In this unit you will learn to:
  • Talk about rules and regulations
  • Talk about road safety
  • Understand and describe road signs
  • Give instructions and orders
Strategy corner - Working in groups
  • I like it when I work in
    a group because….
Yes No
  • I don't like it when I work in
    a group because…..
Yes No
I get help from my classmates     I do a lot of work and some students do very little work. It's not fair    
We divide the work and the task is easier     I sometimes make mistakes and my classmates can see that    
I learn things from my classmates     I don't always do the work I like    
I can be in the same group with my friends and I like working with them     I want to do all the work and get all the credit alone    
I can choose what I want to do each time     I'm not always in the same group with my friends    
Το παρόν αποτελεί μέρος του ψηφιακού εμπλουτισμού των σχολικών βιβλίων (Ψηφιακό Σχολείο) και διατίθεται μόνο για εκπαιδευτική χρήση και στο πλαίσιο για το οποίο διαμορφώθηκε.