Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (εμπλουτισμένο)
LESSON 20 • SEEING THROUGH A FRIEND’S EYES LESSON 22 • BREAKING THE BOUNDARIES Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 21

Lesson 21
img A different kind of friend img


How can you make new friends? Are there any ways today that didn’t exist in the past?


img Friends from afar

Read the e-mails below and answer
the questions.

1. Who wrote them?
2. Why did they write them?
3. Who did they send them to?

We are 30 students in the 2nd Grade of high school in Singapore. Our first
language is English. We also learn Malay and Chinese as our second
languages. We are a vibrant class of 14-year-olds who enjoy writing about our
lives here in sunny Singapore. Singapore is a multi-cultural society and there
is much to share about this small, bustling, colourful city. We would like to
learn about life in any European / American cities. How often can you
exchange e-mails or postcards with us? How about once a fortnight? By the
way, have you ever been to Singapore? We are a class of creative, imaginative
and well-informed 14-year-olds who would love to meet you!
We are students from a Public School in Fortaleza, a city in the northeast of
Brazil. We are 11-15 years old and we want to improve our English as much
as possible. We would be happy to find a school somewhere in Europe to start
making penfriends. We would also like to invite you to our country so we can
meet each other. We like sports, going to the cinema and of course writing
e-mails, but we also want to make a positive impact on the lives of other
children and families in need. We are concerned about the hardships and
tragedies faced by other children around the globe and we want to help. Right
now we are trying to organise some fundraising events to help the children
who suffered the terrible earthquake in China. If anyone from anywhere in the
world would like to join our project, please get in touch. I’m sure it’ll be a
great experience for everyone!
2.2 Read the e-mails again to find who:
  1. wants to exchange e-mails every 2 weeks.
2. wants to take action to help other people.
3. suggests other ways of communication besides e-mails.
4. lives in a city full of people and noise.
5. would like to meet their e-pals.
6. would like to work with others on a project.


img An eTwinning project

A student writing an article about school partnerships is interviewing Giuseppe Bonano, a teacher
responsible for an eTwinning project at a secondary school in Milan, Italy. Listen to the interview and
tick the right answer.

This text will be replaced
  1. Is there only one way to find a school partner?
  2. Is it easy to find a school partner if your school
    is an English-speaking one?
  3. Is it always possible to find a school partner?
  4. Does participating in eTwinning cost anything?
  5. Can anybody register?
  6. Is there a registration form that you have to fill out?
  7. Do you have to send your registration form by post?
  8. Is communicating through eTwinning safe?

img Language focus

Look at the following reported statements. Find the actual words of the boy and Abram in the text
and complete the direct speech list below.

Direct speech   Reported Speech
“Do you want to find a school partner?” img She asked them if they wanted to find
a school partner.
“Have you ever taken part in an eTwinning
img He asked them if they had ever taken part in
an eTwinning project.


What changes do we make when we report Yes / No questions? Answer the questions below.

Yes / No reported questions

  • Which is the introductory verb? ……………………………
  • What extra word do we use in the reported question?
  • Is the auxiliary verb ‘do’ used? …………………………….
  • Are other auxiliary verbs omitted?…………………………
  • What happens to word order? ……………………………..


Study the examples below and circle the changes you can see.

Direct speech   Reported Speech
“Where do you live?” img She asked them where they lived.
“How often can you exchange e-mails?” img He asked them how often they could
exchange e-mails.


What changes do we make when we report Wh-questions? Answer the questions below.



Wh-reported questions

  • Which is the introductory verb? ………………………….
  • Are question words like ‘where’ and ‘how often’ omitted?
  • What happens to word order? …………………………
Grammar Reference, p. 176

img What did he say?
Spyros got himself into a bit of trouble for being late after
school last week. What did he tell his friend Jenny about it
when she asked him?

img Writing an e-mail (2)

This is an e-mail you’ve received
from a school partner. Read it and
answer the questions. Then
compare your answers with your

  1. Who is sending this e-mail?
  2. What is each paragraph about?
  3. What information is there in the
    attached files?
Dear fellow students,
We come from the state of Massachusetts in the USA! Our school is
the Kendall school in a town near Boston. It’s a great school and we spend
a lot of our free time on sports and other interesting activities. We also like
exchanging e-mails and visiting chatrooms to see what other kids of our
age have to say!
The children in our school are very close – it’s like we’re one big family.
We’re really outgoing and we’re always on the lookout for new friends.
You can never have too many friends!
This week, we are organising a fundraising event for our school partner
in Indonesia. We want to help them buy basic equipment for their new
school. It’s good to know we can help! Our events will include traditional
games, contests, dances, an auction and even a karaoke contest!
Would you be interested in helping us out?
We hope to hear from you soon.
Class 8a
1) Who-is-who-8a.doc
2) Hobbies and interests.doc
3) Fund-raising day programme.doc

Suppose you want to start a school partnership with the class that sent you this e-mail. Work in
groups and make a list of ideas you want to include in your e-mail.



  1. Make notes and plan your
  2. Write in an appropriate style since your
    new friends are the same age as you.
  3. Keep your e-mails brief and attach
    longer texts.
  4. Proofread your e-mail for mistakes.

