Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (εμπλουτισμένο)
LESSON 16 • YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT LESSON 18 • GOING ‘GREEN’ Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 17 Δραστηριότητα

Lesson 17
img Travel to school
1.1 How do you usually get to school?

The graph below shows how some students
from New Zealand get to school and how
they would prefer to get to school. What are
the results of the survey? Discuss.

e.g. Fifty per cent of the students get to school by
car, whereas only thirty per cent would like to.

img Bike to school
2.1 Listen to a radio announcement about a ‘Bike-to-School Week’ in England. What is the purpose
of this announcement?
This text will be replaced
2.2 Read the information leaflet that was handed out to students for the ‘Bike-to-School Week’.
Underline the benefits of getting to school by bike. Then write them in the list on the next page in
order of importance, starting with the most important one for you.


Cycling kids are confident kids, more independent and brainier! Just 15 minutes cycling to and from school could make a real difference to your fitness, and the planet’s future.

1. A Smarter Generation
Cycling makes you fitter, more alert and cleverer. A more active lifestyle, would greatly improve your chance of living a long and healthy life. But cycling and daily exercise have many immediate benefits as well. You will enjoy improved bone strength, muscle tone, increased alertness and improved school performance. Teachers often comment that children who walk or cycle to school arrive brighter and more ready to learn than those driven by car.

2. On your Own
Cycling encourages independence. If children are allowed to make their own way to school, they become more confident and independent. The school journey is an ideal opportunity for them to learn road safety awareness and other life skills. For many children, cycling is simply more fun and more sociable than going to school by car, and they love the feeling of freedom it gives them.

3. Taking the First Step
Cycling is good for the planet. If more children cycled to school, it would be good for the environment. There would be less traffic congestion, less pollution and fewer of the emissions that cause global warming. If more
people decided to cut out the school run, the streets would also be safer and it would be easier to encourage others to do the same.


4. Thinking about Tomorrow
We are all aware by now that our planet’s resources are slowly drying up and there is no way the earth can keep up with the demand. Cycling to school - and anywhere else for that matter - will ensure that our planet’s valuable resources are not exhausted. Remember these resources ‘belong’ to everyone - future generations, too.


Adapted from: www.bikeforall.net

Benefits of cycling

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………
2.3 Think of some reasons why young people in your town do not walk or cycle
to school. Discuss.

img Language focus

Read the examples and complete the rule.

If more children cycled to school, it would be good for the environment.
If streets were safer, children could cycle to school.
If students were allowed to make their own way to school, they would become more independent.

We form ‘Type 2’ conditional with:
If + ……………, ………………… / ………………+ infinitive


We use ‘Type 2’ conditional to talk about a. an imaginary situation in the present or future.
b. an imaginary situation in the past.

Look at the sentences. Is there a
difference in meaning?

  • If I were you, I’d cycle to school.
  • I think you should cycle to school.
Grammar Reference, p. 174
We use ‘If I were you…,
I would…’ to give
4.2 Which type do we use to talk about: a. something that is always true ……  
    b. a possible future situation …… Grammar Reference, p. 173-174

img People would walk or cycle if…

What things would have to change in your town to make cycling
easy and safe for everyone?
img Game
Get into pairs. One of you writes out the if-clause of a ‘Type 2’ conditional on a piece of paper and the
other one writes the main clause of a ‘Type 2’ conditional on another piece of paper. Don’t show each
other what you have written. Then combine your clauses to make sentences and read them aloud in
class. Do any of them make sense?

img Cycling around img

Hey there! We’re the students of class B2 in a school in Berlin and we’re doing a project on the use of
bicycles around the world! We need your help! We’re looking for cities where people use bicycles a lot.
So far, we’ve talked to people in Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Paris. We wonder if you could help us with
info about your country. Anything you find would be helpful!

Here are some questions that may help you:
- How many people use bicycles in this city?
- Why do people use bicycles in this city?
- Do more men or women cycle?
- What age groups use bicycles most?
- Do the cyclists face any problems?
- What are their suggestions for the better use of bicycles?

E-mail us as soon as you can! Thanks a lot.


The students of class B2




You have come across a survey concerning the

use of bicycles in the city of Karditsa. Read the

survey carefully. Use the information to write an e-

mail to the German students answering their

