Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή
5. Τhe arts! 7. Embracing our world Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος

1. What would a ‘Green Week’ at school be like? Listen to some students talk about their ‘Green
Week’ and complete the tree below with the activities they did on each day.


In this Unit you will:
• read about school canteens, ‘green’ vehicles and
‘green’ schools
• talk about healthy eating habits, fitness and ecology
• listen to students talk about how they saved energy
in their school
• write an e-mail to a friend and a haiku
• make a questionnaire
• do a project to make your school ‘greener’

At the end of this Unit, you should be able to:
• talk about possible future situations and
imaginary situations in the present
• ask for, give and accept advice
• express result and purpose
• talk about the results of a survey




1.1 Children from a High school in Melbourne, Australia, are taking part in a ‘Healthy Living’ project.
One of the groups is working on the kinds of food European teenagers eat and has asked your
school for help. Read the survey below about Greek students’ eating habits at school and
complete the table.


Most popular choices
Least popular choices
What canteens are allowed to sell

• Which of these choices are healthy in your opinion? Which are not? Discuss.

1.2 Talk about your school:

• What do you usually eat during school breaks?
• Does your school canteen offer a variety of snacks to choose from?




2.1 BBC takes a look at what students from other countries eat during their lunch breaks. Listen to
the radio programme and fill in the missing information in the boxes below.


2.2 Which of the foods above are healthy and which are not? Discuss and complete the table below.
Is what you eat similar to what students from the above countries eat?



2.3 What factors affect people’s eating habits?



3.1 On the radio programme you have just listened to, the speaker refers to the celebrity British chef
Jamie Oliver and his ‘Feed me Better’ campaign. What do you think his campaign was about? Was
it successful? Read the text below to find out.

Nowadays, junk food dominates school menus. Children are not getting the right nutrients to help them grow, concentrate at school and stay healthy in adult life.
Scientists stress that if children do not have a balanced diet they have behavioural and health problems.

In February 2005, Jamie Oliver, concerned with the poor nutritional value of the food served up in schools, decided not to put up with it any longer. He launched the ‘Feed Me Better’ campaign, which would try to improve school food
in Britain. He presented a 4-part series on TV called “School Dinners”.

Jamie worked with the dinner ladies at Kidsgrove
School, Greenwich, to provide better meals at a cost of 37p per child. It was very hard work. The dinner ladies and Jamie did not agree. The kids cried and parents slipped burgers to them through the school gates. By the end of the show though, Jamie proved that schools can offer fresh,
nutritious meals like pasta, vegetables and soups that kids enjoy eating. However, what was really needed was more money from the government. So, Jamie wrote his ‘Feed Me Better’ manifesto with the top five things which the
government needed to change, and put it on the Internet.


Suddenly, up and down the country, parents and children were sharing Jamie’s disgust at the state of school dinners. The headlines in the papers were deafening. Jamie
was on the front pages of all the papers: The Guardian, the London Evening Standard, The Daily Mail.

Four days after the broadcast of the last episode, Jamie delivered his petition of 271,677 signatures to the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street, who thanked Jamie for his remarkable work and announced that the government would take immediate action over school meals.


School kitchens would be rebuilt, dinner ladies trained, parents would become involved. All this would be supported by a í280 million funding package. The average cost per meal was almost doubled.

Jamie ended by saying: “If we follow a healthy diet and take regular exercise, our kids will be healthy adults. What came out today will make a difference to every kid in this country”.




3.2 Put the following sentences in chronological order. Then use them

to write a summary of Jamie’s campaign.
……… a. Jamie started a campaign and presented a TV series.
……… b. The website petition hit 270,000.
……… c. Jamie met the Prime Minister.
……… d. The government gave money.
……… e. Jamie wrote his manifesto and put it on the web.
… 1 … f. Jamie was worried about the poor quality of food at schools.
……… g. In the beginning, parents and kids were against his effort.
……… h. People from all over Britain supported him.


3.3 How would you promote a ‘healthy eating’ campaign in your school? Work in pairs to make a list of ideas.

3.4 Work in groups. Find detailed information in your Home Economics book or other sources about how your diet during adolescence can affect your health in later life. Use a diagram
from pages 161-162 to organise your information and present it to your classmates.

3.5 Mini project: Questionnaire

Your teacher has asked you to prepare a ‘Health and Fitness’ questionnaire to investigate the eating
and exercise habits of the students in your school.

