
Lesson 2:

A visit to the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre

Warm up

  • What do you know about the caretta caretta sea turtle? Where does it live? What does it eat? What does it look like? What are the theats against it?
Listen, read and find
This text will be replaced


......... the loggerhead sea turtle or caretta caretta lives in the Mediterranean Sea and nests in Greece. It is about one metre long and weighs about a hundred kilos. Its shell is red-brown, it has got lungs and breathes air and moves with its front and rear flippers. It lays its eggs on land, on beaches in Zakynthos, Peloponnesus and Crete. Each sea turtle lays about 115 eggs every two or three years, but there are many dangers for the baby turtles. Only one out of a thousand baby sea turtles survives and there are only about 4,000 caretta caretta sea turtles in Greece today........


Andrew, Nick, Sophia and Betty are at the

Sea Turtle Rescue Centre. They are

watching a video about the Sea Turtle.

Listen, read and find out: "Where

does caretta caretta lay its eggs?"

(simplified and abridged from www.archelon.gr, www.medasset.gr and www.wwf.gr)

You've got 1 minute to find the secret word. It's one of the dangers for

caretta caretta. Write the word:................................Then, count the

letters and write down your score:...........



LESSON 2 A visit to the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre

New words!

Look at the information about the loggerhead sea turtle and match the phrases:

1) caretta caretta lives a hundred kilos
2) caretta caretta lays with its front and rear flippers
3) caretta caretta breathes in the Mediterranean Sea
4) caretta caretta nests its eggs on land
5) caretta caretta moves air
6) caretta caretta weighs in Greece


Now, answer these questions



Use: Yes, it does/No, it doesn't

  • Does a caretta caretta live in the Mediterranean Sea?
  • Does a caretta caretta move with its legs?
  • Does a caretta caretta nest in China?
  • Does a caretta caretta weigh a hundred kilos?

Write and speak (+app. I)

Listen to the information about the seal Monachus monachus, an endangered species and fill in the blanks. Use these words:


This text will be replaced

fish, 300, grey, Mediterranean, forty-five, one, Greece, three, brown

Monachus monachus

Monachus monachus lives in the.....................................Sea. Its colour is............................ or............................ It lives............................. years. It is.................................................... metres long and weighs ........................ kilos. It eats octupuses and squid. It has ................... baby (pup). There are only 250 Monachus monachus seals in ............................... today.

(simplified and abridged from www.mom.gr)


Read and write

This information is about the caretta caretta. Read it and fill in the blanks. Use these words, but be careful! You may have to change the word!

lay, come, run, travel, weigh, live, be


  • Oι θαλάσσιες χελώνες ενηλικιώνονται ύστερα από 20-30 χρόνια και ζουν ως και 100 χρόνια.
  • Η καρέττα φτάνει τα 80-90 εκατοστά μήκος και ζυγίζει ως και 100 κιλά.
  • Η φωλιά έχει 30-50 εκατοστά βάθος. Τα αυγά έχουν μαλακό κέλυφος με σχήμα και μέγεθος μπάλας του πινγκ-πονγκ.
  • Κάθε 2 με 3 χρόνια η μητέρα χελώνα γεννάει ως και τέσσερις φορές το ίδιο καλοκαίρι, από 80 ως 110 αβγά τη φορά στη διάρκεια της νύχτας.
  • Τα χελωνάκια, σε περίπου δύο μήνες, βγαίνουν από τη φωλιά μετά τη δύση του ήλιου ή τα ξημερώματα.
  • Η φωτεινή γραμμή του ορίζοντα και η κλίση της παραλίας τα βοηθούν να τρέξουν προς τη θάλασσα.

(simplified and abridged from www.medasset.gr)



Επιστημονικό όνομα: Caretta caretta

Κοινό όνομα: Χελώνα Καρέττα, Θαλασσοχελώνα

Βάρος: Περίπου 90 κιλά

Μήκος: Περίπου 1 μέτρο

Χρώμα: Το όστρακό της είναι κόκκινο-καφέ

Βιότοπος: Ζάκυνθος, παραλίες Δ. Πελοποννήσου, Κρήτη, Κεφαλονιά, Ρόδος

Αναπαραγωγή: 115 αυγά κατά μέσο όρο ανά γέννα, με περίοδο επώασης έως 66 ημέρες

Κύριες απειλές: Καταστροφή ή υποβάθμιση των περιοχών ωοτοκίας λόγω ανεξέλεγκτης τουριστικής ανάπτυξης, εμπλοκή σε αλιευτικά εργαλεία, ρύπανση των θαλασσών


(simplified and abridged from www.wwf.gr)







  • A sea turtle ....................... a hundred years
  • It ....................... 90-100 kilos
  • The colour of its shell ....................... red-brown
  • It ....................... to beaches on Zakynthos, Crete, Kefalonia, Rhodes and Peloponnesus
  • It ....................... about 80-115 eggs
  • A baby sea turtle ....................... out of the egg hole in the night or very early in the morning
  • A baby turtle ....................... to the sea
LESSON 2 A visit to the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre

Let's play!

Which animal is it?

Student B: Does it live in the Mediterranean Sea?

Student A: No, it doesn't.

Student B: Does it live on mountains in Pindos and Rodopi?

Student A: Yes, it does.


Student B: So, it's the ........................

Play this game in pairs.

Student A: Think of one of the animals in the box, but don't tell your partner which one. He/she asks questions to find out.

Student B: Try to find which animal your partner is thinking of. Ask questions. Look at this example:



  It lives It eats It weighs
Giant panda China bamboo 125 kilos
Sumatran Tiger Indonesia wild pigs, deer 140 kilos
Monachus monachus The Mediterranean Sea

small fish,

octopuses, squid

300 kilos
Brown Bear

Mountains in

Pindos and Rodopi

grass, roots,

ants, fish

250 kilos

Mountains in Pindos

and Rodopi

deer, wild pigs,

wild goats, sheep,

goats, cows, rabbits,


40 kilos
Dolphin The Mediterranean Sea small fish 110 kilos
Wild goat

Mountains in Pindos

and Rodopi

grass, tree leaves 40 kilos

Note: 100=one hundred, 200=two hundred, 250=two hundred and fifty


Το παρόν αποτελεί μέρος του ψηφιακού εμπλουτισμού των σχολικών βιβλίων (Ψηφιακό Σχολείο) και διατίθεται μόνο για εκπαιδευτική χρήση και στο πλαίσιο για το οποίο διαμορφώθηκε.