Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
6. Healthy living 8. Welcome to the world Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος



Read the quotes about friendship. What qualities do they suggest a real friend must have?
Find two more quotes to help Kostas complete the poster.


In this Unit you will:

  • read about friends and people who care for others
  • read and listen to poems
  • listen to stories about amazing people
  • talk about friendship
  • write an e-mail to a school partner
  • learn how to participate in an eTwinning project

At the end of this Unit, you should be able to:

  • discuss the topic of friendship and people in need
  • thank someone and respond to thanks
  • report statements, orders, requests and questions




1.1 There are all kinds of friends: school friends, e-friends, penfriends, and many more. What activities or
experiences come to mind when you think of your friends? Fill in the spider diagram.


1.2 Isocrates said that friends are compassionate and considerate. What qualities do you look for in
a friend? Make a list.

To have good friends, you have to be a good friend (old saying)


1.3 Ashley’s poem is all mixed up. Work in pairs to put it back together again based on what qualities
you consider most important in a friend. Then listen to Ashley’s original poem and compare it
with your version.

by Ashley

1.I have a friend
Who is perfect for me
She listens to all my problems
No matter how dumb they may be


8.I am thankful for that friend of mine
Our friendship will never end
And she will always be there
For she is my best friend



1.4 What qualities does Ashley’s friend have? Discuss.
1.5 Work in groups. Find a book, a film, a song or any other work of art about friendship and bring it
to class to share with the rest of your classmates.



2.1 Look at the title of the text below and the photo of two friends, Edna (left) and Amanda. What do
you think the story will be about?


2.2 Read their story to see if you guessed right.

A Fearless Friend!

To celebrate the end of their first week as ninth
graders at a high school in Orlando, Florida, Edna
Wilks, her friend Amanda Valance and some other
students decided to go for a moonlight dip in a lake near Edna’s house. “It’s a very safe lake,” said Edna, then 15, “and we’re good swimmers”.
But as they waded and splashed in the water the
night of August 18, 2001, something broke the
surface of the lake and grabbed Edna’s left arm. “I
thought it was someone playing around,” she said.
“When I saw the alligator’s head, I didn’t have
enough time to scream. He just pulled me under and started spinning me over and over. I thought that this was the end”.
For a brief instant, the deadly alligator loosened its grip and Edna burst to the surface and cried out for help. “I saw everyone swimming away,” she said. “All the kids were heading for the shore. I screamed, ‘Come back! Please, don’t leave me’! ”
But everyone did – except for her best friend
Amanda, who didn’t panic and paddled towards her on a surf board. “I was a bit scared for a moment,”

said Amanda. “Then I thought, no, I can’t leave my
best friend out here to die.” When she reached Edna, the gator surfaced and seemed to glare at her. Amanda pushed Edna onto the board, and towed her steadily towards the shore 50 metres away. The alligator began to approach them. Although she was petrified, Amanda kept comforting Edna. “I told her, ‘Don’t give up… you must try… you can make it…’ I was crying.”
When they reached the shore, Edna’s mother and
paramedics were anxiously waiting to rush her to
hospital. Miraculously, the reptile had only snapped
Edna’s upper arm bone. “We all look up to Amanda.
If it weren’t for her incredible bravery, Edna wouldn’t be here today,” said Edna’s mum. Edna added, “Amanda’s biggest fear was being attacked by a shark or alligator, yet she still took the risk and saved me. She’s a courageous, amazing friend and she definitely qualifies as a hero!”

Adapted from: ‘Amazing Stories of Survival’
People Magazine, June 2006



2.3 Complete the ‘chain of events’ diagram below with the main events of the story in your own words.


2.4 Read the text again and put together Amanda’s profile.
e.g. Although Amanda’s biggest fear was being attacked by a shark or alligator, yet …………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….………………


3.1 Look at the bubbles below. Answer the questions and complete the boxes.

Which bubble has got Edna’s actual words?

Which bubble has got words used to tell
somebody what another person said?





3.2 Compare the sentences above and circle the changes you can see.


3.3 Look at the text and complete the direct speech in the table below.


Direct speech

Reported Speech

Simple Present

(1) “Amanda …………… as a hero”.