Step 1: Work as a class to generate a list of questions for the survey.
e.g. Question 1:
What is the most important meal of the day?
a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner

Step 2: Edit and print the questionnaire.
Step 3: Visit other classes to conduct the survey. Try to visit
as many classes as possible, because the more data
you have, the more accurate your results will be.
Step 4: When the survey is complete, make a bar graph or a pie chart
with the results. Your Maths or IT teacher can help.
Step 5: Discuss the results in class. Do the students in your school have good or bad eating and
exercise habits? Why?
Step 6: Inform other classes about the results of your survey. If these results show bad eating and
exercise habits, you might want to do something about it. Look at the Unit Project (page 118)
for ideas.




5.1 Look at the prompts below and make sentences, using ‘Type 0’ or ‘Type 1’ conditionals.

e.g. exercise a lot / eat as much as you like
If you exercise a lot, you can eat as much as you like.

1. not eat fish or meat / be a vegetarian
2. skip meals / not lose weight
3. the label of product say “low fat” / be a good choice
4. take vitamins / not have to worry about eating fruit and vegetables
5. allergic to milk / not eat dairy products

5.2 Which of the above are food ‘myths’ and which are food ‘facts’? Justify your answers.



6.1 Look at ‘The MedEATerranean plate’ and answer the questions.

• What are the characteristics of the Mediterranean diet?
• Why do you think it is considered healthy?


6.2 A healthy diet and regular exercise contribute to our good health. Make a list of everything you
eat and the activities you do in one day. Then look at your Home Economics book, calculate
approximately how many calories you consume and how many you burn, and estimate whether
there is a balance between the two considering your size and age.

  Food Calories consumed Activities Calories burnt


6.3 What steps should someone take if there is no balance between the calories they consume and
the calories they burn? Write down some suggestions.



7.1 This is an e-mail you have received
from a friend. Read it and answer the
questions. Compare your answers with
your partner’s.

1. Who is sending this message?
2. Who is this message for? ……………..
3. What is this person’s problem?
4. What does he want to do?
5. Why did this person choose to write
an e-mail instead of a letter?


7.2 You want to help Matthew with his problem. Here is a leaflet with information on eating well. Go
through it carefully and underline 2 or 3 pieces of advice that you want to give Matthew. You can
also get useful ideas from your Physical Education Book to help Matthew start exercising.


1. Τρώτε φρούτα και λαχανικά. Περιέχουν βιταμίνες, που σας χαρίζουν υγεία και φυτικές ίνες που σας κάνουν να πεινάτε
2. Πίνετε πολύ νερό. Σας χορταίνει,
ενυδατώνει το σώμα και συμβάλλει
στην αποβολή των τοξινών.
3. Αποκτήστε νέα χόμπι. Έτσι θα
απασχολείστε μερικές ώρες την ημέρα και δεν θα σκέφτεστε το φαγητό.
4. Μην παραλείπετε το πρωινό. Έρευνες έχουν δείξει ότι όσοι τρώνε το πρωί, διατηρούν πιο εύκολα σταθερό το βάρος τους.
5. Εντάξτε την άσκηση στη ζωή σας.
6. Κλείστε την τηλεόραση την ώρα των γευμάτων. Εάν τρώτε παρακολουθώντας
ταυτόχρονα την αγαπημένη σας
εκπομπή, είναι πιθανό
να παρασυρθείτε και να φάτε
περισσότερο από όσο
πραγματικά θέλετε.

1. Use an appropriate greeting and
ending. (Hi, Hello, Hey, Dear + first
name / Love, Best wishes+ first name)
2. Start a new paragraph to write about a new topic.
3. Write short sentences.
4. Finish the e-mail with set phrases like: Talk to you soon, See you soon, Keep in touch, Write soon.
5. When we write e-mails to a friend we can use abbreviations like:
AFAIK as far as I know
BFN bye for now
CUL8R see you later
HAND have a nice day
HTH hope this helps
KIT keep in touch
PCM please call me
RUOK are you okay?
WU what’s up?
X kiss
2DAY today
BW best wishes


7.3 Write an e-mail to Matthew, giving him advice and encouragement. Εικόνα



1.1 How do you usually get to school?

1.2 The graph below shows how some students from New Zealand get to school and how they would prefer to get to school. What are
the results of the survey? Discuss.

e.g. Fifty per cent of the students get to school by
car, whereas only thirty per cent would like to.