Write an e-mail replying to Class 8a. Give them information about your school and your
class and suggest how you could help them raise more money.


img Project time: An eTwinning project!!! Δραστηριότητα

Your Australian friend Jennifer, who is on holiday in Greece, wants to know more about the
eTwinning programme you are involved in. Here is some information on it. Could you tell her
about it?

Η δράση eTwinning δημιουργήθηκε για
να δώσει στα σχολεία την ευκαιρία να
μάθουν μαζί, να μοιραστούν τις απόψεις
τους και να δημιουργήσουν καινούργιες
φιλίες. Προωθεί αντίστοιχα τη συνείδηση
του ευρωπαϊκού πολυγλωσσικού και
πολυπολιτισμικού κοινωνικού μοντέλου.
Μέσω του eTwinning, σχολεία των κρατών
της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης αλλά και της
Νορβηγίας, της Ισλανδίας, και πρόσφατα
της Βουλγαρίας και της Ρουμανίας,
υποστηρίζονται στην «αδελφοποίηση»
σχολείων μέσω του Internet.

Below are some comments from your classmates’ portfolios about the benefits they gained from
participating in the eTwinning project. Write down the benefits and tell Jennifer about them.

I was never really good at using my
computer. I felt I had no computer
skills at all. Now, I’m fast and most
important of all, I can
use my computer
with ease for many
other things.
eTwinning is really great! I exchange
e-mails with so many people, that I
feel I now have new friends all over
the world.
The eTwinning project made me work
harder on my English! I’m much more
fluent and I don’t find writing in English
difficult any more.






Suppose you want to find a school partner to collaborate on school projects, practise foreign
language skills and establish international friendships. How will you get started? Follow the steps

How can you get involved in eTwinning?

It is very simple.

  • Decide on the profile
    of your school partner.
  • Register your school.
  • Find your school partner.
  • Connect with your school partner.
  • Decide on your project.
  • Register your project.
  • Work with your school partner.
  • Develop your partnership.
To get more details on the process,
visit www.etwinning.gr or send an e-mail to etwinning@sch.gr

Unit 7
Επαναληπτικό Τεστ Αυτοξιολόγησης Γλωσσάριο-Unit 7-Self Assessment


1. Vocabulary

1.1 Cross the odd one out.
1. brave, courageous, scared, fearless
2. yell, whisper, shout, scream
3. slam, sigh, bang, crash
4. soft, smooth, rough, fluffy
5. grasp, grip, snap, grab
  ... / 5
1.2 Unscramble the letters and find the words
to complete the sentences.
  1. I’m ………………… to cooperate with students
    from other countries. egrea
  2. He took the …………… and rescued her. rski
  3. Her friends have a positive …………….. on her.
  4. Don’t ……………… at me. It’s not my fault! garel
  5. She tightened her …………… on my arm. gipr
  ... / 5
1.3 Choose the right word to complete the
sentences. There is one extra word.
bravery look after hardship
exchange fundraising approach
  1. Don’t worry about her. She can ………………
  2. I ………………… e-mails with my e-friend twice a
  3. Our school often organises …………… events to
    help people in need.
  4. She’s been through a lot of …………….. in her
    life, but she seems strong and courageous.
  5. ……………… is a quality I’ve always admired.
  ... / 5

2. Language focus

2.1 Report the statements and questions.
1. “I’ve called my best friend twice today”, she said.
  1. “Our community is sponsoring a concert for
    people in need”, they said.
  2. “Do you cooperate well with each other?”, she
    asked us.
  3. “Where were you last night?”, he asked me.
  4. “We’ll always be friends”, she said.
  ... / 5
2.2 What did the teacher say?
  1. The teacher explained that we would do an eproject.
  2. She asked us to write short e-mails and not to
    include many details.
  3. She wanted to know if we were interested in
  4. She added that we could choose the topic of
    the project.
  5. She thought that it would be a great experience
    for everyone.
  ... / 5

3. Everyday English


Complete the exchanges.


1. - Thank you for helping me with my suitcase.
- ......................... all.
2. - I really……………… your help.
- My pleasure.
3. - You left your purse in the shop. Here it is.
- That’s …………………………………………
4. - Thanks for the informative e-mail.
- ............................... I could do.
5. - That was really nice of you.
- Don’t ………………………………………
  ... / 5

4. Writing


A friend of yours has helped you through a difficult time. Write an e-mail thanking him/her and
expressing your feelings (about 100 words).

  ... / 10


Work by yourself and tick the sentences that are true for you. You can discuss your answers in class.

Doing an e-project

When doing an e-project in English,
  • I improve my language skills.
  • I improve my computer skills.
  • I make new friends.
  • I share problems with my peers.
  • I do a lot of activities to practise it.
  • I have the chance to offer my help to others.
  • other ………………………………….

In Unit 7 you did an e-project. Did you enjoy working on it? Why / Why not? Were there any difficulties?
Any rewarding moments? Share your answers in class.



Reflecting on your Learning

Tick the sentences that are true for you.

At the end of Lessons 19, 20 and 21, I think I can


  • discuss the topic of friendship and caring for
  • write an e-mail to a school partner
  • participate in an e-project with other schools
  • talk about how I can help people in need
  • thank someone and respond to thanks
  • report statements, questions, requests and