Simple Past

Edna said that Amanda qualified as a hero.

Present Continuous

(2) “Someone ……………… around”.

(a) ………………………………

Edna thought someone was playing around.

Simple Past

(3) “She …………… the risk”.

(b) ………………………………

Edna said that Amanda had taken the risk.


(4) “I ………………… my friend out here to die”.

(c) ………………………………

Amanda said she couldn’t leave her friend out there to die.


(5) “You …………… try”.

(d) ………………………………

Amanda told her friend she had to try.


3.4 How have the verbs changed from direct to reported speech?
Complete the tenses and forms in the table above.
3.5 Do you notice any other changes?
3.6 Look at the sentences below and find Edna’s exact words in the text.


Direct speech

Reported speech


Edna told her friends to come back.


Edna asked her friends not to leave her.


How do we report orders and requests?



A reporter interviewed some of the children that were swimming with Edna on the night of the attack. Read his notes and help him finish his story.

“I’m not a very good swimmer and I panicked” (Jimmy)

“Please, leave me alone. I can’t talk to you. I’m still trembling” (Mary)

“I’m sorry I left her alone” (Jason)

“We must tell her father what happened” (Helen)



It was a terrifying moment for all these children. I saw
some of Edna’s friends on the shore immediately after
the attack and they talked to me. Jimmy, a 14-year-old
classmate of Edna’s said that …………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………
Mary …………………………………………………………………
Thankfully, Edna was taken to hospital very quickly and
her injuries were not very serious. It was a night these
children will never forget.



1.1 Listen to the sounds and try to guess what is happening. Take notes as you listen and share your
answers in class.
1.2 Now listen to a young boy talking about the beginning of his day. Do you notice anything unusual?
How does he experience the world around him?
1.3 How is the boy’s life different from yours? Why are sounds and touching so important in his life?


2.1 Listen to an extract from the same story. How do
the boy and Abram meet and how do they become friends?

I am sitting on the bench tapping my good luck song
with my shoes when I hear the bells of an ice cream
truck. I feel the money in my pocket. I have the dime and I also have a bigger one. I know I have enough for an ice cream bar. I walk out to the curb, touching the cages around the trees. I wait until the bells sound near, and I wave. He stops. He is near enough to me to touch his cart. Now I feel him seeing me.
"Here," I say, but he does not take my money. "Guess what?" he says, and his voice is soft and kind as fur."Every tenth kid wins a free ice cream bar, and you’re the lucky one today."
I can feel him getting off his cart and going around to open the place where he keeps his ice cream bars. I can feel him putting one near my hand and I take it. I start back to my bench.
"You gonna be okay by yourself now?" the ice cream man calls. I sit on the bench. I listen for the sound of his cart starting up, and his bells ringing, but I can only hear the other sounds, the regular ones. Then I hear him walking over to my bench. I am sorry, because I only want to feel the ice cream and see how long I can make it last. I do not want anyone to sit with me now. I may dirty my clothes and I am afraid he will see me.
He starts to talk. His name is Abram. He tells me about the park. My sister says the trees are in cages because if they weren’t in cages they wouldn’t stay in such a terrible park. Abram says the trees are in cages to keep them safe so they can grow up to be big and tall.

My sister says the park is ugly and dirty. Abram
says there are a few little bits of paper, and a couple of
cans and some bottles, but he says he can squint up
his eyes and all those things lying around shine like
flowers. Abram says you see what you want to see.
My sister says the park is just for poor folks, and
that no one would ever come here if they had a chance to go anywhere else. Abram says the park is just for lucky people, like him and me. He says the people who come to this park can see things inside themselves, instead of just what their eyes tell them.
After a while Abram goes away. He says, "I will come back and look for you tomorrow". I hear his ice cream bells go farther and farther away until I do not hear them anymore. While I am waiting for my sister to come for me, I fall asleep on the bench. I have a good dream. I dream that Abram lifts me so I can touch the leaves of a tree. All of the leaves are songs,
and they fall around me and cover me. I am warm and soft under the songs. My sister shakes me awake."You’ll catch cold lying here," she says.
The next day while I am sitting on my bench, I hear the ice cream bells and I walk out to the curb, touching the cages of the trees as I go. Abram gives me an ice cream bar and we walk together back to the bench. I do not have to touch the cages because I am with him. I have made a good friend.