2.1 Listen to a radio announcement about a ‘Bike-to-School Week’ in England. What is the purpose of this announcement?

2.2 Read the information leaflet that was handed out to students for the ‘Bike-to-School Week’.
Underline the benefits of getting to school by bike. Then write them in the list on the next page in
order of importance, starting with the most important one for you.



Cycling kids are confident kids, more independent
and brainier! Just 15 minutes cycling to and from
school could make a real difference to your fitness,
and the planet’s future.

1. A Smarter Generation
Cycling makes you fitter, more alert and cleverer.
A more active lifestyle, would greatly improve
your chance of living a long and healthy life. But
cycling and daily exercise have many immediate
benefits as well. You will enjoy improved bone
strength, muscle tone, increased alertness and
improved school performance. Teachers often
comment that children who walk or cycle to
school arrive brighter and more ready to learn
than those driven by car.

2. On your Own
Cycling encourages independence. If children are
allowed to make their own way to school, they
become more confident and independent. The
school journey is an ideal opportunity for them to
learn road safety awareness and other life skills.
For many children, cycling is simply more fun and
more sociable than going to school by car, and
they love the feeling of freedom it gives them.




3. Taking the First Step
Cycling is good for the planet. If more children
cycled to school, it would be good for the
environment. There would be less traffic
congestion, less pollution and fewer of the
emissions that cause global warming. If more
people decided to cut out the school run, the
streets would also be safer and it would be easier
to encourage others to do the same.


4. Thinking about Tomorrow
We are all aware by now that our planet’s
resources are slowly drying up and there is no way
the earth can keep up with the demand. Cycling to
school - and anywhere else for that matter - will
ensure that our planet’s valuable resources are not
exhausted. Remember these resources ‘belong’ to
everyone - future generations, too.

Adapted from: www.bikeforall.net


2.3 Think of some reasons why young people in your town do not walk or cycle
to school. Discuss.




3.1 Read the examples and complete the rule.
If more children cycled to school, it would be good for the environment.
If streets were safer, children could cycle to school.
If students were allowed to make their own way to school, they would become more independent.


3.2 Circle.

We use ‘Type 2’ conditional to talk about a. an imaginary situation in the present or future.
b. an imaginary situation in the past.

3.3 Look at the sentences. Is there a difference in meaning?

• If I were you, I’d cycle to school.
• I think you should cycle to school

. Εικόνα


What things would have to change in your town to make cycling
easy and safe for everyone?


Get into pairs. One of you writes out the if-clause of a ‘Type 2’ conditional on a piece of paper and the
other one writes the main clause of a ‘Type 2’ conditional on another piece of paper. Don’t show each
other what you have written. Then combine your clauses to make sentences and read them aloud in
class. Do any of them make sense?



The students of a German school want to write a report on the use of bicycles in your country. They
have sent you the following e-mail to ask for your help.


Hey there! We’re the students of class B2 in a school in Berlin and we’re doing a project on the use of
bicycles around the world! We need your help! We’re looking for cities where people use bicycles a lot.
So far, we’ve talked to people in Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Paris. We wonder if you could help us with
info about your country. Anything you find would be helpful!

Here are some questions that may help you:
- How many people use bicycles in this city?
- Why do people use bicycles in this city?
- Do more men or women cycle?
- What age groups use bicycles most?
- Do the cyclists face any problems?
- What are their suggestions for the better use of bicycles?

E-mail us as soon as you can! Thanks a lot.

The students of class B2

You have come across a survey concerning the
use of bicycles in the city of Karditsa. Read the
survey carefully. Use the information to write an email
to the German students answering their





1.1 Every day you do things that affect the environment in different ways.

Work in pairs to think of the activities you do and what kind

of impact they have on the environment.

e.g. Leaving the lights on when you leave a room wastes energy.
Going to school on foot saves energy.

1.2 What do you think a ‘green’ school is? Is your school ‘green’? Why / Why not?



2.1 Listen to three students who participated in eco-projects talk about what they did to make their
schools environmentally friendly. Match the speakers with the areas they worked on. There is an
extra one you do not need to use.

Speaker 1: ………………………
Speaker 2: ………………………
Speaker 3: ………………………


2.2 A group of students from the 2nd High school of Komotini worked on the theme of saving energy.
They started their project by identifying the problems. Can you guess what problems they found?

