Look at the information about the loggerhead sea turtle and match the phrases:
1) caretta caretta lives |
a hundred kilos |
2) caretta caretta lays |
with its front and rear flippers |
3) caretta caretta breathes |
in the Mediterranean Sea |
4) caretta caretta nests |
its eggs on land |
5) caretta caretta moves |
air |
6) caretta caretta weighs |
in Greece |
Now, answer these questions
Use: Yes, it does/No, it doesn't
- Does a caretta caretta live in the Mediterranean Sea?
- Does a caretta caretta move with its legs?
- Does a caretta caretta nest in China?
- Does a caretta caretta weigh a hundred kilos?

Listen to the information about the seal Monachus monachus, an endangered species and fill in the blanks. Use these words:
This text will be replaced
fish, 300, grey, Mediterranean, forty-five, one, Greece, three, brown
Monachus monachus
Monachus monachus lives in the.....................................Sea. Its colour is............................
or............................ It lives............................. years. It is....................................................
metres long and weighs ........................ kilos. It eats octupuses and squid. It has ...................
baby (pup). There are only 250 Monachus monachus seals in ............................... today.
(simplified and abridged from www.mom.gr) |