Adapted from: "Sound of Sunshine,
Sound of Rain", by Florence Parry Heide



2.2 Work with your partner and answer the following questions. Εικόνα

1. What kind of a person does Abram seem to be?
2. “Abram says you see what you want to see”. Why do Abram and the boy’s sister ‘see’ the world
around them differently?
3. Whose view do you think the boy prefers and why?


3.1 Look at the photos. All of these people need
help. What can you do to help them? Complete
the table below. Add more ideas of your own.

People in need
Type of help
e.g. the disabled doing the shopping



3.2 “Dogs are man’s best friend”. Discuss friendship between people and animals. Find a story that
clearly illustrates the bond between man and animals or share your own experience with the rest
of the class.




4.1 Look at the following reported statements. Find the actual words of the boy and Abram in the text
and complete the direct speech list below.


Direct speech

Reported Speech

Present Perfect

(1) ………………………………………

Past Perfect

The boy said he had made a good friend.


(2) ………………………………………

(a) ………………………………

Abram said he would come back and look for him the next day.


(3) ………………………………………

(b) ………………………………

The boy said he might dirty his clothes.


4.2 How have the verbs changed from direct to reported speech? Complete the table above.
4.3 The verbs ‘say’ and ‘tell’ are most commonly used as introductory verbs in reported speech. Other
verbs that we can use are:

Reported requests
and orders
• tell
• say
• add
• reply
• think
• answer
• explain
• tell
• ask
• warn
• order
• advise
• ask
• wonder
• want to know

4.4 Put the sentences from the text in reported speech using the introductory verb in brackets.

1. “Every tenth kid wins an ice cream bar” (explain)
Abram ...............................................................................................................
2. “You are the lucky one today” (add)
Abram ..............................................................................................................
3. “The park is just for lucky people” (think)
Abram ...............................................................................................................
4. “You will catch cold lying here” (warn)
His sister ...........................................................................................................



5.1 Read the poem below. Can you guess which word is missing
from both the title and the poem? Listen to check your answer.


by John G. Saxe

It was six men of Indostan
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the .................
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.

The First approached the ......................,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
"God bless me! but the ..................
Is very like a wall!"


The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, "Ho! what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me ’tis mighty clear
This wonder of an ..........................
Is very like a spear!"


The Third approached the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
"I see," quoth he, "the .........................
Is very like a snake!


The Fourth reached out his eager hand,
And felt about the knee.
"What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain," quoth he;
" ’Tis clear enough the .........................
Is very like a tree!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said: "E’en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an ..........................
Is very like a fan!"


The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Than, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
"I see," quoth he, "the .......................
Is very like a rope!"



And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long.
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!

5.2 What is the point the poet is trying to make? How
does this point relate to the story of the blind boy?

5.3 Draw the animal described above based on the
opinions of the blind men. What does it look like?


Did you know?

The Blind Cow Restaurant in Zurich, Switzerland, offers up a different dining experience: Guests eat in complete darkness and are served by blind or visually handicapped staff!



Put on a blindfold or close your eyes. Describe the object your teacher gives you only by smell, touch
or taste. Reflect on what it felt like to be ‘blind’.



How can you make new friends? Are there any ways today that didn’t exist in the past?


2.1 Read the e-mails below and answer
the questions.
1. Who wrote them?
2. Why did they write them?
3. Who did they send them to?


We are students from a Public School in Fortaleza, a city in the northeast of
Brazil. We are 11-15 years old and we want to improve our English as much
as possible. We would be happy to find a school somewhere in Europe to start making penfriends. We would also like to invite you to our country so we can meet each other. We like sports, going to the cinema and of course writing e-mails, but we also want to make a positive impact on the lives of other children and families in need. We are concerned about the hardships and tragedies faced by other children around the globe and we want to help. Right now we are trying to organise some fundraising events to help the children who suffered the terrible earthquake in China. If anyone from anywhere in the world would like to join our project, please get in touch. I’m sure it’ll be a great experience for everyone!


