Lesson 2:

Have you got a hobby?


Warm up


ΕικόναHave you got a hobby? Tell the class about it and try to find what the English word for it is. Do you collect things? Talk to the class about your collection. Do you know any strange hobbies/collections? Which are they? Have you and your friends got the same hobbies?

Listen, read and find

Sophia and her friend Olina, from Thessaloniki, have got the same hobby, dancing. This is what Sophia is telling Andrew about Olina. Listen, read and find out: "What's Olina's favourite food?"

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You've got 1 minute to find the secret word.

It's Olina's second favourite food. Write the

word:....................Then, count the letters and

write down your score:.......




LESSON 2 Have you got a hobby?


New words!
Match the words/phrases to the pictures:
1. Εικόνα a. singing

b. playing board games
4. Εικόνα
2. Εικόνα
listening to music

d. dancing
5. Εικόνα
3. Εικόνα

taking photos

f. reading books
6. Εικόνα
  1) …………     2) …………     3) …………     4) …………     5) …………     6) …………


Write and speak

Tell your classmates about your hobbies.

  • I like………………………….………….but I don't like…………………………………….……

Now look at how Sophia talks about Olina's hobbies. Can you talk about your friend's hobbies, too? Ask your classmate at the same desk what his/her hobby is. Write about it. Then report to the class.

  • My friend......................... likes.................... but he/she doesn't like.........................

Tick and speak

What do you think about these hobbies? Look at this chart and tick the boxes. Then report your answers to the class. Look at the example: "I don't like collecting tree leaves. I think it's boring" or "I like collecting football cards. I think it's fun"

Εικόνα Εικόνα Εικόνα
Εικόνα Hobby interesting boring strange fun
collecting tree leaves          
making clothes for dolls          
collecting football cards          
collecting stamps          
  reading books         Εικόνα
  playing computer games        
  taking photos        
  making models        

There are some hobby clubs in Sophia and Andrew's school: the Handicraft club, the Collections club, the Computer club and the Book club. Where would each of these hobbies go?

Which club would you like to join and why? Tell the class.

LESSON 2 Have you got a hobby?

Listen and tickΕικόνα


Listen to the information about these children's hobbies and put a V or a X in the correct boxes:

1. Lila likes listening to music Εικόνα
2. Sheila likes singing Εικόνα
3. Philip doesn't like watching TV Εικόνα
4. Harry likes playing board games Εικόνα
5. Sarah doesn't like dancing ballet Εικόνα
6. Ted doesn't like reading books Εικόνα

Which of these hobbies do you like?

Carry out a mini class survey and find the three most popular hobbies.

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Let's play!

Pantomime: 'What do you like?


Play the game in 2 groups. One pupil from each group comes to the board and mimes a hobby. The other group tries to guess the hobby. If they guess correctly, they win one point. At the end of the game, the group with the most points is the winner.


You can choose among the hobbies on pages 25 and 26 or you can mime another hobby. Can your classmates find it? To find the hobby, ask: "Do you like........................?" To answer, say: "Yes, I do" or "No, I don't".





Can you think of other hobbies and mime them?


Remember! I like (cycling) but I don't like (playing basketball)
Do you like (playing football?) – Yes, I do /No, I don't
Kostas/Maria likes (swimming) but he/she doesn't like (sailing)


Το παρόν αποτελεί μέρος του ψηφιακού εμπλουτισμού των σχολικών βιβλίων (Ψηφιακό Σχολείο) και διατίθεται μόνο για εκπαιδευτική χρήση και στο πλαίσιο για το οποίο διαμορφώθηκε.