play!

Simon says!

Listen to your teacher. Do what he/she says only if he/she says 'Simon says'. If you make a mistake, you're out of the game. The last person to stay in the game is the winner.

Stand up
Go to the door


Put your hand on your head
Bend your knees


Stretch your arms


Sit down
Put up your hand


LESSON 1 At the park

Listen and write

Listen to the instructions on how you can write a secret message. Put the pictures in the correct order. Write the numbers in the boxes.

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Write secret messages and play a game in class!



Remember! We can talk about rules in these ways:
Εικόνα Εικόνα
Sit down, Keep off the grass Don't talk, Don't litter
You can play in the park You can't pick flowers
Το παρόν αποτελεί μέρος του ψηφιακού εμπλουτισμού των σχολικών βιβλίων (Ψηφιακό Σχολείο) και διατίθεται μόνο για εκπαιδευτική χρήση και στο πλαίσιο για το οποίο διαμορφώθηκε.