We are 30 students in the 2nd Grade of high school in Singapore. Our first language is English. We also learn Malay and Chinese as our second languages. We are a vibrant class of 14-year-olds who enjoy writing about our lives here in sunny Singapore. Singapore is a multi-cultural society and there is much to share about this small, bustling, colourful city. We would like to learn about life in any European / American cities. How often can you exchange e-mails or postcards with us? How about once a fortnight? By the way, have you ever been to Singapore? We are a class of creative, imaginative and well-informed 14-year-olds who would love to meet you!

Adapted from: www.epals.com

2.2 Read the e-mails again to find who:

1. wants to exchange e-mails every 2 weeks. .........
2. wants to take action to help other people. .........
3. suggests other ways of communication besides e-mails. .........
4. lives in a city full of people and noise. .........
5. would like to meet their e-pals. .........
6. would like to work with others on a project. .........



A student writing an article about school partnerships is interviewing Giuseppe Bonano, a teacher
responsible for an eTwinning project at a secondary school in Milan, Italy. Listen to the interview and
tick the right answer.

1. Is there only one way to find a school partner?
2. Is it easy to find a school partner if your school is an English-speaking one?
3. Is it always possible to find a school partner?
4. Does participating in eTwinning cost anything?
5. Can anybody register?
6. Is there a registration form that you have to fill out?
7. Do you have to send your registration form by post?
8. Is communicating through eTwinning safe?



4.1 Study the examples below and circle the changes you can see.


Direct speech

Reported Speech

“Do you want to find a school partner?”

She asked them if they wanted to find a school partner.

“Have you ever taken part in an eTwinning project?”

He asked them if they had ever taken part in an eTwinning project.


What changes do we make when we report Yes / No questions? Answer the questions below.

Yes / No reported questions

  • Which is the introductory verb? ……………………………
  • What extra word do we use in the reported question?.........................................
  • Is the auxiliary verb ‘do’ used? …………………………….
  • Are other auxiliary verbs omitted?…………………………
  • What happens to word order? ……………………………..




4.2 Study the examples below and circle the changes you can see.


Direct speech

Reported Speech

“Where do you live?”

She asked them where they lived.

“How often can you exchange e-mails?”

He asked them how often they could exchange e-mails.



What changes do we make when we report Wh-questions? Answer the questions below.

Wh-reported questions

-Which is the introductory verb? ……………………………….

-Are question words like ‘where’ and ‘how often’ omitted?


-What happens to word order? ………………………………….



Spyros got himself into a bit of trouble for being late after
school last week. What did he tell his friend Jenny about it
when she asked him?




6.1 This is an e-mail you’ve received
from a school partner. Read it and
answer the questions. Then
compare your answers with your

1. Who is sending this e-mail?

2. What is each paragraph about?

3. What information is there in the
attached files?


Dear fellow students,
We come from the state of Massachusetts in the USA! Our school is the Kendall school in a town near Boston. It’s a great school and we spend a lot of our free time on sports and other interesting activities. We also like exchanging e-mails and visiting chatrooms to see what other kids of our age have to say!
The children in our school are very close – it’s like we’re one big family.
We’re really outgoing and we’re always on the lookout for new friends. You can never have too many friends!
This week, we are organising a fundraising event for our school partner in Indonesia. We want to help them buy basic equipment for their new school. It’s good to know we can help! Our events will include traditional games, contests, dances, an auction and even a karaoke contest!
Would you be interested in helping us out?
We hope to hear from you soon.
Class 8a
1) Who-is-who-8a.doc
2) Hobbies and interests.doc
3) Fund-raising day programme.doc


6.2 Suppose you want to start a school partnership with the class that sent you this e-mail. Work in
groups and make a list of ideas you want to include in your e-mail.




1. Make notes and plan your e-mail.

2. Write in an appropriate style since your new friends are the same age as you.

3. Keep your e-mails brief and attach longer texts.

4. Proofread your e-mail for mistakes.

6.3 Write an e-mail replying to Class 8a. Give them information about your school and your
class and suggest how you could help them raise more money.




7.1 Your Australian friend Jennifer, who is on holiday in Greece, wants to know more about the
eTwinning programme you are involved in. Here is some information on it. Could you tell her
about it?

