Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (εμπλουτισμένο)
LESSON 18 • GOING ‘GREEN’ LESSON 20 • SEEING THROUGH A FRIEND’S EYES Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Kostas has made a poster to celebrate International Friendship day as part of a project he is working
on with his class. Look at how many languages he found the word ‘friend’ in. Which ones are similar
to the English word?
Read the quotes about friendship. What qualities do they suggest a real friend must have?
Find two more quotes to help Kostas complete the poster.
In this Unit you will:
  • read about friends and people who care for others
  • read and listen to poems
  • listen to stories about amazing people
  • talk about friendship
  • write an e-mail to a school partner
  • learn how to participate in an eTwinning project
At the end of this Unit, you should be able to:
  • discuss the topic of friendship and people
    in need
  • thank someone and respond to thanks
  • report statements, orders, requests and questions
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 19

Lesson 19
img Being a friend is…
1.1 There are all kinds of friends: school friends, e-friends,
penfriends, and many more. What activities or
experiences come to mind when you think of your
friends? Fill in the spider diagram.
1.2 Isocrates said that friends are compassionate and considerate. What qualities do you look for in
a friend? Make a list.
To have good friends, you have to be a good friend (old saying)

1.3 Ashley’s poem is all mixed up. Work in pairs to put it back together again based on what qualities
you consider most important in a friend. Then listen to Ashley’s original poem and compare it
with your version.
This text will be replaced
1.4 What qualities does Ashley’s friend have? Discuss. img
1.5 Work in groups. Find a book, a film, a song or any other work of art about friendship and bring it
to class to share with the rest of your classmates.

img Helping a friend
2.1 Look at the title of the text below and the photo of two friends, Edna (left) and Amanda. What do
you think the story will be about?
2.2 Read their story to see if you guessed right.
A Fearless Friend!

To celebrate the end of their first week as ninth

graders at a high school in Orlando, Florida, Edna

Wilks, her friend Amanda Valance and some other

students decided to go for a moonlight dip in a lake

near Edna’s house. “It’s a very safe lake,” said Edna,

then 15, “and we’re good swimmers”.

But as they waded and splashed in the water the

night of August 18, 2001, something broke the

surface of the lake and grabbed Edna’s left arm. “I

thought it was someone playing around,” she said.

“When I saw the alligator’s head, I didn’t have

enough time to scream. He just pulled me under and

started spinning me over and over. I thought that this

was the end”.

For a brief instant, the deadly alligator loosened its

grip and Edna burst to the surface and cried out for

help. “I saw everyone swimming away,” she said. “All

the kids were heading for the shore. I screamed,

‘Come back! Please, don’t leave me’! ”

But everyone did – except for her best friend

Amanda, who didn’t panic and paddled towards her

on a surf board. “I was a bit scared for a moment,”

said Amanda. “Then I thought, no, I can’t leave my
best friend out here to die.” When she reached Edna,
the gator surfaced and seemed to glare at her.
Amanda pushed Edna onto the board, and towed her
steadily towards the shore 50 metres away. The
alligator began to approach them. Although she was
petrified, Amanda kept comforting Edna. “I told her,
‘Don’t give up… you must try… you can make it…’ I
was crying.”
When they reached the shore, Edna’s mother and
paramedics were anxiously waiting to rush her to
hospital. Miraculously, the reptile had only snapped
Edna’s upper arm bone. “We all look up to Amanda.
If it weren’t for her incredible bravery, Edna wouldn’t
be here today,” said Edna’s mum. Edna added,
“Amanda’s biggest fear was being attacked by a shark
or alligator, yet she still took the risk and saved me.
She’s a courageous, amazing friend and she definitely
qualifies as a hero!”

Adapted from: ‘Amazing Stories of Survival’
People Magazine, June 2006


2.3 Complete the ‘chain of events’ diagram below with the main events of the story in your own words.
2.4 Read the text again and put together Amanda’s profile. img
  e.g. Although Amanda’s biggest fear was being attacked by a shark or alligator, yet ……………
img Language focus
3.1 Look at the bubbles below. Answer the questions and complete the boxes.

Which bubble has got Edna’s actual words?


Which bubble has got words used to tell
somebody what another person said?



This is ………………. speech.

This is ………………. speech.
3.2 Compare the sentences above and circle the changes you can see.

3.3 Look at the text and complete the direct speech in the table below.
Direct speech   Reported Speech
Simple Present img Simple Past
(1) “Amanda …………… as a hero”. Edna said that Amanda qualified as a hero.
Present Continuous img (a) ………………………………
(2) “Someone ……………… around”. Edna thought someone was playing around.
Simple Past img (b) ………………………………
(3) “She …………… the risk”. Edna said that Amanda had taken the risk.
Can img (c) ………………………………
(4) “I ………………… my friend out here
to die”.
Amanda said she couldn’t leave her friend
out there to die.
Must img (d) ………………………………
(5) “You …………… try”. Amanda told her friend she had to try.
3.4 How have the verbs changed from direct to reported speech?
Complete the tenses and forms in the table above.
3.5 Do you notice any other changes?
3.6 Look at the sentences below and find Edna’s exact words in the text.
  Direct speech
Reported speech
Edna told her friends to come back.
Edna asked her friends not to leave her.


How do we report orders and requests?


Grammar Reference, pp. 175-176

img What a night!

A reporter interviewed some of the children
that were swimming with Edna on the night
of the attack. Read his notes and help him
finish his story.

“I’m not a very good swimmer and I panicked”
“Please, leave me alone. I can’t talk to you.
I’m still trembling” (Mary)
“I’m sorry I left her alone” (Jason)
“We must tell her father what happened”
It was a terrifying moment for all these children. I saw
some of Edna’s friends on the shore immediately after
the attack and they talked to me. Jimmy, a 14-year-old
classmate of Edna’s said that …………………………………………………
Mary …………………………………………………………………………………………
Thankfully, Edna was taken to hospital very quickly and
her injuries were not very serious. It was a night these
children will never forget.