2.3 Listen to a reporter from an international environmental newspaper interview the students about
the project and the steps they took to complete it. Take down notes on the problems they found
in their school. How many of the problems did you guess?



2.4 Read the rest of the interview and complete the “tree diagram” with notes on what the students
did at each step.

Reporter: Great! Now after identifying the
problems, what was your second step?
Tina: Well, we had to do a lot of research to
get detailed information. For example,
we found electrical bills and studied
how much energy was consumed in
the school. We estimated its value and then made charts and diagrams with our results.
Reporter: That must have kept you busy! So, I gather the next step was taking action. Am I right?
Vicky: Yes. We really got working! We wrote down a report and we announced it to students and teachers. We made sure the lights were turned off when classrooms were empty and we started to monitor the use of the lift. Only students who really need to, use it.


Reporter: Of course! So, what did you do?
Markos: First of all, we organised a drawing competition to involve students from other schools and we worked with our teachers to make bookmarks with ecological messages which we gave out. We also distributed lots of leaflets with information. Our school
newspaper also ran articles about what we did and the local radio station interviewed us.
Reporter: It must really be satisfying to know that with just a little effort, you have made a difference. Congratulations to you all.



Lena: You forgot to say about the windows. We now
keep them closed in the winter and we make sure
that all our classmates are involved!
Reporter: Well, then I guess your job is done! Great work
kids! Well done!
Markos: That’s not all. There was one final step. You see,
after all the work we did, we wanted our community to know… we wanted to get everyone involved. Everyone has to be sensitised!






2.5 The students have to write an eco-code to put up in their classrooms. Can you help them?




3.1 Look at the following sentence.
• Unless we realise the importance of saving energy,
we will run out of natural resources soon.

This is a ‘Type 1’ conditional although it has no ‘if’ in it.
Guess which part is the if-clause and underline it. Which word means ‘if … not’?


3.2 Match column A with column B to make correct ‘Type 1’ conditionals using unless instead of if … not.

1. If people don’t use water wisely
2. If we don’t use public transport
3. If we don’t recycle paper
4. If people don’t use bikes more often
5. If people don’t stop polluting their environment
a. the world / not become a better place
b. we / cut down all our forests
c. we / not save petrol
d. our cities / suffocate
e. it / run out soon

e.g. (1e) - Unless people use water wisely, it will run out soon.
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

3.3 Read the following sentences.


Look at the words in bold



3.4 Can you complete the sentences below?

1. Install solar panels on your roof in order to …………………
2. Plant a large tree near your home. As a result, ……………
3. People don’t use public transport much. Therefore, ………
4. Use recycled products to …………………………………………...

Grammar Reference, pp. 173-174.

• Huge forest areas are burnt every year. As a result, many
animals lose their habitats.
• We should plant trees in order to make cities look better.
• We should use environmentally friendly products to protect
the ozone layer.
• People don’t recycle as much as they should. Therefore,
natural resources will run out soon.


Which ones are used to show result?………………………………........
Which ones are used to show purpose?…………………………..........









A school in Ireland participating in the Eco-Schools project
worked on the conservation of the environment. As part of the
action they took, they wrote haikus celebrating the beauty of

Haiku is a type of poetry from the Japanese culture. Haiku
poets write about everyday things and their themes include
nature, feelings or experiences. They use simple words and grammar.

A Haiku has 3 short lines. The first line contains 5 syllables, the second line contains 7 syllables and the third line 5 syllables. Haiku doesn’t rhyme. It must ‘paint’ a mental picture in the reader’s mind.

Look at the following Haiku and try to mark the syllables with your pencil.



Now, look at some more Haikus. One has the 7-syllable line missing and the other has one 5-syllable
line missing. Use your imagination to fill them in.




Now it’s your turn to write your very own haiku.


• Pick your theme. Nature is an easy theme to begin with, since it has many
images. Look at pictures of nature to get inspired!
• What is the ‘mood’ or feeling you want to create? Happy? Sad? Reflective?
• Think of images and descriptive words that describe your theme. Use all your
senses! Jot down the words as they come into your mind.
• The final step is to put your ideas on the haiku ‘frame’: 3 lines, 5, 7 and 5
syllables. When you are satisfied with the result, read it aloud. Can you ‘see’ a
picture in your mind?
• Type your haiku in a font that you feel suits it, or write it out clearly. Illustrate
your poem, or if you are computer ‘talented’, draw it on your computer.