Η δράση eTwinning δημιουργήθηκε για
να δώσει στα σχολεία την ευκαιρία να
μάθουν μαζί, να μοιραστούν τις απόψεις
τους και να δημιουργήσουν καινούργιες
φιλίες. Προωθεί αντίστοιχα τη συνείδηση
του ευρωπαϊκού πολυγλωσσικού και
πολυπολιτισμικού κοινωνικού μοντέλου.
Μέσω του eTwinning, σχολεία των κρατών
της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης αλλά και της
Νορβηγίας, της Ισλανδίας, και πρόσφατα
της Βουλγαρίας και της Ρουμανίας,
υποστηρίζονται στην «αδελφοποίηση»
σχολείων μέσω του Internet.

7.2 Below are some comments from your classmates’ portfolios about the benefits they gained from
participating in the eTwinning project. Write down the benefits and tell Jennifer about them.



7.3 Suppose you want to find a school partner to collaborate on school projects, practise foreign
language skills and establish international friendships. How will you get started? Follow the steps

How can you get involved in eTwinning?

  • It is very simple.
  • Decide on the profile of your school partner.
  • Register your school.
  • Find your school partner.
  • Connect with your school partner.
  • Decide on your project.
  • Register your project.
  • Work with your school partner.
  • Develop your partnership.

To get more details on the process,

visit www.etwinning.gr or send an e-mail to etwinning@sch.gr




1. Vocabulary

1.1 Cross the odd one out.

1. brave, courageous, scared, fearless
2. yell, whisper, shout, scream
3. slam, sigh, bang, crash
4. soft, smooth, rough, fluffy
5. grasp, grip, snap, grab

... / 5

1.2 Unscramble the letters and find the words
to complete the sentences.

1. I’m ………………… to cooperate with students
from other countries. egrea
2. He took the …………… and rescued her. rski
3. Her friends have a positive …………….. on her.
4. Don’t ……………… at me. It’s not my fault! garel
5. She tightened her …………… on my arm. gipr

... / 5

1.3 Choose the right word to complete the
sentences. There is one extra word.


1. Don’t worry about her. She can ………………
2. I ………………… e-mails with my e-friend twice a
3. Our school often organises …………… events to
help people in need.
4. She’s been through a lot of …………….. in her
life, but she seems strong and courageous.
5. ……………… is a quality I’ve always admired.

... / 5

2. Language focus

2.1 Report the statements and questions.

1. “I’ve called my best friend twice today”, she said.

2. “Our community is sponsoring a concert for
people in need”, they said.
3. “Do you cooperate well with each other?”, she
asked us.
4. “Where were you last night?”, he asked me.
5. “We’ll always be friends”, she said.

... / 5

2.2 What did the teacher say?

1. The teacher explained that we would do an eproject.
2. She asked us to write short e-mails and not to
include many details.
3. She wanted to know if we were interested in
4. She added that we could choose the topic of
the project.
5. She thought that it would be a great experience
for everyone.

... / 5

3. Everyday English

Complete the exchanges.
1. - Thank you for helping me with my suitcase.
- ......................... all.
2. - I really……………… your help.
- My pleasure.
3. - You left your purse in the shop. Here it is.
- That’s …………………………………………
4. - Thanks for the informative e-mail.
- ............................... I could do.
5. - That was really nice of you.
- Don’t ………………………………………

... / 5


4. Writing

A friend of yours has helped you through a difficult time. Write an e-mail thanking him/her and
expressing your feelings (about 100 words).

... / 10


Work by yourself and tick the sentences that are true for you. You can discuss your answers in class.

Doing an e-project

When doing an e-project in English,

o I improve my language skills.
o I improve my computer skills.
o I make new friends.
o I share problems with my peers.
o I have the chance to offer my help to others.
o other ………………………………….

In Unit 7 you did an e-project. Did you enjoy working on it? Why / Why not? Were there any difficulties?
Any rewarding moments? Share your answers in class.

Reflecting on your Learning

Tick the sentences that are true for you.
At the end of Lessons 19, 20 and 21, I think I can

o discuss the topic of friendship and caring for
o write an e-mail to a school partner
o participate in an e-project with other schools

o talk about how I can help people in need
o thank someone and respond to thanks
o report statements, questions, requests and