Αγγλικά Προχωρημένοι - Βιβλίο Μαθητή (εμπλουτισμένο)
LESSON 7 • GET ON BOARD! LESSON 9 • ... LET THE GAMES BEGIN! Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα του μαθήματος
Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Εκπαιδευτικό Παιχνίδι Γλωσσάριο-Lesson 8
Lesson 8
img The time of your life!
1.1 What activities can you see in the pictures?
Which ones would you like to do?
1.2 What do you and your friends do for fun in your free time?

1.3 George and Alex are going to visit Thorpe Park, a theme park in
England. Listen to the conversation between them and help George
finish his list by ticking the things he wants to remember.

1. sunscreen
2. sunglasses
3. sandwiches  
4. bottles of water  
5. a camera  
6. extra clothes  
7. allergy medicine  
8. extra change for rides  
1.4 Listen again. Which two attractions are George
and Alex going to visit?
a. ......................................................................
b. ......................................................................
This text will be replaced

img Where the magic never ends...
2.1 Read the leaflet and make a list of the rides and attractions offered at Thorpe Park.


2.2 Which of the rides in Thorpe Park do you find most exciting?
2.3 Tick whether the following statements are True (T), False (F)
or Not Mentioned (NM) in the text.

1. You will get wet on some of the rides.
2. There is a firework display twice a year.
3. You are not allowed to touch the animals on the farm.
4. The tropical playground is not for adolescents.
5. You can visit the park on Christmas Day.
6. You can buy food and souvenirs in the park.
7. There are facilities for the disabled.
8. You must pay for every ride separately.
img Language focus
3.1 Look at the examples below and match them
with their use.
  1. What are you going to do next weekend?
    Have you planned anything?
  2. Look at him! He’s going to fall into the water.
We use ‘be going to’ + infinitive to talk about:
  1. plans or intentions
  2. predictions based on what you can see
    happening now
We use Simple Future (will + infinitive) to talk about:
  1. offers
  2. decisions we take at the time of speaking
  3. warnings
  4. predictions based on what we think will happen
  1. I think they will have a great time in
    the park.
  2. Great! I’ll come with you.
  3. Don’t worry. I’ll help you with the
  4. Hurry up or we’ll miss the show.

3.2 Look at the sentences below. Can you explain why these future forms are used?
3.2 Read the examples and complete the rules.
  • Park Astérix opens at 9 am and closes at 8 pm.
  • Do you have classes next Saturday?

We use Simple Present to talk about future events that

are part of a .................................. or programme.

We use ........................... to talk about the future with time
words such as: when, before, after, until, as soon as. Can
you add more time words to this list?
  • When you see it, you will believe it.
  • I’ll wait until you finish.
We use ............................................. to talk about
future arrangements.
Grammar Reference, pp.170-171
img A summer camp
You are going to a Fun and Fitness Camp
this summer. Read the information leaflet
and tell your Australian friend, Tom, what
you intend to do there and what you hope
to gain from this experience.

e.g. I’m going to join the volleyball team.
I think this will help me keep fit.
Θερινές διακοπές για παιδιά
στο Αθλητικό CAMP του δήμου μας
Ο Δήμος μας υλοποιεί κάθε καλοκαίρι ένα ειδικό πρόγραμμα για τα παιδιά της
πόλης. Το Αθλητικό CAMP απευθύνεται σε παιδιά ηλικίας από 6 έως 14 ετών
και περιλαμβάνει πλήθος αθλητικών και πολιτιστικών δραστηριοτήτων, με σκοπό
τη δημιουργική αξιοποίηση του χρόνου τους. Το πρόγραμμα δίνει στα παιδιά τη
δυνατότητα να αναπτύξουν την κοινωνικότητα τους, να καλλιεργήσουν την αθλη-
τική και πολιτιστική τους συνείδηση, να ψυχαγωγηθούν και να βελτιώσουν την
φυσική τους κατάσταση.

Το πρόγραμμα περιλαμβάνει κολύμβηση, ενόργανη γυμναστική, τένις, ποδό-
σφαιρο, μπάσκετ, βόλεϊ, στίβο αλλά και μουσική, θεατρική αγωγή, ζωγραφική και
εκμάθηση ξένης γλώσσας, ενώ η διεξαγωγή όλων των δραστηριοτήτων γίνεται
σε κατάλληλες και ασφαλείς εγκαταστάσεις, ή και σε ειδικά διαμορφωμένους χώ-
ρους της πόλης.


img Writing a personal letter
5.1 Read Emma’s letter and answer the questions.
Compare your answers with your partner’s.
1. What is the purpose of this letter?
2. How does Emma begin and finish the letter?
3. What does she talk about in each paragraph?
4. Is this letter formal or informal? What helped you

Write a letter answering Emma’s questions.

Think about the following:

  • What information are you going to include in each
    paragraph? Make notes.
  • Have you answered all your friend’s questions?
  • Can you add any more information? You can write about interesting places to visit, food, entertainment, etc.
  • Should you use adjectives such as great, exciting, wonderful, etc., to create positive feelings?
  • Which set phrases are you going to use for the greeting and the ending of the letter?
5.3 Check your letter for grammar and spelling mistakes.
December 15th

Dear Myrto,

I’m writing to let you know that I’ve arranged times and
tickets, and I’m coming to Greece on January 3rd. My
plane arrives at the airport at 10am.

I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see the sights and spend
some time with you and your family. So, what are your
plans for those ten days? What are we going to do? I
hope we can visit some ancient monuments, but most of
all, I want to make time to see the skiing competition you
told me about. I would also like to know if we’ll have
time to go shopping. I want to buy some souvenirs for
my friends!

By the way, what’s the weather like? What clothes should
I bring? Write soon to let me know about your plans.
That’s all for now. Thanks again for inviting me. Look
forward to seeing you.

Lots of kisses!!!


P.S. Can you come and pick me up from the airport?

  1. Use an appropriate greeting and
  2. Say why you are writing in the opening
  3. Give your friend all the information he/she
    needs. Make sure you answer all his/her
  4. Finish the letter with set phrases like: look
    forward to seeing you, see you soon, keep in
    touch, write soon, etc.
  5. Use a P.S. if you want to state something
    you have forgotten or if you want to
    emphasise something.