What can you do to make your school a healthier, fitter
and more beautiful place for everyone?

1. Get into groups and choose the topic you want to
work on. Consider the following:


2. Go round your school and identify areas that are problematic.

If possible, take photos that clearly show the problems.

3. Discuss with your group what you can do about the problems.

Make an action plan.


5. Inform the community. You can:

• take photos that show how the situation has improved.
Exhibit your ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos side by side onto
posters and accompany them with captions that describe
the action you took.
• compile your work onto a CD-Rom and present it on your
web site.


4. Take action to make a difference. You can:

• organise a healthy eating day / week
• make organic compost for your school garden
• organise ‘active breaks’
• plant flowers and trees
• install recycling bins
• make and put up banners to
inform other students about the problems





1. Vocabulary

Read the sentences and complete the puzzle.
What’s the hidden word?


1. Exercising makes you fitter and more
…………….. .
2. Good eating habits contribute to your health
and …………………… .
3. Fish ……….. us with necessary proteins.
4. Eco-programmes ………………….. young
people about environmental issues.
5. These are special cameras that ………………
the speed of vehicles on highways.
6. Try to ……………… plenty of fruit and
vegetables each day.
7. We should ………… the use of cars in the
historical centre of the city.
8. Everyone in the …………………… should get
involved in recycling.
9. The use of natural gas will help reduce
carbon dioxide ……………..
10. There is a lot of …………………… in the
centres of all major cities.
11. You should be ………… in order to keep fit.

... / 11

2. Language focus

2.1 Find the mistakes and correct them. There
is one correct sentence.

1. He would be fitter if he takes some exercise.
2. What did you eat if you were a vegetarian?
3. If you have breakfast, you feel energetic during
the day.

4. Unless we don’t use public transport, the smog
in our city will not decrease.
5. If we didn’t pollute our oceans, the fish wouldn’t

... / 5

2.2 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct

1. The town …………… (be) cleaner if we don’t
2. If she had time, she ……………. (cook) dinner
3. What would you do if you …………….. (have to)
lose weight?
4. I …………. (come) to the restaurant if I could,
but I’m very busy.
5. If he ………….. (not / change) his diet, he’ll have
health problems.

... / 5

2.3 Combine the sentences using the
words in brackets.

1. We buy environmentally friendly products. We
want to save the environment. (in order to)
2. We are using up all our natural resources. Our
planet is in danger. (as a result)
3. Seals are killed for their skin and meat. They’re
becoming extinct. (therefore)
4. He wants to keep fit. He takes regular exercise.

... / 4

3. Everyday English

Complete the exchanges with phrases from
the box.



A: You don’t look well. (1) ……………………. ?
B: My back hurts. I worked on the computer for
three days.
A: Oh dear! Did you get any rest?
B: I did, but it still hurts. (2) ………………..?
A: (3)………………….., I’d take a warm bath.
B: Yes, (4) …………………. .
A: I also think (5) ……………………. a doctor. He’ll
tell you what to do.
B: Yes, that’s a good idea. Thanks for the advice.
A: Not at all. Get well soon.

... / 5

4. Writing

Your English-speaking friend is taking end-ofterm
exams. He / She can’t sleep at nights
because he / she feels very stressed and finds it
difficult to concentrate in the morning. Write a
short e-mail to your friend to give him / her advice
and encouragement (about 100 words).

... / 10



Learning Grammar

When learning new grammar,

o I study example sentences with the new grammar structure.
o I work out the rules and study them to learn the new form and its uses.
o I look at the Grammar Reference to learn more about the new structure.
o I write some example sentences to practise it.
o I do a lot of activities to practise it.
o I use it as often as I can.
o I don’t worry if I make mistakes. They are part of the learning process.
o other …………………………………

Look back at the grammar you did in Lessons 16, 17 and 18. Did you have any problems? Was it easy
or difficult to use? What can you do to learn grammar easily? Discuss in class.

Reflecting on your Learning

Tick the sentences that are true for you.
At the end of Lessons 16, 17 and 18, I think I can

o talk about eating habits
o talk about environmental issues
o talk about possible future situations and
imaginary present situations
o organise information in a tree diagram

o analyse the results of a survey
o write an e-mail to a friend to give advice
and make suggestions
o write a haiku
o take action to improve my school